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Question Number 58478 by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Apr/19

{1}   ∫((x^2 −2)/(x^4 +8x^2 +4)) dx = ?  {2}  Shortest distance between the  parabolas y^2 =4x and y^2 =2x−6 is ?


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 24/Apr/19

let A =∫  ((x^2 −2)/(x^4  +8x^2  +4)) dx   roots of  x^4  +8x^2  +4 =0 ⇒t^2  +8t +4 =0  with t=x^2   Δ^′ =4^2 −4 =12 ⇒t_1 =−4+2(√3) and t_2 =−4−2(√3) ⇒  ((x^2 −2)/(x^4  +8x^2  +4)) =((t−2)/((t−t_1 )(t−t_2 ))) =F(t) =(a/(t−t_1 )) +(b/(t−t_2 ))  a =lim_(t→t_1 )   (t−t_1 )F(t) =((t_1 −2)/(t_1 −t_2 )) =((−6+2(√3))/(4(√3))) =((−3+(√3))/(2(√3))) =((−(√3)+1)/2)  b =lim_(t→t_2 )    (t−t_2 )F(t) =((t_2 −2)/(t_2 −t_1 )) =((−6−2(√3))/(−4(√3))) =((3+(√3))/(2(√3))) =(((√3) +1)/2) ⇒  A =((1−(√3))/2)∫  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )) +((1+(√3))/2) ∫  (dx/(x^2 −t_2 ))  but  ∫  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )) =∫  (dx/(x^2 +4−2(√3))) dx  =∫   (dx/(x^2  +(1−(√3))^2 )) =_(x=(1−(√3))u)     ∫  (((1−(√3))du)/((1−(√3))^2 (1+u^2 )))  =(1/(1−(√3))) arctan(u) +c_1   =(1/(1−(√3))) arctan((x/((1−(√3))))) also  ∫  (dx/(x^2 −t_2 )) = ∫  (dx/(x^2 +4+2(√3))) = ∫ (dx/(x^2  +(1+(√3))^2 )) =(1/(1+(√3))) arctan((x/(1+(√3)))) +c_2  ⇒  A =(1/2) arctan((x/(1−(√3)))) +(1/2) arctan((x/(1+(√3)))) +C .


Answered by Prithwish sen last updated on 23/Apr/19

∫((x^2 −2)/(x^4 +8x^2 +4))dx  =∫(((1−(2/x^2 )))/(x^2 +(4/x^2 )+8))dx  =∫((d(x+(2/x)))/((x+(2/x))^2 +4))  =(1/2)tan^(−1) ∣((x^2 +2)/(2x))∣+C


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 24/Apr/19

thank u sir.


Answered by mr W last updated on 23/Apr/19

(2)  from point ((h^2 /4),h) to point (((k^2 +6)/2),k):  D=d^2 =((h^2 /4)−((k^2 +6)/2))^2 +(h−k)^2   (∂D/∂h)=2((h^2 /4)−((k^2 +6)/2))((2h)/4)+2(h−k)=0  ⇒((h^2 /4)−((k^2 +6)/2))(h/2)+(h−k)=0   ...(i)  (∂D/∂k)=−2((h^2 /4)−((k^2 +6)/2))((2k)/2)−2(h−k)=0  ⇒((h^2 /4)−((k^2 +6)/2))k+(h−k)=0   ...(ii)  from (i) and (ii):  ⇒k=(h/2)  ⇒(h^2 /8)=2  ⇒h=±4⇒point (4,±4)  ⇒k=±2⇒point (5,±2)  min. d=(√D_(min) )=(√((5−4)^2 +(2−4)^2 ))=(√5)


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 24/Apr/19

thank U sir.


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