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Question Number 61884 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 10/Jun/19

let f_n (a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((cos(nx))/((x^2 +x  +a)^2 ))dx    with   a≥1  1) find a explicit form of f_n (a)  2)study the convervenge of Σ f_n (a)  3) determine also g_n (a) =  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((cos(nx))/((x^2  +x+a)^3 ))dx  study the convergence of Σ gn(a)


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jun/19

1) we have f_n (a) =Re( ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (e^(inx) /((x^2  +x +a)^2 ))) let w(z) =(e^(inz) /((z^2  +z+a)^2 ))  poles of w ?  z^2  +z +a =0 →Δ =1−4a  <0 ⇒ Δ =(i(√(4a−1)))^2  ⇒  z_1 =((−1+i(√(4a−1)))/2)  and z_2 =((−1−i(√(4a−1)))/2)  the poles of w are z_1 and z_2 (doubles)  w(z) = (e^(inz) /((z−z_1 )^2 (z−z_2 )^2 ))  residus theorem give ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) w(z)dz =2iπ Res(w,z_1 )  Res(w,z_1 ) =lim_(z→z_1 )   (1/((2−1)!)){ (z−z_1 )^2 w(z)}^((1))   =lim_(z→z_1 )    { (e^(inz) /((z−z_2 )^2 ))}^((1))  =lim_(z→z_1 )    ((in e^(inz) (z−z_2 )^2  −2(z−z_2 )e^(inz) )/((z−z_2 )^4 ))  =lim_(z→z_1 )        (((in(z−z_2 )−2}e^(inz) )/((z−z_2 )^3 )) =(({in(z_1 −z_2 )−2)e^(inz_1 ) )/((z_1 −z_2 )^3 ))  =(({ini(√(4a−1))−2}e^(in(((−1+i(√(4a−1)))/2))) )/((i(√(4a−1)))^3 )) =−(((n(√(4a−1)) +2)e^(−((in)/2))  e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1))) )/(−i(4a−1)(√(4a−1))))  =(((n(√(4a−1))+2)e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1))) )/(i(4a−1)(√(4a−1)))){ cos((n/(2 )))−i sin((n/2))} ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ (((n(√(4a−1))+2)e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1))) )/(i(4a−1)(√(4a−1)))) {....} ⇒  f_n (a) =((2π(n(√(4a−1))+2)e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1))) )/((4a−1)(√(4a−1))))


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jun/19

2) we have Σ f_n (a) =Σ((2π(√(4a−1)))/((4a−1)(√(4a−1)))) n e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1)))  +Σ ((4π)/((4a−1)(√(4a−1)))) e^(−(n/2)(√(4a−1)))   =((2π)/((4a−1)(√(4a−1)))) Σ n (e^(−((√(4a−1))/2)) )^n   +((4π)/((4a−1)(√(4a−1)))) (e^(−((√(4a−1))/2)) )^n   we have ∣e^(−((√(4a−1))/2)) ∣<1    and Σ x^n    , Σnx^n  convergs ⇒Σ f_n  converges


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jun/19

3) we have f_n ^′ (a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (∂/∂a)(((cos(nx))/((x^2  +x+a)^2 )))dx  =−∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((2(x^2  +x+a))/((x^2  +x+a)^4 )) cos(nx)dx =−2 ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((cos(nx))/((x^2  +x+a)^2 )) dx =−2g_n (a) ⇒  g_n (a) =−(1/2) f_n ^′ (a)    rest to calculate f^′ n(a)....


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