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Question Number 57688 by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

  Solve for  n:        Σ_i ^(n − 1)     ^n C_i  2^i   =  65,            n ∈ Z^+ .    where  zero is     included


Commented by last updated on 10/Apr/19

question  not clear ..  Σ_(i=0) ^(n−1) C_i ^n 2^i ←is it the question


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Yes sir.


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 10/Apr/19

first we have Σ_(i=0) ^(n−1)  C_n ^i  2^i  =Σ_(i=0) ^n  C_n ^i  2^i  −C_n ^n  2^n   =3^n  −2^n  (we suppose that the sum begins from 0)  ⇒(e) ⇒3^n  −2^n  =65  ⇒ n=4 .


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

God bless you sirs,  is there anyway to find n from  3^n  − 2^n   =  65


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Sir, please i need the rules of summation,  expecially the sum  that has  something like    Σ_(i = 0) ^(n − 1)    how to split them


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Because have been trying to understand how to get     3^n  − 2^n   =  65.  I did not understand yet.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Sorry for disturbing sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

or textbook i can learn it.


Commented by last updated on 10/Apr/19

S=C_0 ^n 2^0 +C_1 ^n 2^1 +C_2 ^n 2^2 +....+C_(n−1) ^n 2^(n−1)   now look here  (x+2)^n =C_0 ^n x^(n−0) 2^0 +C_1 ^n x^(n−1) 2^1 +C_2 ^n x^(n−2) 2^2 +...+C_(n−1) ^n x^1 2^(n−1) +C_n ^n x^(n−n) 2^n   now put x=1 both side  3^n =[C_0 ^n 2^0 +C_1 ^n 2^1 +...+C_(n−1) ^n 2^(n−1) ]+C_n ^n 2^n ←look here  3^n =S+C_n ^n 2^n   now C_n ^n =((n!)/(n!(n−n)!))=1  so  3^n =S+2^n ×1  S=3^n −2^n   so Σ_(i=0) ^(n−1) C_i ^n_  2^i =S=3^n −2^n   3^n −2^n =65  by lnspection  3^n −2^n =81−16  3^n −2^n =3^4 −2^4  →n=4


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Ohh, I appreciate your time and effort sir.  God bless you sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

I really appreciate sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

And i understand very well


Answered by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

assumed you mean  Σ_(i=0) ^(n − 1)     ^n C_i  2^i   =  65   LHS=(1+2)^n −2^n   (1+2)^n −2^n =65  3^n −2^n =65  ⇒n=4


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

How is left hand side =  (1 + 2)^n  − 2^n    sir  ??


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

(1+2)^n =Σ_(i=0) ^n C_i ^n 2^i =Σ_(i=0) ^(n−1) C_i ^n 2^i +2^n =LHS+2^n


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

God bless you sir. any step to get n = 4 ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

try and see...


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Trier and error ?


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

I found a method i used to get  n = 4,  from      3^n  − 2^n   =  65.  I used algebra  representation.  But am still finding it difficult to understand.  how to get    3^n  − 2^n   =  65     from the relation.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Maybe i need sigma notation rules. How to apply


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

 3^n  − 2^n   =  65      [3^((n/2)) ]^2  − [2^((n/2)) ]^2   =  65  3^(n/2)   =  m   and     2^(n/2)  = y        m^2  − y^2   =  65         (m + y)(m − y)  =  13 × 5          m + y  = 13          m − y  =  5  m  =  9,  y = 4     3^(n/2)   =  3^2      and      2^(n/2)   =  2^2         n = 4   twice.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

But am still comfused on how to get   3^n  − 2^n   from the sum


Commented by MJS last updated on 10/Apr/19

this isn′t a method, it works here just by chance  3^n −2^n =91  (3^(n/2) )^2 −(2^(n/2) )^2 =91  (3^(n/2) −2^(n/2) )(3^(n/2) +2^(n/2) )=7×13  3^(n/2) −2^(n/2) =7  3^(n/2) +2^(n/2) =13  ⇒ 3^(n/2) =10 ∧ 2^(n/2) =3  ⇒ n=((2ln 10)/(ln 3)) ∧ n=((2ln 3)/(ln 2))  while in this case n≈4.28235


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Thank you sir.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

If i really understand the spliting to  3^n  − 2^n . it will help.   Am sorry for disturbance sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

I don′t want to cram


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

for how to solve equations like  3^n −2^n =65  there is only one way: that′s try and error.  since n≥1, you try with n=1,  3^1 −2^1 =1<65⇒not good, then try with n=2,  3^2 −2^2 =5<65⇒not good, then try with n=3,  3^3 −2^3 =19<65⇒not good, then try with n=4,  3^4 −2^4 =65=65⇒good, you got it!  to be sure you try with n=5,  3^5 −2^5 =211>65⇒not good, no other solution.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Ohh, God bless you sir.  I appreciate your time sir.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

When you are chance sir,  i need the general term of  Σ_(i = 0) ^(n − 1)   ...


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

what′s your problem?  (1) you don′t understand how to get  3^n −2^n =65 from Σ_(i=0) ^(n − 1)     ^n C_i  2^i   =  65.  (2) you don′t understand how to get   n=4 from 3^n −2^n =65.


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

(1) is my problem sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

i can only give you examples, try to find  the rules by yourself:  a_1 +a_2 +a_3 +...+a_n =Σ_(i=1) ^n a_i   a_1 +a_2 +a_3 +...+a_n =a_1 +Σ_(i=2) ^n a_i   a_1 +a_2 +a_3 +...+a_(n−1) +a_n =Σ_(i=1) ^(n−1) a_i +a_n   a_1 +a_2 +a_3 +...+a_(n−2) +a_(n−1) +a_n =Σ_(i=2) ^(n−2) a_i +a_1 +a_(n−1) +a_n


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19

3^n =(1+2)^n =Σ_(k=0) ^n C_k ^( n) 2^k =Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1) C_k ^( n) 2^k +C_n ^( n) 2^n   is this clear for you?


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Apr/19

Yes sir, very clear sir. I realy appreciate your time sir. God bless you sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Apr/19


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