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Question Number 61976 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 13/Jun/19

let A_n = ∫_(1/n) ^n    ((arctan(x^2  +y^2 ))/(x^2 +y^2 )) dxdy    1) calculate A_n   2) find lim_(n→∞)  A_n


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 13/Jun/19

A_n =∫∫_(](1/n),n[^2 )       ((arctan(x^2  +y^2 ))/(x^2  +y^2 ))dxdy


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 14/Jun/19

1) let use the diffeomorphism x =rcosθ and y =rsinθ  we have   (1/n)≤x≤n  and (1/n)≤y≤n ⇒(2/n^2 ) ≤x^2  +y^2 ≤2n^2  ⇒(2/n^2 ) ≤r^2 ≤2n^2  ⇒  ((√2)/n) ≤r ≤n(√2) ⇒A_n =∫∫_(((√2)/n)≤r≤n(√2) and  0≤θ≤(π/2))     ((arctan(r^2 ))/r^2 ) rdrdθ  =∫_(((√2)/n)    ) ^(n(√2))      ((arctan(r^2 ))/r) dr ∫_0 ^(π/2)  dθ =(π/2) ∫_((√2)/n) ^(n(√2))     ((arctan(r^2 ))/r)dr  let  w_n (x) = ∫_((√2)/n) ^(n(√2))    ((arctan(xr^2 ))/r) dr (x>0)   ⇒w_n ^′ (x) =∫_((√2)/n) ^(n(√2))    (r^2 /(r(1+x^2 r^4 )))dr  =∫_((√2)/n) ^(n(√2))     ((rdr)/(1+x^2 r^4 ))  let decompose F(r) =(r/(x^2 r^4 +1)) =(r/(((√x)r)^4  +1))  =(r/((1+xr^2 )^2 −2xr^2 )) =(r/((1+xr^2 −(√(2x))r)(1+xr^2 +(√(2x))r)))  =((ar+b)/(xr^2 −(√(2x))r +1)) +((cr +d)/(xr^2  +(√(2x))r +1))  F(−r)=F(r) ⇒c=−a  and  b=d ⇒  F(r) = ((ar+b)/(xr^2 −(√(2x))r +1)) +((−ar +b)/(xr^2  +(√(2x))r +1)) continued....


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