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Question Number 57923 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 14/Apr/19

decompose the fraction F(x) =(x^n /(x^(2n) −1)) inside C(x) and R(x)


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 28/Apr/19

roots of z^(2n) −1 =0      let z =re^(iθ)    so z^(2n) =1 ⇒r^n =1 and2 nθ =2kπ  ⇒  θ_k =((kπ)/n)  ⇒ the roots areZ_k =e^((ik)/n)    and k∈[[0,2n−1]]  ⇒  F(x) =(x^n /(Π_(k=0) ^(2n−1) (x−Z_k ))) =Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1)    (λ_k /(x−Z_k ))    and  λ_k =(Z_k ^n /(2n Z_k ^(2n−1) )) =(1/(2n)) Z_k ^(n+1)  ⇒  F(x) =(1/(2n))Σ_(k=0) ^(2n−1)     (Z_k ^(n+1) /(x−Z_k ))   is the decomposition inside C(x) .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 28/Apr/19

we have Z_k =e^((ikπ)/n)    with  k∈[[0,2n−1]]  Z_0 =1  ,  Z_1 =e^((iπ)/n)   , Z_(2 ) = e^((i2π)/n)   ,   Z_(n−1) =e^(i(((n−1)π)/n))   ,Z_n =−1  ,Z_(n+1)  =e^(i(((n+1)π)/n))  ,  ....Z_(2n−1) =e^(i(((2n−1)π)/n))  ⇒Z_(2n−1) =Z_1 ^−   ,Z_(2n−2) =Z_2 ^−  .... ⇒  F(x) =(1/(2n)) {  (1/(Z−1))  +(((−1)^(n+1) )/(x+1)) +Σ_(k=1) ^(n−1)    ( (Z_k ^(n+1) /(x−Z_k )) +(((Z_k ^− )^(n+1) )/(x−Z_k ^− )))} ⇒  F(x)= (1/(2n(x−1))) +(((−1)^(n+1) )/(2n(x+1))) +(1/(2n)) +Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)   ((Z_k ^(n+1) (x−Z_k ^− )+(x−Z_k )(Z_k ^− )^(n+1) )/(x^2 −2xRe(Z_k )+1))  F(x) =(1/(2n(x−1))) +(((−1)^(n+1) )/(2n(x+1))) +Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)    (((Z_k ^(n+1) +(Z_k ^− )^(n+1) )x −Z_k ^(n+1)  Z_k ^−  −Z_k (Z_k ^− )^(n+1) )/(x^2  −2cos(((kπ)/n))x +1)) is the decomposition inside R(x)   with  Z_k ^(n+1)  +(Z_k ^− )^(n+1)  = 2 Re(Z_k ^(n+1) ) =2cos(k(((n+1)π)/n))  −Z_k ^(n+1)  Z_k ^−  −Z_k (Z_k ^− )^(n+1)  =−( Z_k ^n  +(Z_k ^− )^n ) =−2cos(kπ) =−2(−1)^k  .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 29/Apr/19

F(x) =(1/(2n(x−1))) +(((−1)^(n+1) )/(2n(x+1))) +(1/n) Σ_(k=1) ^(n−1)   ((cos(k((n+1)/n)π)x −(−1)^k )/(x^2  −2cos(((kπ)/n))x +1))  .


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