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Question Number 59295 by pooja24 last updated on 07/May/19

Let A be3×3 matrix with eigen values  1,−1,0. Then determinant of I+A^(100 ) =??


Answered by alex041103 last updated on 10/May/19

basically  A=PDP^(−1)   where D is a diagonal matrix  ⇒A^(100) =PD^(100) P^(−1)   also I=PIP^(−1)   ⇒M=I+A^(100) =P(I+D^(100) )P^(−1)   Then det(M)=det(P)det(I+D^(100) )det(P^(−1) )=  =[det(P)det(P^(−1) )]det(I+D^(100) )=  =det(PP^(−1) )det(I+D^(100) )=  =det(I)det(I+D^(100) )=  =det(I+D^(100) )=det(M)  We define P as the matrix which gets   us from the normal system of coordinates to the  system of the coordinates which uses  the eigen vectors as basis vectors. Then  D is a diagonal matrix with the eigen  values in it.  ⇒D= [(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,(−1)) ]  ⇒D^(100) = [(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) ]  ⇒det(M)= determinant ((1,0,0),(0,2,0),(0,0,2))=4  ⇒det(I+A^(100) )=4


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