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Question Number 64873 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 22/Jul/19

let f(x) =∫_0 ^π   (dt/(x+sint))   with xreal  1) find a explicit form of f(x)  2) find also g(x) =∫_0 ^π   (dt/((x+sint)^2 ))  3) give f^((n)) (x) at form of integral  4) calculate ∫_0 ^π   (dt/(3+sint))  and ∫_0 ^π   (dt/((3+sint)^2 ))


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Jul/19

1)f(x) =∫_0 ^π  (dt/(x+sint))  changement tan((t/2))=u give  f(x) =∫_0 ^∞   (1/(x+((2u)/(1+u^2 )))) ((2du)/(1+u^2 )) =∫_0 ^∞    ((2du)/(x+xu^2  +2u)) =∫_0 ^∞   ((2du)/(xu^2  +2u +x))  xu^2  +2u +x =0→Δ^′  =1−x^2   case 1  1−x^2 >0 ⇒∣x∣<1 ⇒u_1 =((−1+(√(1−x^2 )))/x)  and u_2 =((−1−(√(1−x^2 )))/x)  ( x≠0) ⇒f(x) =∫_0 ^∞   ((2du)/(x(u−u_1 )(u−u_2 )))  =(2/x)(1/((2(√(1−x^2 )))/x))∫_0 ^∞  ((1/(u−u_1 ))−(1/(u−u_2 )))du =(1/(√(1−x^2 )))[ln∣((u−u_1 )/(u−u_2 ))∣]_0 ^(+∞)   =(1/(√(1−x^2 ))){−ln(∣(u_1 /u_2 )∣)} =(1/(√(1−x^2 )))ln∣((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(1−(√(1−x^2 ))))∣  case 2  1−x^2 <0 ⇒∣x∣>1  ⇒xu^2  +2u +x =x(u^2  +((2u)/x) +1)  =x{ u^2  +2(u/x) +(1/x^2 ) +1−(1/x^2 )} =x{ (u+(1/x))^2  +((x^2 −1)/x^2 )} we use the  changement u+(1/x) =((√(x^2 −1))/(∣x∣)) u ⇒  f(x) = ∫_0 ^∞    ((2du)/(x{(u+(1/x))^(2 )  +((x^2 −1)/x^2 )})) =(2/x)∫_0 ^∞   (1/(((x^2 −1)/x^2 )(1+u^2 )))((√(x^2 −1))/(∣x∣)) du  =((2x^2 )/(x∣x∣)) ((√(x^2 −1))/(x^2 −1)) ∫_0 ^∞  (du/(1+u^2 )) =2ξ(x)(1/(√(x^2 −1))) (π/2) =((πξ(x))/(√(x^2 −1))) with  ξ(x) =1 if x>0  and ξ(x)=−1 if x<0  x =0 ⇒f(x)=∫_0 ^π  (dt/(sint)) =_(tan((t/2))=u)    ∫_0 ^∞   (1/((2u)/(1+u^2 ))) ((2du)/(1+u^2 )) =∫_0 ^∞ (du/u)  f(x)dont exist (the integral diverges!)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Jul/19

2) we have f^′ (x) =−∫_0 ^π   (dt/((x +sint)^2 )) =−g(x) ⇒g(x)=−f^′ (x)  if  ∣x∣>1  f(x) =((πξ(x))/(√(x^2 −1))) ⇒f^′ (x) =πξ(x){(x^2 −1)^(−(1/2)) }^((1))   =πξ(x)(−(1/2))(2x)(x^2 −1)^(−(3/2))  =−((πxξ(x))/((x^2 −1)(√(x^2 −1)))) ⇒  g(x) =((πxξ(x))/((x^2 −1)(√(x^2 −1))))  if ∣x∣<1   (x≠0)  f(x)=(1/(√(1−x^2 )))ln∣((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(1−(√(1−x^2 ))))∣ ⇒  f^′ (x)={(1−x^2 )^(−(1/2)) }^((1)) ln∣((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(1−(√(1−x^2 ))))∣+(1/(√(1−x^2 ))) ((w^′ (x))/(w(x)))  with w(x) =((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(1−(√(1−x^2 )))) ⇒w^′ (x) =((((−2x)/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))(1−(√(1−x^2 )))−((x/(√(1−x^2 ))))(1+(√(1−x^2 ))))/((1−(√(1−x^2 )))^2 ))  =((−(x/(√(1−x^2 ))) +x −(x/(√(1−x^2 )))−x)/((1−(√(1−x^2 )))^2 )) =((−2x)/((√(1−x^2 ))(1−(√(1−x^2 ))))) ⇒  f^′ (x) =(x/((1−x^2 )(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(1−(√(1−x^2 ))))∣+(1/(√(1−x^2 ))) ((−2x)/((√(1−x^2 ))(1−(√(1−x^2 )))))×((1−(√(1−x^2 )))/(1+(√(1−x^2 ))))  =....


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Jul/19

3)we have f(x) =∫_0 ^π  (dt/((x+sint))) ⇒f^((n)) (x) =∫_0 ^π  (((−1)^n n!)/((x+sint)^(n+1) ))dt  =(−1)^n n! ∫_0 ^π   (dt/((x+sint)^(n+1) ))


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 23/Jul/19

4) ∫_0 ^π   (dt/(3+sint)) =f(3) =((π×1)/(√(3^2 −1))) =(π/(√8)) =(π/(2(√2)))  ∫_0 ^π   (dt/((3+sint)^2 )) =g(3) =((3π×1)/((3^2 −1)(√(3^2 −1)))) =((3π)/(8(√8))) =((3π)/(8(2(√2)))) =((3π)/(16(√2))) .


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