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Question Number 63844 by mmkkmm000m last updated on 10/Jul/19

∫(1+4x+x^2 )^m dx


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Jul/19

let A_m =∫ (x^2 +4x+1)^m  dx ⇒  A_m =∫ (x^2 +4x +4−3)^m dx =∫{(x+2)^2 −3}^m dx  =∫  Σ_(k=0) ^m C_k ^m   (x+2)^(2k)  (−3)^(m−k) dx  =Σ_(k=0) ^m  (−3)^(m−k)   C_m ^k  ∫ (x+2)^(2k)  dx  =Σ_(k=0) ^m  (−3)^(m−k)  C_m ^k   (1/(2k+1))(x+2)^(2k+1)  +C  =Σ_(k=0) ^m  (−3)^(m−k)  (C_m ^k /(2k+1))(x+2)^(2k+1)  +C .


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Jul/19

at line 3 change C_k ^m  by C_m ^k


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Jul/19

i have taken m from N.


Answered by MJS last updated on 10/Jul/19

(a+b+c)^n  with n∈N  we need the trinomial coefficients  (a+b+c)^n =Σ_(i, j, k)  ((n),((i, j, k)) )a^i b^j c^k  with i+j+k=n  and  ((n),((i, j, k)) )=((n!)/(i!j!k!))    for m, i, j, k∈N∧i+j+k=m we get  ∫(1+4x+x^2 )^m dx=  =∫Σ_(i, j, k)  ((m),((i, j, k)) )1^i (4x)^j (x^2 )^k dx=  =Σ_(i, j, k) (((m!)/(i!j!k!))∫4^j x^(j+2k) dx)=  =Σ_(i, j, k) (((4^j m!)/((j+2k+1)i!j!k!))x^(j+2k+1) )+C    for m∈Z^−  and m∈Q I′m still trying...


Answered by Hope last updated on 10/Jul/19

∫{(x+2)^2 −3}^m dx  y=(x+2)   3=a^2   I_m =∫(y^2 −a^2 )^m dy  I_m =(y^2 −a^2 )^m y−m∫(y^2 −a^2 )^(m−1) ×2y×ydy  =(y^2 −a^2 )^m ×y−2m∫(y^2 −a^2 )^(m−1) (y^2 −a^2 +a^2 )dy  =(y^2 −a^2 )^m ×y−2mI_m −2ma^2 I_(m−1)   I_m (1+2m)=y(y^2 −a^2 )^m −2ma^2 I_(m−1)   I_m =((y(y^2 −a^2 )^m )/(1+2m))−((2ma^2 )/(1+2m))I_(m−1)   ∫(1+4x+x^2 )^m dx  =(((x+2)(1+4x+x^2 )^m )/(1+2m))−((2m×3)/(1+2m))∫(1+4x+x^2 )^(m−1) dx  pls check...Tanmay


Answered by MJS last updated on 10/Jul/19

∫(1+4x+x^2 )^m dx with m∈Z^−   ∫(dx/((1+4x+x^2 )^n )) with n∈N  trying Ostrogradski′s Method  ∫((P(x))/(Q(x)))dx=((P_1 (x))/(Q_1 (x)))+∫((P_2 (x))/(Q_2 (x)))dx  Q_1 (x)=gcd (Q(x), Q′(x))  Q_2 (x)=((Q(x))/(Q_1 (x)))  P_1 (x), P_2 (x) can be found by comparing the  constant factors of  ((P(x))/(Q(x)))=(d/dx)[((P_1 (x))/(Q_1 (x)))]+((P_2 (x))/(Q_2 (x)))  degree P_i  <degree Q_i     P(x)=1  Q(x)=(1+4x+x^2 )^n   Q′(x)=2(2+x)(1+4x+x^2 )^(n−1)   Q_1 (x)=(1+4x+x^2 )^(n−1)   Q_2 (x)=1+4x+x^2     (1/((1+4x+x^2 )^n ))=((P_1 ′(x)(1+4x+x^2 )−(n−1)P_1 (x)+P_2 (x)(1+4x+x^2 )^(n−1) )/((1+4x+x^2 )^n ))  we cannot generally solve this I think  ∫(dx/((1+4x+x^2 )^1 ))=((√3)/6)ln ∣((x+2−(√3))/(x+2+(√3)))∣ +C  ∫(dx/((1+4x+x^2 )^2 ))=−((x+2)/(6(1+4x+x^2 )))+((√3)/(36))ln ∣((x+2−(√3))/(x+2+(√3)))∣ +C  ∫(dx/((1+4x+x^2 )^3 ))=((x^3 +6x^2 +7x−2)/(24(1+4x+x^2 )^2 ))+((√3)/(144))ln ∣((x+2−(√3))/(x+2+(√3)))∣ +C  ∫(dx/((1+4x+x^2 )^4 ))=−((5x^5 +50x^4 +160x^3 +160x^2 +19x+38)/(432(1+4x+x^2 )^3 ))+((5(√3))/(2592))ln ∣((x+2−(√3))/(x+2+(√3)))∣ +C  ...  we only need to find P_1  and P_2  and solve  the same integral ∫(dx/(1+4x+x^2 ))  maybe someone can find a formula for the  coefficients. Sir Ramanujan, where have you  been? ;−)


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