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Question Number 58529 by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Apr/19

Solve for x and y             (1/x) + (1/y) = 4       ....... (i)              (x^2 /y) + (y^2 /x)  =  9      ....... (ii)


Commented by MJS last updated on 24/Apr/19

it leads to an exactly solveable polynome  of 4^(th)  degree. I will show later


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Apr/19

Waiting sir. God bless you


Commented by last updated on 25/Apr/19

x+y=4xy  x^3 +y^3 =9xy⇒[x+y=p,xy=q]⇒p^3 −3pq=9q  ⇒ { ((p=4q)),((p^3 −3pq=9q⇒(4q)^3 −3(4q)q=9q)) :}  ⇒64q^3 −12q^2 −9q=0⇒q(64q^2 −12q−9)=0  ⇒1)q=0⇒(x=0∨y=0,not ok for original  question)  ⇒2) 64q^2 −12q−9=0⇒q=((6±(√(36+9×64)))/(64))  ⇒[q=xy=3×((1±(√(17)))/(32))⇒p=x+y=3×((1±(√(17)))/8)]  z^2 −(3/8)(1±(√(17)))z+(3/(32))(1±(√(17)))=0  z_(1,2) =(3/(16))[(1+(√(17)))±(√((1+(√(17)))^2 −(1+(√(17)))))]  =(3/(16))[(1+(√(17)))±(√(17+(√(17))))]  z_(3,4) =(3/(16))[(1−(√(17)))±(√((1−(√(17)))^2 −(1−(√(17)))))]  =(3/(16))[(1−(√(17)))±(√(17−(√(17))))]  z_(5,6) =(3/(16))[(1+(√(17)))±(√((1+(√(17)))^2 −(1−(√(17)))))]  =(3/(16))[(1+(√(17)))±(√(17+3(√(17))))]  z_(7,8) =(3/(16))[(1−(√(17)))±(√((1−(√(17)))^2 −(1+(√(17)))))]  =(3/(16))[(1−(√(17)))±(√(17−3(√(17))))]


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 25/Apr/19

God bless you sir


Answered by MJS last updated on 25/Apr/19

(i) ⇒ y=(x/(4x−1)) ⇒  ⇒ (ii) x^4 −(3/4)x^3 −((33)/(16))x^2 +(9/8)x−(9/(64))=0  put x_(1, 2) =α±(√β); x_(3, 4) =γ±(√δ)  (x−x_1 )(x−x_2 )(x−x_3 )(x−x_4 )=0  x^4 −2(α+γ)x^3 +(α^2 +4αγ−β+γ^2 +δ)x^2 −2(αγ(α+γ)+αδ−βγ)x+(α^2 −β)(γ^2 +δ)=0  now compare factors:  (1)  −2(α+γ)=−(3/4)  (2)  α^2 +4αγ−β+γ^2 +δ=−((33)/(16))  (3)  −2(αγ(α+γ)+αδ−βγ)=(9/8)  (4)  (α^2 −β)(γ^2 +δ)=−(9/(64))  now solve (1) for α, (2) for β, (3) for γ  α=(3/8)−γ  β=−2γ^2 +(3/4)γ+δ+((141)/(64))  δ=((32γ^3 −18γ^2 −33γ+9)/(2(16γ−3)))  ⇒ (4)  γ^6 −(9/8)γ^5 −((39)/(64))γ^4 +((369)/(512))γ^3 +((423)/(4096))γ^2 −((3051)/(32768))γ+((567)/(65536))=0  γ=r+(3/(16))  r^6 −((291)/(256))r^4 +((21267)/(65536))r^2 −((23409)/(16777216))=0  r=(√s)  s^3 −((291)/(256))s^2 +((21267)/(65536))s−((23409)/(16777216))=0  s=t+((97)/(256))  t^3 −((435)/(4096))t+((1673)/(131072))=0  trying factors of ((1673)/(131072)) ⇒ t_1 =(7/(32))  (we don′t need t_(2, 3) =−(7/(64))±((12(√2))/(64)))  t=(7/(32)) ⇒ s=((153)/(256)) ⇒ r=((3(√(17)))/(16)) ⇒ γ=(3/(16))+((3(√(17)))/(16))  now  α=(3/(16))−((3(√(17)))/(16))  β=((69)/(128))+((3(√(17)))/(128))  γ=(3/(16))+((3(√(17)))/(16))  δ=−((69)/(128))+((3(√(17)))/(16))  ⇒  x_1 =(3/(16))−((3(√(17)))/(16))−((√(6(23+(√(17)))))/(16))  x_2 =(3/(16))−((3(√(17)))/(16))+((√(6(23+(√(17)))))/(16))  x_(3, 4) ∉R  y_1 =x_2   y_2 =x_1


Commented by MJS last updated on 25/Apr/19

I prepared these formulas, the rest is just  putting in the constants  x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d=0  (x−α−(√β))(x−α+(√β))(x−γ−(√δ))(x−γ+(√δ))=0  (1)  −2(α+γ)=a  (2)  α^2 +4αγ−β+γ^2 −δ=b  (3)  −2(αγ(α+γ)−αδ−βγ)=c  (4)  (α^2 −β)(γ^2 −δ)=d  ⇒  (1)  α=−γ−(a/2)  (2)  β=−2γ^2 −aγ−δ+(a^2 /4)−b  (3)  δ=−γ^2 −(a/2)γ+(((a^2 −4b)γ−2c)/(2(4γ+a)))  ⇒ β=−γ^2 −(a/2)γ+((2(a^2 −4b)γ+a^3 −4ab+4c)/(4(4γ+a)))  (4)  γ^6 +((3a)/2)γ^5 +((3a^2 +2b)/4)γ^4 +((a(a^2 +4b))/8)γ^3 +((2a^2 b+ac+b^2 −4d)/(16))γ^2 +((a(ac+b^2 −4d))/(32))γ−((a^2 d−abc+c^2 )/(64))=0  γ=r−(a/4)  r^6 −((3a^2 −8b)/(16))r^4 +((3a^4 −16(a^2 b−ac−b^2 +4d))/(256))r^2 −(((a^3 −4ab+8c)^2 )/(4096))=0  r=(√s)  s^3 −((3a^2 −8b)/(16))s^2 +((3a^4 −16(a^2 b−ac−b^2 +4d))/(256))s−(((a^3 −4ab+8c)^2 )/(4096))=0  s=t+((3a^2 −8b)/(48))  t^3 +((3ac−b^2 −12d)/(48))t−((2b^3 +9(3a^2 d−abc−8bd+3c^2 ))/(1728))=0  p=((3ac−b^2 −12d)/(48))  q=−((2b^3 +9(3a^2 d−abc−8bd+3c^2 ))/(1728))  now we have to  1. try factors of q ⇒ solved  2. calculate  D=(p^3 /(27))+(q^2 /4) and decide which method to use  D<0 ⇒ trigonometric solution  D≥0 ⇒ Cardano′s solution  in most cases we won′t get useable solutions  but we always get exact solutions  γ=(√(t+((3a^2 −8b)/(48))))−(a/4)  if t isn′t a “nice” number we cannot handle  α, β, γ, δ nor x= { ((α±(√β))),((γ±(√δ))) :}


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Apr/19

God bless you sir, i appreciate your time sir


Commented by tanmay last updated on 25/Apr/19

without using calculator how to solve this problem?  is it feasible to caculate such big number  65536,16777216,33768 etc to calculate by simple  +,−,×,/ etc


Commented by tanmay last updated on 25/Apr/19

ok sir


Answered by tanmay last updated on 24/Apr/19

x+y=4xy  x^3 +y^3 =9xy  (x+y)^3 −3xy(x+y)=9xy  64x^3 y^3 −12x^2 y^2 −9xy=0  xy≠0  64x^2 y^2 −12xy−9=0  xy=((12±(√(144+64×36)))/(2×64))=a    x+y=4a  xy=a  x(4a−x)=a  −x^2 +4ax−a=0  x^2 −4ax+a=0  x=((4a±(√(16a^2 −4a)))/2)  y=4a−(((4a±(√(16a^2 −4a)))/2))  pls calculate value of a ...i have apathy to caculate


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Apr/19

God bless you sir


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/Apr/19

(i)⇒((x+y)/(xy))=4 .......(iii)  (ii)⇒((x^3 +y^3 )/(xy))=9 ......(iv)  (iv)÷(iii):((x^3 +y^3 )/(x+y))=(9/4)                     x^2 +y^2 −xy=(9/4)                    (x+y)^2 −3xy=(9/4)  From (iii) xy=((x+y)/4)  So              (x+y)^2 −3(((x+y)/4))−(9/4)=0                  4(x+y)^2 −3(x+y)−9=0                     x+y=((3±(√(9−4(4)(−9))))/(2(4)))                               =((3±3(√(17)))/8)  Continue


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Apr/19

God bless you sir


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