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Question Number 57909 by mr W last updated on 14/Apr/19

n men and n women should be arranged  alternately in a row, how many ways  can this be done? if the same should  be done on a table, how many ways then?


Answered by last updated on 14/Apr/19

trying to understand...  n men can be arranged in n! ways  now when n men seated ...seats available for   women are (n−1)+2←[this 2 seat extreme left and extreme right seat]  =n+1 seats  so women can be arrsnged  n+1_P_n    so answer is   n!×(n+1_p_n  )  =n!×(((n+1)!)/((n+1−n)!))  =n!×(n+1)!  Round table...  in round table at first one man seat to fixed  so n men canbe seated=(n−1)! ways  next n women can be seated in available n seat  n_p_n  =((n!)/((n−n)!))=n!  so answer is (n−1)!×n!


Commented by mr W last updated on 14/Apr/19

please check sir:  part 1:  n+1 seats for women, that′s correct.  but not all possibilities to occupy  these seats are allowed, e.g.  WMWMWMWM...MMWMW  because men and women must sit  alternately.


Commented by last updated on 14/Apr/19

thank you sir...for rectification


Answered by mr W last updated on 14/Apr/19

in a row:  to arrange n men there are n! ways.  to arrange n women:  either WMWMWM...WMWMWM ⇒n! ways  or MWMWMW...MWMWMW ⇒n! ways  totally 2n!n!=2(n!)^2  ways    on a table:  to arrange n men there are (n−1)! ways.  to arrange n women there are n! ways.  totally n!(n−1)!


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