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Question Number 63373 by MJS last updated on 31/Jul/19

just found this on the web  I thought it might help in some cases where  quartics appear i.e. Sir Aifour′s geometric  questions. sometimes we know the nature of  the roots, but how to use this information?    ax^4 +bx^3 +cx^2 +dx+e=0  1. divide by a  2. x=z−(b/(4a))  this leads to the reduced    z^4 +pz^2 +qz+r=0    now we find the nature of the roots:  T_1 =16p^4 r−4p^3 q^2 −128p^2 r^2 +144pq^2 r−27q^4 +256r^3   T_2 =p^2 +12r  T_3 =−p^2 +4r  T_1 <0 ⇒ 2 distinct real and 2 conjugated complex roots  T_1 >0∧(p<0∧T_3 <0) ⇒ 4 distinct real roots  T_1 >0∧(p>0∨T_3 >0) ⇒ 2 pairs of conjugated complex roots  T_1 =0∧(p<0∧T_3 <0∧T_2 ≠0) ⇒ 1 real double and 2 real simple roots  T_1 =0∧(T_3 >0∨(p>0∧(T_3 ≠0∨q≠0))) ⇒ 1 real double and 2 conjugated complex roots  T_1 =0∧(T_2 =0∧T_3 ≠0) ⇒ 1 real triple and 1 real simple roots  T_1 =0∧(T_3 =0∧p<0) ⇒ 2 real double roots  T_1 =0∧(T_3 =0∧p>0∧q=0) ⇒ 2 conjugated complex double roots  T_1 =0∧T_2 =0 ⇒ all roots are equal


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jul/19

good information, thanks sir!


Commented by MJS last updated on 31/Jul/19

I just corrected 2 typos  it′s not r but q in 2 cases...


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