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Question Number 58700 by naka3546 last updated on 28/Apr/19

a, b, c  ∈  R^+   Find  triple  of  positive  real  numbers (a, b, c)  that  satisfy             a⌊b⌋  =  5             b⌊c⌋  =  5             c⌊a⌋  =  12


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 28/Apr/19

In  a⌊b⌋=5 ,  ⌊b⌋ is an integer  Hence   a is also an integer  real×integer=integer⇒real=integer.  So a,b,c ∈ Z     ⌊a⌋=a ,⌊b⌋=b , ⌊c⌋=c        ab=5        bc=5       ca=12     a^2 b^2 c^2 =5×5×12=300=10(√3) ????  But,   a,b,c∈Z⇒a^2 ,b^2 ,c^2  ∈Z⇒a^2 b^2 c^2  ∈ Z  This contradiction leads that there  aren′t any such a,b,c.


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Apr/19

dear sir, a×⌊b⌋=integer doesn′t mean  that a is integer. it means only that  a is rational. e.g. a=(5/3), b=(7/2), ⌊b⌋=3,  ⇒a×⌊b⌋=5.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 28/Apr/19

Sorry for deffective logic!   You′re very right sir! Thank you  to correct me.Actually I′m here to learn  from you!


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Apr/19

You′re welcome sir. In fact I have  learnt and still learn alot from you sir.  Many posts of you have become classic  of the forum. It′s a pleasure to study  them.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 29/Apr/19

THαnks to enhearten me in such an  exciting way sir!!!


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