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Question Number 63108 by ajfour last updated on 29/Jun/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Jun/19

Find x_A  in terms of a,b,s .       s_(min) ≤s≤s_(max)  .  a,b are parameters of ellipse  while s is side length of △_(equilateral) .


Answered by mr W last updated on 02/Jul/19

R=(s/(√3))=radius of circumcircle  M(h,k)=centroid and circumcenter  let p=(h/a), q=(k/b), α=(R/a)=(s/((√3)a)), β=(R/b)=(s/((√3)b))  x_A =h+R cos θ=a((h/a)+(R/a) cos θ)=a(p+α cos θ)  y_A =k+R sin θ=b((k/b)+(R/b) sin θ)=b(q+β sin θ)  (x_A ^2 /a^2 )+(y_A ^2 /b^2 )=1  ⇒(p+α cos θ)^2 +(q+β sin θ)^2 =1  ⇒p^2 +2αp cos θ+α^2  cos^2  θ+q^2 +2βq sin θ+β^2  sin^2  θ=1   ...(i)    x_B =a[p+α cos (θ+((2π)/3))]  y_B =b[q+β sin (θ+((2π)/3))]  ⇒[p+α cos (θ+((2π)/3))]^2 +[q+β sin (θ+((2π)/3))]^2 =1  ⇒[p−(α/2)(cos θ+(√3) sin θ)]^2 +[q−(β/2)(sin θ−(√3)cos θ)]^2 =1  ⇒p^2 −αp (cos θ+(√3) sin θ)+(α^2 /4)(cos θ+(√3) sin θ)^2 +q^2 −βq (sin θ−(√3) cos θ)+(β^2 /4) (sin θ−(√3) cos θ)^2 =1   ...(ii)    x_C =a[p+α cos (θ−((2π)/3))]  y_C =b[q+β sin (θ−((2π)/3))]  ⇒[p+α cos (θ−((2π)/3))]^2 +[q+β sin (θ−((2π)/3))]^2 =1  ⇒[p−(α/2)(cos θ−(√3) sin θ)]^2 +[q−(β/2)(sin θ+(√3)cos θ)]^2 =1  ⇒p^2 −αp (cos θ−(√3) sin θ)+(α^2 /4)(cos θ−(√3) sin θ)^2 +q^2 −βq (sin θ+(√3)cos θ)+(β^2 /4)(sin θ+(√3)cos θ)^2 =1   ...(iii)    (i)−(ii):  ⇒α(3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)p+(1/4)α^2 (3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)(cos θ−(√3)sin θ)+β(3sin θ−(√3)cos θ)q+(1/4)β^2 (3 sin θ−(√3)cos θ)(sin θ+(√3)cos θ)=0  ⇒4α(3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)p+4β(3sin θ−(√3)cos θ)q=−(α^2 −β^2 )(3cos 2θ−(√3)sin 2θ)     ...(I)  (i)−(iii):  ⇒αp(2cos θ−(√3)sin θ)+(1/4)α^2 (3cos θ−(√3)sin θ)(cos θ+(√3)sin θ)+βq(3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)+(1/4)β^2 (3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)(sin θ−(√3)cos θ)=0  ⇒4α(3cos θ−(√3)sin θ)p+4β(3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)q=−(α^2 −β^2 )(3cos 2θ+(√3)sin 2θ)     ...(II)


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jul/19

(3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)αp+(3sin θ−(√3)cos θ)βq=−((α^2 −β^2 )/4)(3cos 2θ−(√3)sin 2θ)     ...(i)  (3cos θ−(√3)sin θ)αp+(3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)βq=−((α^2 −β^2 )/4)(3cos 2θ+(√3)sin 2θ)     ...(ii)  D=(3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)(3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)−(3cos θ−(√3)sin θ)(3sin θ−(√3)cos θ)  =(6sin 2θ+3(√3))−(6sin 2θ−3(√3))  =6(√3)  −(4/(α^2 −β^2 ))(αp)D=−(3sin θ−(√3)cos θ)(3cos 2θ+(√3)sin 2θ)+(3sin θ+(√3)cos θ)(3cos 2θ−(√3)sin 2θ)  =6(√3)(cos θcos 2θ−sin θsin 2θ)  =6(√3)cos 3θ  ⇒αp=−((α^2 −β^2 )/4)cos 3θ  −(4/(α^2 −β^2 ))(βq)D=−(3cos θ−(√3)sin θ)(3cos 2θ−(√3)sin 2θ)+(3cos θ+(√3)sin θ)(3cos 2θ+(√3)sin 2θ)  =6(√3)(sin θcos 2θ+cos θsin 2θ)  =6(√3)sin 3θ  ⇒βq=−((α^2 −β^2 )/4)sin 3θ  put them into   (p+α cos θ)^2 +(q+β sin θ)^2 =1  we get  b^2 (cos θ+((a^2 −b^2 )/(4b^2 ))cos 3θ)^2 +a^2 (sin θ+((a^2 −b^2 )/(4a^2 ))sin 3θ)^2 =((3a^2 b^2 )/s^2 )  b^2 cos^2  θ[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/b^2 )(cos^2  θ−(3/4))]^2 +a^2 sin^2  θ[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/a^2 )((3/4)−sin^2  θ)]^2 =((3a^2 b^2 )/s^2 )  b^2 (cos^2  θ−(1/2)+(1/2))[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/b^2 )(cos^2  θ−(1/2)−(1/4))]^2 +a^2 ((1/2)−cos^2  θ+(1/2))[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/a^2 )(cos^2  θ−(1/2)+(1/4))]^2 =((3a^2 b^2 )/s^2 )  let Φ=cos^2  θ−(1/2)  b^2 (Φ+(1/2))[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/b^2 )(Φ−(1/4))]^2 +a^2 ((1/2)−Φ)[1+(((a^2 −b^2 ))/a^2 )(Φ+(1/4))]^2 =((3a^2 b^2 )/s^2 )  a^2 (2Φ+1)[4b^2 +(a^2 −b^2 )(4Φ−1)]^2 +b^2 (1−2Φ)[4a^2 +(a^2 −b^2 )(4Φ+1)]^2 =((96a^4 b^4 )/s^2 )  32(a^2 −b^2 )^3 Φ^3 −6(a^2 −b^2 )^3 Φ+(a^2 +b^2 )[(a^2 +b^2 )^2 +12a^2 b^2 ]−((96a^4 b^4 )/s^2 )=0  [(a^2 −b^2 )Φ]^3 −(3/(16))(a^2 −b^2 )^2 [(a^2 −b^2 )Φ]+{(1/(32))(a^2 +b^2 )[(a^2 +b^2 )^2 +12a^2 b^2 ]−((3a^4 b^4 )/s^2 )}=0  with μ=(b/a)<1, ξ=(s/a)  [(1−μ^2 )Φ]^3 −(3/(16))(1−μ^2 )^2 [(1−μ^2 )Φ]+{(1/(32))(1+μ^2 )[(1+μ^2 )^2 +12μ^2 ]−((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 )}=0  with  z=(1−μ^2 )Φ=(1−μ^2 )(cos^2  θ−(1/2))  u=(1/(16))(1−μ^2 )^2   v=(1/(64))(1+μ^2 )[(1+μ^2 )^2 +12μ^2 ]−((3μ^4 )/(2ξ^2 ))  ⇒z^3 −3uz+2v=0  Δ=−u^3 +v^2 <0  z=2(√u) sin ((1/3)sin^(−1) (v/(√u^3 ))+((2nπ)/3))  ⇒θ=cos^(−1) (√((1/2)+((2(√μ))/(1−μ^2 )) sin ((1/3)sin^(−1) (v/(√u^3 ))+((2nπ)/3))))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 03/Jul/19

Now its beauty, Sir!  Does it imply, only one real root for  cos^2 θ  , a,b,s being given.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Jul/19

your faith is beyond all realms!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Jul/19

Please explain what is D and  how you express it, Sir..


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jul/19

thank you for following sir!  with D i just don′t want to write  too much when solving the equation  system.


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Jul/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jul/19

((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 )=(1−μ^2 )^3 Φ^3 −(3/(16))(1−μ^2 )^3 Φ+(1/(32))(1+μ^2 )^3 +(3/8)μ^2 (1+μ^2 )  (d/dΦ)(((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 ))=0  ⇒3Φ^2 −(3/(16))=0  ⇒Φ=±(1/4) ⇒cos^2  θ=±(1/4)+(1/2)⇒cos θ=±((√3)/2),±(1/2)  ⇒max. s or min. s at θ=((nπ)/2)±(π/6)  with Φ=(1/4):  ((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 )=−(1/(32))(1−μ^2 )^3 +(1/(32))(1+μ^2 )^3 +(3/8)μ^2 (1+μ^2 )  ((3μ^2 )/ξ^2 )=(((3+μ^2 )^2 )/(16))  ⇒ξ^2 =((48μ^2 )/((3+μ^2 )^2 ))  ⇒ξ_(max) =((4(√3)μ)/(3+μ^2 ))=(s_(max) /a)  with Φ=−(1/4):  ((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 )=(1/(32))(1−μ^2 )^3 +(1/(32))(1+μ^2 )^3 +(3/8)μ^2 (1+μ^2 )  ((3μ^4 )/ξ^2 )=(((1+3μ^2 )^2 )/(16))  ⇒ξ^2 =((48μ^4 )/((1+3μ^2 )^2 ))  ⇒ξ_(min) =((4(√3)μ^2 )/(1+3μ^2 ))=(s_(min) /a)


Answered by ajfour last updated on 06/Jul/19

let mid-point of BC be M(h,k).  slope of AM be m=tan θ  x_A =h+((s(√3))/2)cos θ,   y_A =k+((s(√3))/2)sin θ  x_B =h−(s/2)sin θ  ,  y_B =k+(s/2)cos θ  x_C =h+(s/2)sin θ  ,  y_C =k−(s/2)cos θ  As B,C  lie on ellipse      (x_B ^2 /a^2 )+(y_B ^2 /b^2 )=1  ,  (x_C ^2 /a^2 )+(y_C ^2 /b^2 )=1  subtracting  (((x_B −x_C )(x_B +x_C ))/a^2 )+(((y_B −y_C )(y_B +y_C ))/b^2 )=0  ⇒ −2b^2 shsin θ+2a^2 skcos θ=0  ⇒   k=((b^2 h)/a^2 )tan θ  similarly as A,B lie on ellipse  ⇒ ((b^2 s)/2)((√3)cos θ+sin θ)[2h+(s/2)((√3)cos θ−sin θ)]   +((a^2 s)/2)((√3)sin θ−cos θ)[2k+(s/2)((√3)sin θ+cos θ)]=0  ⇒  2hb^2 ((√3)cos θ+sin θ)  +2b^2 h(((sin θ)/(cos θ)))((√3)sin θ−cos θ)  +(s/2){b^2 (3cos^2 θ−sin^2 θ)+a^2 (3sin^2 θ−cos^2 θ)}=0  ⇒ h=−((scos θ)/(4(√3)b^2 )){a^2 (3sin^2 θ−cos^2 θ)+b^2 (3cos^2 θ−sin^2 θ)}  And as A lies on ellipse,     b^2 (h+((s(√3))/2)cos θ)^2 +a^2 (((b^2 h)/a^2 )tan θ+((s(√3))/2)sin θ)^2 =a^2 b^2   ⇒ b^2 h^2 +b^2 sh(√3)cos θ+((3b^2 s^2 cos^2 θ)/4)     +((b^4 h^2 tan^2 θ)/a^2 )+b^2 sh(√3)sin θtan θ     +((3a^2 s^2 sin^2 θ)/4)=a^2 b^2   ⇒ b^2 h^2 (1+(b^2 /a^2 )tan^2 θ)+((b^2 sh(√3))/(cos θ))      +((3s^2 )/4)(b^2 cos^2 θ+a^2 sin^2 θ)=a^2 b^2   ⇒ (b^2 /a^2 )(a^2 cos^2 θ+b^2 sin^2 θ)(h^2 /(cos^2 θ))    +(b^2 s(√3))(h/(cos θ))+(3/4)s^2 (b^2 cos^2 θ+a^2 sin^2 θ)          −a^2 b^2 =0  let  cos θ=t , then  (b^2 /a^2 )((h/t))^2 {b^2 +(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 }+b^2 s(√3)((h/t))     +((3s^2 )/4)[a^2 −(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 ] −a^2 b^2  = 0  where   h=−((scos θ)/(4(√3)b^2 )){a^2 (3sin^2 θ−cos^2 θ)+b^2 (3cos^2 θ−sin^2 θ)}  ⇒ (h/t)=−(s/(4(√3)b^2 )){3a^2 −b^2 −4(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 }  Now  (b^2 /a^2 )((s^2 /(48b^4 ))){b^2 +(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 }{3a^2 −b^2 −4(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 }^2    −b^2 s(√3)((s/(4(√3)b^2 ))){3a^2 −b^2 −4(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 }     +((3s^2 )/4)[a^2 −(a^2 −b^2 )t^2 ] −a^2 b^2  = 0   let   (a^2 −b^2 )t^2 =v  (s^2 /(48a^2 b^2 ))(b^2 +v)(3a^2 −b^2 −4v)^2               +(s^2 /4)(b^2 +v)−a^2 b^2 =0  let  b^2 +v= y  ⇒ ((s^2 /(48a^2 b^2 )))y{3(a^2 +b^2 )−4y}^2                             +((s^2 y)/4)−a^2 b^2  = 0  _________________________  ⇒ s^2 y{[3(a^2 +b^2 )−4y]^2 +12a^2 b^2 }                       −48a^4 b^4 =0  _________________________


Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jul/19

great solution sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jul/19

sir, please check:  s_0 ^2  =((48r^4 a^2 )/((1+r^2 )[(1+r^2 )^2 +3])) ⇒should be min.s  s_(min) =((4(√3)b)/(3+((b^2 /a^2 )))) ⇒ should be max. s.


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jul/19

an other question is:  why (b/a)∈(0,(1/(√3))] ? not (b/a)∈(0,1) ?  (assume b<a)


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jul/19

i found out:   max. s is always at θ=30° or 90°  min. s is always at θ=0° or 60°


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jul/19

with r≤(1/(√3)) something must be wrong.  in fact there is solution for any  0<r<1.  eg. a=4, b=3, ⇒r=0.75>(1/(√3)):  at θ=0°: s=5.8344  at θ=30°: s=5.8004  at θ=45°: s=5.8172  with θ as meant in your solution.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jul/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jul/19

this is the θ in my solution.


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