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Question Number 64119 by ajfour last updated on 13/Jul/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 13/Jul/19

In terms of the sides of △ABC, find  the radius of the central circle.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 14/Jul/19

p :radius of circle with center A  q :  center B ;  r : center C  and R : radius of central circle  q+r=a  r+p=b  p+q=c  p+q+r=s  p=s−a , q=s−b , r=s−c  let center of small circle be (0,k_A )  (x+q)^2 +y^2 =(q+R)^2   (x−r)^2 +y^2 =(r+R)^2   ⇒ (2x+q−r)(q+r)=(q−r)(q+r+2R)  ⇒ 2x=(((q−r)(q+r+2R))/(q+r))−(q−r)   x=(((q−r)R)/(q+r))   y^2 =(q+R)^2 −(q+(((q−r)R)/(q+r)))^2    y^2 =[q+R+q+(((q−r)R)/(q+r))][R−(((q−r)R)/(q+r))]   y^2 =((4qrR)/(q+r))[1+(R/(q+r))]  k_A =(√(((4qrR)/(q+r))(1+(R/(q+r)))))   ⇒  k_A =(2/a)(√(qrR(a+R)))  let Area of △ABC be △.  △=((ak_A +bk_B +ck_C )/2)  ⇒ (√(qrR(a+R)))+(√(rpR(b+R)))+                +(√(pqR(c+R))) = △  ....


Answered by ajfour last updated on 15/Jul/19

let center of central circle be    (h,k) and radius ρ.  let B be origin.  h^2 +k^2 =(q+ρ)^2   (h−q−r)^2 +k^2 =(r+ρ)^2   ⇒(q+r)[2h−(q+r)]=(q−r)(q+r+2ρ)  2h=(((q−r)(2ρ+q+r))/(q+r))+q+r      h =((ρ(q−r))/(q+r))+q      k^2 =(q+ρ)^2 −[((ρ(q−r))/(q+r))+q]^2       k^2 =ρ^2 +2qρ−((ρ^2 (q−r)^2 )/((q+r)^2 ))−((2qρ(q−r))/(q+r))     =((4qrρ^2 )/((q+r)^2 ))+((4qrρ)/((q+r))) = ((4qrρ[ρ+(q+r)])/((q+r)^2 ))  let A(x_A , y_A )     x_A =(p+q)cos B      y_B =(p+q)sin B  [h−(p+q)cos B]^2 +[k−(p+q)sin B]^2 =(p+ρ)^2   ⇒ (q+ρ)^2 +(p+q)^2 −(ρ+p)^2      = 2(p+q)[hcos B+ksin B]  ⇒ [((q^2 +qρ+pq−pρ)/(p+q))−hcos B]^2              =k^2 sin^2 B  ⇒  [((q^2 +qρ+pq−pρ)/(p+q))−(((ρ(q−r))/(q+r))+q)cos B]^2         =((4qrρ[ρ+(q+r)])/((q+r)^2 ))sin^2 B  ⇒[((ρ(q−p))/c)−((ρ(q−r)cos B)/a)+q(1−cos B)]^2       =((4qrρ^2 )/a^2 )sin^2 B+((4qrρ)/a)sin^2 B  ⇒  quadratic in ρ ;   one is radius of circumcircle  of the three circles, and the other  the radius of required central one.  ⇒ [(A−B)ρ+C]^2 =Dρ^2 +Eρ     [(A−B)^2 −D]ρ^2 +[2C(A−B)−E]ρ+C^2 =0  ρ=((−2C(A−B)+E−(√(−4C(A−B)+E^2 +4C^2 D)))/(2[(A−B)^2 −D]))  ρ =((−2q(1−cos B)[((q−p)/c)−(((q−r))/a)cos B]+((4qr)/a)sin^2 B−(√(−4q(1−cos B)[((q−p)/c)−(((q−r))/a)cos B]+((16q^2 r^2 )/a^2 )sin^4 B+4q^2 (1−cos B)^2 (((4qr)/a^2 )sin^2 B))))/(2[((q−p)/c)−(((q−r))/a)cos B]^2 −((8qr)/a^2 )sin^2 B))          with   cos B = ((c^2 +a^2 −b^2 )/(2ac))  and    p=s−a , q=s−b , r=s−c  ■


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Jul/19

if  b=c=a  then  B=60°  and  p=q=r=(a/2)  ⇒  ρ=((((3a)/4)−(√(((9a^2 )/(16))+((3a^2 )/(16)))))/(−(3/2)))  ⇒  ρ=(a/(√3))−(a/2)    (correct indeed).         ρ_(outer) =(a/(√3))+(a/2) .


Commented by mr W last updated on 15/Jul/19

in this special case:  s=(a/(2(2(√3)±3)))=(((2(√3)∓3)a)/6)  ± one for the small inscribed, and one  for the big circumcircle.  i.e. your result is correct for the  small circle.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Jul/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Jul/19

Thanks sir, it turned right, my  faith in my second solution;  for it was just a quadratic.  can you try compressing my  found result, Sir?


Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Jul/19

the final result is  ρ_i =(1/(2(√((1/(pq))+(1/(qr))+(1/(rp))))+((1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r))))  ρ_o =(1/(2(√((1/(pq))+(1/(qr))+(1/(rp))))−((1/p)+(1/q)+(1/r))))


Answered by mr W last updated on 15/Jul/19

a=q+r  b=r+p  c=p+q  s=a+b+c  ⇒p=s−a  ⇒q=s−b  ⇒r=s−c  center of inscribed circle M  MA=p+R  MB=q+R  MC=r+R  cos θ_A =((MB^2 +MC^2 −a^2 )/(2MB×MC))=(((q+R)^2 +(r+R)^2 −a^2 )/(2(q+R)(r+R)))  cos θ_B =(((r+R)^2 +(p+R)^2 −b^2 )/(2(r+R)(p+R)))  cos θ_C =(((p+R)^2 +(q+R)^2 −c^2 )/(2(p+R)(q+R)))  θ_A +θ_B +θ_C =2π  cos (θ_A +θ_B )=cos (2π−θ_C )  (((q+R)^2 +(r+R)^2 −a^2 )/(2(q+R)(r+R)))×(((r+R)^2 +(p+R)^2 −b^2 )/(2(r+R)(p+R)))−((√({[2(q+R)(r+R)]^2 −[(q+R)^2 +(r+R)^2 −a^2 ]^2 }{[2(r+R)(p+R)]^2 −[(r+R)^2 +(p+R)^2 −b^2 ]^2 }))/(2(q+R)(r+R)2(r+R)(p+R)))=(((p+R)^2 +(q+R)^2 −c^2 )/(2(p+R)(q+R)))  (({2R^2 +2(q+r)R+q^2 +r^2 −a^2 }{2R^2 +2(r+p)R+r^2 +p^2 −b^2 }−(√({[2(q+R)(r+R)]^2 −[(q+R)^2 +(r+R)^2 −a^2 ]^2 }{[2(r+R)(p+R)]^2 −[(r+R)^2 +(p+R)^2 −b^2 ]^2 })))/(2(r+R)^2 ))=2R^2 +2(p+q)R+p^2 +q^2 −c^2   {2R^2 +2(q+r)R+q^2 +r^2 −a^2 }{2R^2 +2(r+p)R+r^2 +p^2 −b^2 }−(√({(q+r+2R)^2 −a^2 }{a^2 −(q−r)^2 }{(r+p+2R)^2 −b^2 }{b^2 −(r−p)^2 }))=2(r+R)^2 {2R^2 +2(p+q)R+p^2 +q^2 −c^2 }  {2R^2 +2(q+r)R+q^2 +r^2 −a^2 }{2R^2 +2(r+p)R+r^2 +p^2 −b^2 }−(√((q+r+2R+a)(q+r+2R−a)4qr(r+p+2R+b)(r+p+2R−b)4rp))=2(r+R)^2 {2R^2 +2(p+q)R+p^2 +q^2 −c^2 }  {2R^2 +2(q+r)R−2qr}{2R^2 +2(r+p)R−2rp}−16Rr(√(pq(R+a)(R+b)))=2(r+R)^2 {2R^2 +2(p+q)R−2pq}  {R^2 +(q+r)R−qr}{R^2 +(r+p)R−rp}−4Rr(√(pq(R+a)(R+b)))=(R^2 +2rR+r^2 ){R^2 +(p+q)R−pq}  R^4 +(q+r)R^3 −qrR^2 +(r+p)R^3 +(q+r)(r+p)R^2 −qr(r+p)R−rpR^2 −rp(q+r)R+pqr^2 −4Rr(√(pq(R+a)(R+b)))=R^4 +2rR^3 +r^2 R^2 +(p+q)R^3 +2r(p+q)R^2 +r^2 (p+q)R−pqR^2 −2pqrR−pqr^2   (pq−qr−rp)R^2 −(p+q)r^2 R+pqr^2 =2Rr(√(pq(R+q+r)(R+r+p)))  .....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Jul/19

This is injustice Sir.  You should not effort limitless..


Commented by mr W last updated on 14/Jul/19

this seems to be a tough way to obtain  the radius. i think your first method  with use of Δ should be able to reach  the goal.


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