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Question Number 59631 by Mr X pcx last updated on 12/May/19

1) calculate ∫_0 ^(2π)    (dx/(acosx +bsinx))  with a , b reals  2)find also ∫_0 ^(2π)   ((cosx dx)/((acosx +bsinx)^2 ))  and  ∫_0 ^(2π)   ((sinx dx)/((acosx +bsinx)^2 ))  3) find the value of ∫_0 ^(2π)    (dx/(2cosx +(√3)sinx))


Commented by Mr X pcx last updated on 12/May/19

4) find the value of ∫_0 ^(2π)    ((cosx dx)/((3cosx +(√3)sinx)^2 ))


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 15/May/19

we have I =∫_0 ^π    (dx/(acosx +bsinx)) +∫_π ^(2π)   (dx/(acosx +bsinx)) =H +K  H =_(tan((x/2))=t)       ∫_0 ^∞      (1/(a((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )) +b((2t)/(1+t^2 )))) ((2dt)/(1+t^2 )) = ∫_0 ^∞   ((2dt)/(a−at^2  +2bt))  =∫_0 ^∞   ((−2dt)/(at^2  −2bt −a))   roots of  at^2 −2bt −a =0  Δ^′  =b^2  +a^2 >0   for a ≠0  ⇒t_1 =((b+(√(a^2  +b^2 )))/a)  t_2 =((b−(√(a^2  +b^2 )))/a) ⇒H =∫_0 ^∞   ((−2)/(a(t−t_1 )(t−t_2 ))) dt =((−2)/(a(t_1 −t_2 )))∫_0 ^∞  ((1/(t−t_1 )) −(1/(t−t_2 )))dt  =((−2)/((2a(√(a^2  +b^2 )))/a)) [ln∣((t−t_1 )/(t−t_2 ))∣]_0 ^(+∞)  =((−1)/(√(a^2  +b^2 )))(−ln∣(t_1 /t_2 )∣) =(1/(√(a^2  +b^2 ))) ln∣((b+(√(a^2 +b^2 )))/(b−(√(a^2  +b^2 ))))∣  ⇒H =(1/(√(a^2  +b^2 )))ln((((√(a^2  +b^2 )) +b)/((√(a^2  +b^2 )) −b)))  K =_(x =t +π)    ∫_0 ^π     (dt/(−a cost −bsint)) =−(1/(√(a^2  +b^2 ))) ln((((√(a^2  +b^2 )) +b)/((√(a^2  +b^2 ))−b))) ⇒  I =0


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 15/May/19

2) let f(a) =∫_0 ^(2π)    (dx/(acosx +bsinx)) ⇒f^′ (a) =− ∫_0 ^(2π)   ((cosx)/((acosx +bsinx)^2 ))dx  but f(a)=0 ⇒f^′ (a)=0 ⇒∫_0 ^(2π)   ((cosx)/((acosx +bsinx)^2 ))dx =0 also we have  ∫_0 ^(2π)   ((sinx)/((acosx +bsinx)^2 ))dx=0  3)∫_0 ^(2π)    (dx/(2cosx +(√3)sinx)) =0 .


Answered by tanmay last updated on 12/May/19

∫(dx/(acosx+bsinx))  ∫(dx/(rsinαcosx+rcosαsinx))  (1/r)∫(dx/(sin(α+x)))  (1/r)∫cosec(x+α)dx  (1/r)×lntan(((x+α)/2))+c  (1/((√(a^2 +b^2 )) ))lntan(((x+tan^(−1) ((a/b)))/2))+c  now proceed


Answered by tanmay last updated on 13/May/19

2)∫((cosx)/((acosx+bsinx)^2 ))  cosx=A(acosx+bsinx)+B×(d/dx)(acosx+bsinx)  cosx=A(acosx+bsinx)+B×(−asinx+bcosx)  cosx=(Aa+bB)cosx+(Ab−Ba)sinx  Ab−Ba=0  (A/a)=(B/b)=k →A=ak   and B=bk  Aa+Bb=1  a^2 k+b^2 k=1  k=(1/(a^2 +b^2 ))  so A=(a/(a^2 +b^2 )) and B=(b/(a^2 +b^2 ))  now  ∫((cosxdx)/((acosx+bsinx)^2 ))  ∫[((A(acosx+bsinx)+B×(d/dx)(((acosx+bsinx))/))/((acosx+bsinx)^2 ))]dx  ∫(A/((acosx+bsinx)))dx+B∫((d(acosx+bsinx))/((acosx+bsinx)^2 ))  =(a/(a^2 +b^2 ))×(1/(√(a^2 +b^2 )))lntan(((x+tan^(−1) ((a/b)))/2))+(b/(a^2 +b^2 ))×((−1)/((acosx+bsinx)))+c  now pls put the upper and lower limit  for ∫((sinxdx)/((acosx+bsinx)^2 ))→same method...


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