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Question Number 61921 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jun/19

let A =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)      ((x+1)/((x^2 +x+1)( x^2  −2i)))dx  1) calculate A  2) extract Re(A) and Im(A) and determine its values   (i^2 =−1)


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 12/Jun/19

1) residus method   let w(z) =((z+1)/((z^2  +z +1)(z^2 −2i)))  poles of w?  z^2  +z +1 =0 →Δ=1−4 =−3 =(i(√3))^2  ⇒z_1 =((−1+i(√3))/2) =e^(i((2π)/3))    z_2 =((−1−i(√3))/2) =e^(−i((2π)/3))   also  z^2 −2i =z^2 −((√2)(√i))^2  =(z−(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )(z+(√2)e^((iπ)/4) ) ⇒  w(z) =((z+1)/((z−e^(i((2π)/3)) )(z+e^((i2π)/3) )(z−(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )(z+(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )))  residus theorem give  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ{ Res(w,e^(i((2π)/3)) ) +Res(w,(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )}  the poles are simples ⇒  Res(w,e^((i2π)/3) ) =lim_(z→e^((i2π)/3) )    (z−e^((i2π)/3) )w(z) =((1+e^((i2π)/3) )/(2e^((i2π)/3) ( e^(i((4π)/3)) −2i)))  =((e^(−((i2π)/3))  +1)/(2( e^(−((i2π)/3)) −2i))) =−((1+e^(−((i2π)/3)) )/(2i(ie^(−((i2π)/3))  +2)))  Res(w,(√2)e^((iπ)/4) ) =lim_(z→(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )     (z−(√2)e^((iπ)/4) ) w(z) =((1+(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )/(2(√2)e^((iπ)/4) ( 2 e^((iπ)/2)  +(√2)e^((iπ)/4)  +1)))  =((e^(−((iπ)/4))  +(√2))/(2(√2)(2i +(√2)e^((iπ)/4)  +1))) =((e^(−((iπ)/4))  +(√2))/(2(√2)i(2 −i(√2)e^((iπ)/4)  −i))) ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ{  −((1+e^(−((i2π)/3)) )/(2i(i e^(−((i2π)/3))  +2))) +((e^(−((iπ)/4))  +(√2))/(2(√2)i(2−i−i(√2)e^((iπ)/4) ))}  =−π ((1+e^(−i((2π)/3)) )/(2+ie^(−((i2π)/3)) )) +(π/(√2)) (((√2)+e^(−((iπ)/4)) )/(2−i −i(√2)e^((iπ)/4) )) =A rest to find A at form α+iλ


Answered by MJS last updated on 12/Jun/19

((x+1)/((x^2 +x+1)(x^2 −2i)))=((x^2 (x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))+((2(x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))i  A=∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) ((x^2 (x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))dx+i∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) ((2(x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))dx    ∫((x^2 (x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))dx=∫((x^2 (x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^2 −2x+2)(x^2 +2x+2)))dx=  =−(1/(13))∫((4x+1)/(x^2 +x+1))dx+(1/(52))∫((3x+8)/(x^2 −2x+2))dx+(1/4)∫(x/(x^2 +2x+2))dx=       [all are easy to solve I hope so I allow myself        to not type the paths]  =−(2/(13))ln (x^2 +x+1) +((2(√3))/(39))arctan (((√3)(2x+1))/3) +       +(3/(104))ln (x^2 −2x+2) +((11)/(52))arctan (x−1) +       +(1/8)ln (x^2 +2x+2) −(1/4)arctan (x+1) +C  ⇒ real (A) =(π/(78))(−3+4(√3))    ∫((2(x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^4 +4)))dx=∫((2(x+1))/((x^2 +x+1)(x^2 −2x+2)(x^2 +2x+2)))dx=  =(2/(13))∫((3x+4)/(x^2 +x+1))dx−(1/(52))∫((11x−14)/(x^2 −2x+2))dx−(1/4)∫((x+2)/(x^2 +2x+2))dx=  =(3/(12))ln (x^2 +x+1) +((10(√3))/(39))arctan (((√3)(2x+1))/3) −       −((11)/(104))ln (x^2 −2x+2) +(3/(52))arctan (x−1) −       −(1/8)ln (x^2 +2x+2) −(1/4)arctan (x+1) +C  ⇒ imag (A) =((5π)/(78))(−3+4(√3))  A=(π/(78))(−3+4(√3))(1+5i)


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 12/Jun/19

thank you sir mjs.


Commented by MJS last updated on 12/Jun/19

you′re welcome


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