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Question Number 62556 by naka3546 last updated on 22/Jun/19

((1+3)/3) + ((1+3+5)/3^2 ) + ((1+3+5+7)/3^3 ) + ...  =   (a/b)  ,  a, b ∈  Z^+


Commented by Prithwish sen last updated on 22/Jun/19

t_n =(1/3^n ) +((2n)/3^n ) + (n^2 /3^n )  t_1  = (1/3) + 2(1/3) + (1^2 /3)  t_2  = (1/3^2 ) +2(2/3^2 ) + (2^2 /3^2 )  ............................  S = ((1/3) + (1/3^2 ) + ...) +2((1/3)+(2/3^2 ) +.........) + ((1^2 /3) +(2^2 /3^2 ) +(3^2 /3^3 ) + ......)  =I_1 + I_2  +I_3   Now   I_1 =((1/3)/(1−(1/3)))= (1/2)  For I_2   (t_(n+1) /t_n ) = ((n+1)/(3n))→(1/3)<1 as n→∞  ∴I_2  converges  For I_3               (t_(n+1) /t_n ) = (1/3).(((n+1)^2 )/n^2 )= (1/3) .(1+(2/n)+(1/n^2 ) )→(1/3) as n→∞  thus I_3  also converges  ∴ the entire series is convergent   Is it ok ?  Waiting for your feedback.


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 22/Jun/19

S =Σ_(n=1) ^∞   ((Σ_(k=0) ^n  (2k+1))/3^n )  let   the sequence u_k =2k+1 is srithmetic with u_0 =1  and r =2 ⇒ Σ_(k=0) ^n  u_k =u_0 +u_1 +...+u_n =((n+1)/2)(u_o  +u_n )=((n+1)/2)(1+2n+1)  =(n+1)^2  ⇒ S =Σ_(n=1) ^∞   (((n+1)^2 )/3^n ) =Σ_(n=2) ^∞  (n^2 /3^(n−1) ) =3 Σ_(n=2) ^∞  (n^2 /3^n )  Σ_(n=2) ^∞  (n^2 /3^n ) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (n^2 /3^n ) −(1/3)  let w(x) =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  x^n      with ∣x∣<1  we have   w^′ (x) =Σ_(n=1) ^∞  nx^(n−1)   ⇒xw^′ (x) =Σ_(n=1) ^∞  nx^n  ⇒w^′ (x)+x w^((2)) (x) =Σ_(n=1) ^∞ n^2  x^(n−1 )  ⇒  x{w^′ (x)+x w^((2)) (x)} =Σ_(n=1) ^∞  n^2  x^n    but w(x) =(1/(1−x)) ⇒w^′ (x) =(1/((1−x)^2 )) ⇒  w^((2)) (x) =−((2(−1)(1−x))/((1−x)^4 )) =(2/((1−x)^3 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞  n^2  x^n  =x{ (1/((1−x)^2 )) +((2x)/((1−x)^3 ))} =(x/((1−x)^2 )) +((2x^2 )/((1−x)^3 )) =((x(1−x)+2x^2 )/((1−x)^3 )) =((x^2  +x)/((1−x)^3 ))  and Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (n^2 /3^n ) =w((1/3)) =(((1/9)+(1/3))/(((2/3))^3 )) =(4/8) =(1/2) ⇒ S =3{(1/2)−(1/3)} =(3/2) − 1 =(1/2)


Answered by Smail last updated on 23/Jun/19

(a/b)=((1+3)/3)+((1+3+5)/3^2 )+...  Knowing that 1+3+5+7+...+2k−1=k^2   So,  (a/b)=(2^2 /3)+(3^2 /3^2 )+(4^2 /3^3 )+...  (a/b)=Σ_(n=2) ^∞ (n^2 /3^(n−1) )  Knowing that Σ_(n=0) ^∞ x^n =(1/(1−x)) with  ∣x∣<1  Σ_(n=0) ^∞ nx^n =(x/((1−x)^2 ))  Σ_(n=0) ^∞ n^2 x^(n−1) =(((1−x)+2x)/((1−x)^3 ))=((1+x)/((1−x)^3 ))  Σ_(n=2) ^∞ n^2 x^(n−1) +1=((1+x)/((1−x)^3 ))  Σ_(n=2) ^∞ n^2 x^(n−1) =((1+x)/((1−x)^3 ))−1  For x=(1/3)  (a/b)=Σ_(n=2) ^∞ (n^2 /3^(n−1) )=((1+(1/3))/((1−(1/3))^3 ))−1=(7/2)  Thus, a=7 and b=2


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