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Question Number 62252 by hovea cw last updated on 18/Jun/19

∫ln(x+1)/(x^2 −x+1)  limit ={ 0>2}

ln(x+1)/(x2x+1) limit={0>2}

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 18/Jun/19

let I =∫_0 ^2    ((ln(x+1))/(x^2 −x +1))dx    and  f(t)=∫_0 ^2   ((ln(1+tx))/(x^2 −x +1)) dx  with t≥0  we have I =f(1)       and f^′ (t)=∫_0 ^2    (x/((1+tx)(x^2 −x+1)))dx  =(1/t)∫_0 ^2  ((1+tx−1)/((1+tx)(x^2 −x+1)))dx =(1/t)∫_0 ^2   (dx/((x^2 −x+1))) −(1/t) ∫_0 ^2      (dx/((tx+1)(x^2 −x+1)))  ∫_0 ^2    (dx/(x^2 −x+1)) =∫_0 ^2   (dx/((x−(1/2))^2  +(3/4))) =_(x−(1/2)=((√3)/2)u)   (4/3)    ∫_(−(1/(√3))) ^(3/(√3))      (1/(u^2  +1)) ((√3)/2)du  =(2/(√3)) [arctn(u)]_(−(1/(√3))) ^(√3)    =(2/(√3)){ arctan((√3))+arctan((1/(√3)))}=(2/(√3))(π/2) =(π/(√3))  let decompose F(x)=(1/((tx+1)(x^2 −x +1)→(Δ<0)))  F(x) =(a/(tx+1)) +((bx+c)/(x^2 −x+1))  a =lim_(x→−(1/t))    (tx+1)F(x) =(t^2 /(t^2  +t+1)) ⇒F(x) =(t^2 /((tx+1)(t^2  +t+1))) +((bx+c)/(x^2 −x +1))  lim_(t→+∞)  xF(x) =0 =(a/t) +b ⇒a+tb =0 ⇒tb =−a ⇒b =−(a/t) =−(t/(t^2  +t+1)) ⇒  F(x) =(t^2 /((t^2 +t+1)(tx+1))) +((−(t/(t^2 +t+1))x +c)/(x^2 −x+1))  F(0)=1 =a+c ⇒c =1−a =1−(t^2 /(t^2 +t+1)) =((t+1)/(t^2 +t+1)) ⇒  F(x) =(t^2 /((t^2 +t+1)(tx+1))) −(1/(t^2 +t+1)) ((tx−t−1)/(x^2 −x+1)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^2 F(x)dx =(t^2 /(t^2 +t+1)) ∫_0 ^2   (dx/(tx+1)) −(1/(t^2  +t+1)) ∫_0 ^2    ((tx−t−1)/(x^2 −x +1))dx  ∫_0 ^2   (dx/(tx +1)) =(1/t)[ln∣tx+1∣]_0 ^2  =(1/t)ln∣2t+1∣  ∫_0 ^2  ((tx−t−1)/(x^2 −x+1))dx =(t/2)∫_0 ^2   ((2x−1+1)/(x^2 −x+1))dx −(t+1)∫_0 ^2  (dx/(x^2 −x+1))  =(t/2)[ln∣x^2 −x+1∣]_0 ^2  −(t+1)(π/(√3)) =(t/2)ln(3)−(π/(√3))(t+1) ⇒  ∫_0 ^2  F(x)dx =(t/(t^2  +t +1))ln∣2t+1∣ −(1/(t^2  +t+1)){(((ln(3))/2)−(π/(√3)))t−(π/(√3))} ⇒  f^′ (t) =(π/(t(√3))) −(1/t)∫_0 ^2 F(x)dx  =(π/(t(√3))) −((ln∣2t+1∣)/(t^(2 )   +t +1)) −((((ln(3))/2)−(π/(√3)))/(t^2  +t +1)) +(π/(t(√3)(t^2  +t +1))) ⇒  f(t) =(π/(√3))ln(t)−∫  ((ln(2t+1))/(t^2  +t +1))dt −(((ln3)/2)−(π/(√3)))∫  (dt/(t^2  +t +1)) +(π/(√3)) ∫   (dt/(t(t^2  +t +1))) +c continued...

letI=02ln(x+1)x2x+1dxandf(t)=02ln(1+tx)x2x+1dxwitht0 wehaveI=f(1)andf(t)=02x(1+tx)(x2x+1)dx =1t021+tx1(1+tx)(x2x+1)dx=1t02dx(x2x+1)1t02dx(tx+1)(x2x+1) 02dxx2x+1=02dx(x12)2+34=x12=32u4313331u2+132du =23[arctn(u)]133=23{arctan(3)+arctan(13)}=23π2=π3 letdecomposeF(x)=1(tx+1)(x2x+1)(Δ<0) F(x)=atx+1+bx+cx2x+1 a=limx1t(tx+1)F(x)=t2t2+t+1F(x)=t2(tx+1)(t2+t+1)+bx+cx2x+1 limt+xF(x)=0=at+ba+tb=0tb=ab=at=tt2+t+1 F(x)=t2(t2+t+1)(tx+1)+tt2+t+1x+cx2x+1 F(0)=1=a+cc=1a=1t2t2+t+1=t+1t2+t+1 F(x)=t2(t2+t+1)(tx+1)1t2+t+1txt1x2x+1 02F(x)dx=t2t2+t+102dxtx+11t2+t+102txt1x2x+1dx 02dxtx+1=1t[lntx+1]02=1tln2t+1 02txt1x2x+1dx=t2022x1+1x2x+1dx(t+1)02dxx2x+1 =t2[lnx2x+1]02(t+1)π3=t2ln(3)π3(t+1) 02F(x)dx=tt2+t+1ln2t+11t2+t+1{(ln(3)2π3)tπ3} f(t)=πt31t02F(x)dx =πt3ln2t+1t2+t+1ln(3)2π3t2+t+1+πt3(t2+t+1) f(t)=π3ln(t)ln(2t+1)t2+t+1dt(ln32π3)dtt2+t+1+π3dtt(t2+t+1)+c ...becontinued...

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