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Question Number 58132 by ajfour last updated on 18/Apr/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/Apr/19

Find coordinates of P and Q, in terms  of a,b,c, and R.


Answered by tanmay last updated on 18/Apr/19

  parabola y=αx^2 +βx+γ  0=αa^2 +βa+γ  0=αb^2 +β(−b)+γ  −c=α×0^2 +β×0^2 +γ    [ γ=−c]  y=αx^2 +βx−c  αa^2 +βa=αb^2 −βb  α(a+b)(a−b)+β(a+b)=0  α(a−b)+β=0  β=α(b−a)  0=αa^2 +βa+γ  0=αa^2 +αa(b−a)−c  c=α(a^2 +ab−a^2 )  α=(c/(ab))   β=(c/(ab))(b−a)  parabola eqn  y=((c/(ab)))x^2 +(c/(ab))(b−a)x−c←chek it  again  R+c=a+b  radius ofcircle=a+b−c  eqn of circle x^2 +y^2 =(a+b−c)^2 ←check it  pls check eqn of circle and parabola...  if correct...then to solve to find P and Q


Commented by 121194 last updated on 18/Apr/19

x^2 +y^2 =R^2 (no relation)


Commented by tanmay last updated on 18/Apr/19

let radius of cirle be l  eqn x^2 +y^2 =l^2   from figure R(0,l)  so l+c=a+b  l=a+b−c  hence circle is x^2 +y^2 =(a+b−c)^2


Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/Apr/19

never mind Sir, it would of course  land on solving a general biquadratric,  i understand..have gotten bit busy  these days, shall post a good question  soon.


Answered by mr W last updated on 18/Apr/19

eqn. of parabola:  y=α(x−((a+b)/2))^2 +β  0=α(a−((a+b)/2))^2 +β  ⇒0=α(((a−b)/2))^2 +β   ..(i)  c=α(0−((a+b)/2))^2 +β  ⇒c=α(((a+b)/2))^2 +β   ..(ii)  (ii)−(i):  αab=c  ⇒α=(c/(ab))  ⇒β=−((c(a−b)^2 )/(4ab))  let P,Q=(u,v)  v=α(u−((a+b)/2))^2 +β    ...(iv)  u^2 +v^2 =R^2   u^2 +[α(u−((a+b)/2))^2 +β]^2 =R^2   ⇒u^2 +[(c/(ab))(u−((a+b)/2))^2 −((c(a−b)^2 )/(4ab))]^2 =R^2   ⇒u^2 +((c/(ab)))^2 (u−a)^2 (u−b)^2 =R^2    ...(iii)  from (iii) u=f(a,b,c,R)=.......  (iii) may have no solution, one solution,  two, three or four solutions.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 20/Apr/19

thanks sir, but i think we can arrive  at the final eq. even in the following  manner:    y=A(x−a)(x−b)  & since   −c=Aab  ⇒  A=−(c/(ab))  so   y=−(c/(ab))(x−a)(x−b)  and circle eq. is   x^2 +y^2 =R^2   hence         for x coordinates of intersection  points          x^2 +((c/(ab)))^2 (x−a)^2 (x−b)^2 =R^2   .


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Apr/19

very smart sir!


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