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Question Number 63232 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 01/Jul/19

let B(x,y) =∫_0 ^1 (1−t)^(x−1) t^(y−1)  dt  1) study the convergence of B(x,y)  1) prove that B(x,y)=B(y,x)  prove that B(x,y) =∫_0 ^∞   (t^(x−1) /((1+t)^(x+y) )) dt  2) prove that B(x,y) =((Γ(x).Γ(y))/(Γ(x+y)))  3) prove that Γ(x).Γ(1−x) =(π/(sin(πx)))   for allx ∈]0,1[


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Jul/19

1)at V(0)     (1−t)^(x−1) t^(y−1)  ∼t^(y−1)  ⇒ B(x,y)∼∫_0 ^1  (dt/t^(1−y) )  this integral converges  ⇔1−y<1 ⇔y>0  ar V(1)   (1−t)^(x−1) t^(y−1)  ∼ (1−t)^(x−1)     ⇒B(x,y)∼∫_0 ^1    (dx/((1−t)^(1−x) )) wich converges  ⇔1−x<1 ⇔x>0  so  B(x,y) converges ⇔ x>0 and y>0  2)we have B(x,y) =∫_0 ^1 (1−t)^(x−1) t^(y−1) dt =_(1−t=u)    ∫_1 ^o  u^(x−1) (1−u)^(y−1) (−du)  =∫_0 ^1  (1−u)^(y−1) u^(x−1) du =B(y,x)  we say that B(x,y)  is symetric


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 04/Jul/19

we have B(x,y) =∫_0 ^1 (1−t)^(x−1) t^(y−1)  dt   let use the changement t =(1/(u+1)) ⇒  B(x,y) =−∫_0 ^∞    (1−(1/(u+1)))^(x−1) (1/((u+1)^(y−1) )) ((−du)/((u+1)^2 ))  = ∫_0 ^∞    (u^(x−1) /((1+u)^(x−1) )) (1/((1+u)^(y+1) )) du =∫_0 ^∞    (u^(x−1) /((1+u)^(x+y) )) du  so the result is proved .


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