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Question Number 61850 by mr W last updated on 10/Jun/19

Find all integer solution(s):                615+x^2 =2^y


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 10/Jun/19

One solution:  x=59 , y=12


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 11/Jun/19

^• 615+x^2 =2^y   ⇒2^y ≥615  ⇒2^y ≥1024  ⇒y≥10  ^• 615+x^2 ∈E  ⇒x^2 ∈O  ⇒x∈O  ^• x^2 =2^y −615  ⇒ 2^y −615 is perfect square.  2^(10) −615 not perfect square  2^(11) −615 not perfect square  2^(12) −615=(59)^2  perfect square  ∴ x=59,y=12    ^• 2^y −x^2 =615=3×5×41  ⇒ { (( 2^y ≡x^2 (mod 3))),(( 2^y ≡x^2 (mod 5))),(( 2^y ≡x^2 (mod 41))) :}  This suggests that 2^y −x^2  has  5 as unit digit and sum of decimal  digits is divisible by 3 and it is also  divisible by 41.  The first point specialy helps           ∙....∙  ∙......∙


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Jun/19

thank you sir! nice working! can we  be sure if other solutions exist?


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 11/Jun/19

Sir, it′s beyond my capacity.  A computer program can help  in searching.A program that  calculates 2^y −615 for defferent (y,x)  systematically and checks for every  situation whether it′s perfect square  or not.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Jun/19

By the way sir, what is the source  of this problem?


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jun/19

I saw this question in youtube channel  “mind your decision”. but i havn′t  watched the answer yet and want to try  by myself at first.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 12/Jun/19

Upto now I′ve discovered only this  that y is even and x is odd!  We can write the equation           2^(2u) −(2k+1)^2 =615  and this is true for u=6, k=29  Sir could the graph be used to show  other solutions(whether they  exist or not)                 •  •  •  •             2^(2u) −4k^2 −4k−1=615             4^u −4k^2 −4k=616            4^(u−1) −k^2 −k=154            k^2 +k−4^(u−1) =−154           ((k(k+1))/2)−(2^(2u−2) /2)=−77           ((k(k+1))/2)−2^(2u−3) =−77           ((k(k+1))/2)+77=2^(2u−3)            ((k(k+1))/2)+77∈E          ((k(k+1))/2)∈O       4∤k ∨ 4∤(k+1)     k is not 4t or 4t−1 type        ∵x=2k+1       ∴ x is not 8t+1 or 8t−1(or8t+7) type      ∵ x∈ O      ∴  x is 8t+3 or 8t−3(or 8t+5) type.               ......        ....


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jun/19

thank you sir.  any method can be used.  i′ll try to follow your steps and see if  i can go further.


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 13/Jun/19

^(•1)   615+x^2 =2^y         ⇒2^y ≥615⇒2^y ≥1024⇒y≥10  ^(•2)  615+x^2 ∈E        ⇒x^2 ∈O⇒x∈O  ^(•3)   2^y −615=x^2         ⇒2^y −615 is perfect square.  ^(•4)  2^y −x^2 =615=3×5×41  ⇒ { ((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 3))),((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 5))),((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 41))) :}  ^(•4.1)  2^y ≡x^2 (mod 5)       ⇒2^y (mod 5)=x^2 (mod 5)       2^y (mod 5):   { ((^(        2^y )  ),2^0 ,2^1 ,2^2 ,2^3 ,2^4 ,2^5 ,2^6 ,(...)),(^(2^y (md 5)) ,1,2,4,3,1,2,4,(...)) :}    2^(4t) ≡1(mod 5)................(ia)    2^(4t+1) ≡2(mod 5)............(iia)    2^(4t+2) ≡4(mod 5)............(iiia)    2^(4t+3) ≡3 (mod 5)............(iva)  (Where  t∈W)         x^2 (mod 5):     (x∈O)   { (^(       x^2 ) ,1^2 ,3^2 ,5^2 ,7^2 ,9^2 ,(11^2 ),(13^2 ),(15^2 ),(...)),(^(x^2  (md 5)) ,1,4,0,4,1,( 1),(  4),(  0),(...)) :}      (10k+1)^2 ≡1(mod 5)      (10k+3)^2 ≡4(mod 5)      (10k+5)^2 ≡0(mod 5)      (10k+7)^2 ≡4(mod 5)      (10k+9)^2 ≡1(mod 5)       2^(4t) ≡1(mod 5)→ { (((10k+1)^2 ≡1(mod 5))),(((10k+9)^2 ≡1(mod 5))) :}     2^(4t+2) ≡4(mod 5)→ { (((10k+3)^2 ≡4(mod 5))),(((10k+7)^2 ≡4(mod 5))) :}      {: (( 2^(4t+1) ≡2(mod 5))),(( 2^(4t+3) ≡3 (mod 5))) } →No x  •  y is either 4t or 4t+2 type     (y∈E)     y→4t type, x→10k+1 or 10k+9 type     y→4t+2 type, x→10k+3 or 10k+7 type     2^(4t) −(10k+1)^(2  ) =615               ∨ 2^(4t) −(10k+9)^2 =615; t≥3 ,k≥0    _(x=1,11,21,31....       or  9,19,29,39,49,59,69,...)^(y=12,16,20,...)     [ y=12 & x=59 satisfy the equation.]     2^(4t+2) −(10k+3)^(2  ) =615               ∨ 2^(4t+2) −(10k+7)^2 =615; t≥2 ,k≥0   _(x=3,13,23,33,....    or  7,17,27,37,...)^(y=10,14,18,22,....)   ......            Continue


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 11/Jun/19

⇒ { ((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 3))),((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 5))),((2^y ≡x^2 (mod 41))) :}  2^y ≡x^2 (mod 3)  ⇒2^y (mod 3)=x^2 (mod 3)   { ((      2^y ),2^0 ,2^1 ,2^2 ,2^3 ),((∽(md 3)),1,2,1,2) :}     2^(2t) ≡1(mod 5)     2^(2t+1) ≡2(mod 5)   { ((        x^2 ),1^2 ,3^2 ,5^2 ,7^2 ,9^2 ,(11^2 )),((∽(md 3)),1,0,1,1,0,1) :}  If  y is 2t type, x is 6k−5 or 6k−1 type  y=10,12,14,....x=1,7,13,19,..or  x=5,11,17,23,....  Continue


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