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Question Number 60133 by ajfour last updated on 18/May/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/May/19

Find angle α when m separates  from M. (m slides down  from top  of M , motion being initiated  somehow with a slight impulse).


Answered by mr W last updated on 22/May/19

position of M: x_1  (+ve to right)  velocity of M: v_1   acceleration of M: a  ω=(dθ/dt)  α=(dω/dt)=ω (dω/dθ)  position of m:  x_2 =x_1 +R sin θ  y_2 =R cos θ  v_(2x) =v_1 +R cos θ ω  v_(2y) =−R sin θ ω  a_(2x) =a_1 +R cos θ α−R sin θ ω^2   a_(2y) =−R sin θ α−R cos θ ω^2   ma_(2x) =N sin θ  ⇒m(a_1 +R cos θ α−R sin θ ω^2 )=N sin θ  ...(i)  ma_(2y) =N cos θ−mg  ⇒mR(sin θ α+cos θ ω^2 )=mg−N cos θ  ...(ii)  Ma_1 =−N sin θ  ...(iii)  ⇒Rω((dω/dθ) cos θ−ω sin θ)=(1+(m/M))[g−Rω(sin θ (dω/dθ)+ω cos θ )] tan θ   with μ=(m/M)  ⇒ω (dω/dθ)=((sin θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ))[(1+μ)(g/R)−μω^2  cos θ]  ⇒(dω^2 /dθ)=((2 sin θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ))[(1+μ)(g/R)−μω^2  cos θ]  with Φ=ω^2   ⇒(dΦ/dθ)+((μ sin 2θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ))Φ=((2(1+μ)g)/R)×((sin θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ))  ω=(√Φ)=f(θ)  ... but not possible to solve....    try ing an other way:  the CoM of both masses should be  unchanged in horizontal direction  during the motion, because no external  force is acting in horizontal direction.    −x_1 M=(x_1 +R sin θ)m  ⇒−v_1 M=(v_1 +R cos θ ω)m  ⇒v_1 =−((mR cos θ ω)/(m+M))=−((μR cos θ ω)/(1+μ))  ⇒a_1 =((μR)/(1+μ))(sin θ ω^2 −cos θ α)  (1/2)Mv_1 ^2 +(1/2)m(v_(2x) ^2 +v_(2y) ^2 )=mgR(1−cos θ)  v_1 ^2 +μ(v_(2x) ^2 +v_(2y) ^2 )=2gμR(1−cos θ)  (1+μ)v_1 ^2 +2μRω cos θ v_1 +μR^2 ω^2 =2gμR(1−cos θ)  −((μ^2 R^2  cos^2  θ ω^2 )/(1+μ))+μR^2 ω^2 =2gμR(1−cos θ)  (((1+μ sin^2  θ)/(1+μ)))Rω^2 =2g(1−cos θ)  ⇒ω^2 =((2g(1+μ)(1−cos θ))/(R(1+μ sin^2  θ)))  ⇒2ωα=((2g(1+μ))/R){((sin θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ))−(((1−cos θ)2μ sin θ cos θ)/((1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 ))}ω  ⇒α=((g(1+μ) sin θ)/(R(1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 )){1+μ sin^2  θ−(1−cos θ)2μcos θ}  ⇒α=((g(1+μ) sin θ)/(R(1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 )){1+μ(1−cos θ)^2 }  N=−((Ma_1 )/(sin θ))=−((μRM)/((1+μ)sin θ))(sin θ ω^2 −cos θ α)  N=−((μRM)/((1+μ)sin θ)){((2g(1+μ)sin θ(1−cos θ))/(R(1+μ sin^2  θ)))−((g(1+μ) sin θ cos θ [1+μ(1−cos θ)^2 ])/(R(1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 ))}  N=−((μMg)/((1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 )){2(1−cos θ)(1+μ sin^2  θ)−cos θ [1+μ(1−cos θ)^2 ]}  N=−((μMg)/((1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 )){2−3cos θ+μ(2+cos θ)(1−cos θ)^2 }  ⇒(N/(Mg))=((μ[3cos θ−μ(2+cos θ)(1−cos θ)^2 −2])/((1+μ sin^2  θ)^2 ))  for N=0:  2−3cos θ+μ(2+cos θ)(1−cos θ)^2 =0  2−3cos θ+μ(2+cos θ)(1−2cos θ+cos^2  θ)=0  ⇒(μ/(1+μ)) cos^3  θ−3 cos θ+2=0  ⇒λ cos^3  α−3 cos α+2=0  ⇒α=cos^(−1) {((((√(1−λ))−1)/λ))^(1/3) −((((√(1−λ))+1)/λ))^(1/3) }


Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/May/19

thanks sir, excellent!  Your soution shall determine  all   quantities as a function of θ.


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

ω=(dθ/dt)=(√((2g(1+μ))/R))×(√((1−cos θ)/(1+μ sin^2  θ)))=κ(√((1−cos θ))/(1+μ sin^2  θ)))  κ∫_0 ^( t) dt=∫_0 ^( θ) (√((1+μ sin^2  θ)/(1−cos θ))) dθ  κt=∫_0 ^( θ) (√((1+μ sin^2  θ)/(1−cos θ))) dθ=.....  seems impossible to integrate...


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

for m/M=1/3, at θ=46.0052°, block m  separates from block M.


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

we can determine where the small block  strikes the ground, but we can not  determine the time it takes.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 18/May/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/May/19

let u be velocity of block m  with respect to M.  Nsin θ=MA  mgcos θ−N−mAsin θ=((mu^2 )/R)        [when θ=α,   u^2 =Rgcos α   ...(I)          since then N=0, A=0 ]  (mgcos θ−((mu^2 )/R))sin θ=A(M+msin^2 θ)  (cos θ−(u^2 /(Rg)))sin θ=(A/g)(λ+sin^2 θ)  mgsin θ+mAcos θ=((mudu)/(Rdθ))  ....(II)  ⇒  (1/(Rg))((udu)/dθ)=sin θ+cos θsin θ{((cos θ−(u^2 /(Rg)))/(λ+sin^2 θ))}            (where    λ=(M/m))     let  (u^2 /(2Rg))=s     (ds/dθ)=sin θ+((cos θsin θ)/(λ+sin^2 θ))(cos θ−s)  ....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/May/19

mgR(1−cos α)=(1/2)MV^2 +(1/2)m[(ucos α−V)^2 +u^2 sin^2 α]               (energy conservation)  mucos α = (M+m)V                (momentum conservation                  along horizontal)  u^2 =Rgcos α  ⇒ 2mgR(1−cos α)=M((m/(M+m)))^2 (Rgcos α)cos^2 α                      +m[Rgcos^3 α(1−(m/(M+m)))^2 +Rgcos αsin^2 α]  ⇒   2(1−cos α)=((λcos^3 α)/((λ+1)^2 ))+((λ/(λ+1)))^2 cos^3 α                                                +cos αsin^2 α  let  cos α=x    3x−(1/(λ+1))x^3 −2=0   say if λ>>1  ⇒ x=cos α = (2/3) ,  α=cos^(−1) (2/3) ≈48.19°  if  M=3m  ⇒ λ=3    3x−(x^3 /4)−2=0  or     cos^3 α−12cos α+8 =0       ⇒    α≈ 46.005° .


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

your method is absolutely correct sir!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/May/19

thank you Sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 19/May/19

you use directly the motion eqn. in  radial and tangential directions,   while i usually derive the velocity  and acceleration from the x− and  y−coordinates which is mostly  lengthy and complicated. your  method is thus shorter and better.


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