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Question Number 65134 by turbo msup by abdo last updated on 25/Jul/19

let U_n  a sequence U_0 =a and  U_n =nU_(n−1)    −2   (n>0)  calculate U_n  interms of n.

letUnasequenceU0=aand Un=nUn12(n>0) calculateUnintermsofn.

Commented by~ À ® @ 237 ~ last updated on 25/Jul/19

     Let  U_n = n!V_n    now  let look for V_n   the equality  gives  n!V_(n ) −n[(n−1)V_(n−1) ]=−2   then  ∀ k >1     V_k −V_(k−1) = ((−2)/(k!))   then  Σ_(k=1) ^n (V_k  −V_(k−1) )= Σ_(k=1) ^n  ((−2)/(k!))         finally  V_n  = V_0  −Σ_(k=1) ^n (2/(k!))  V_0 =U_0 =a  so  U_n = a.n! −n!Σ_(k=1) ^n (2/(k!))

LetUn=n!VnnowletlookforVn theequalitygivesn!Vnn[(n1)Vn1]=2 thenk>1VkVk1=2k! thennk=1(VkVk1)=nk=12k! finallyVn=V0nk=12k! V0=U0=a soUn=a.n!n!nk=12k!

Commented by~ À ® @ 237 ~ last updated on 25/Jul/19

     Let  U_n = n!V_n    now  let look for V_n   the equality  gives  n!V_(n ) −n[(n−1)V_(n−1) ]=−2   then  ∀ k >1     V_k −V_(k−1) = ((−2)/(k!))   then  Σ_(k=1) ^n (V_k  −V_(k−1) )= Σ_(k=1) ^n  ((−2)/(k!))         finally  V_n  = V_0  −Σ_(k=1) ^n (2/(k!))  V_0 =U_0 =a  so  U_n = a.n! −n!Σ_(k=1) ^n (2/(k!))

LetUn=n!VnnowletlookforVn theequalitygivesn!Vnn[(n1)Vn1]=2 thenk>1VkVk1=2k! thennk=1(VkVk1)=nk=12k! finallyVn=V0nk=12k! V0=U0=a soUn=a.n!n!nk=12k!

Commented bymathmax by abdo last updated on 25/Jul/19

thank you sir


Commented bymathmax by abdo last updated on 26/Jul/19

let V_n =(U_n /(n!)) ⇒V_(n+1) −V_n =(U_(n+1) /((n+1)!)) −(U_n /(n!)) =(((n+1)U_n −2)/((n+1)!)) −(U_n /(n!))  =(U_n /(n!)) −(2/((n+1)!)) −(U_n /(n!)) =−(2/((n+1)!)) ⇒  Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)  (V_(k+1) −V_k ) =−2 Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)  (1/((k+1)!)) ⇒  V_1 −V_0  +V_2 −V_1  +....+V_n −V_(n−1) =−2 Σ_(k=1) ^n  (1/(k!)) ⇒  V_n =V_0  −2Σ_(k=1) ^n  (1/(k!)) =a −2 Σ_(k=1) ^n  (1/(k!))  we have U_n =n!V_n  ⇒  U_n =n!(a−2 Σ_(k=1) ^n  (1/(k!)))  remark  we see that lim_(n→+∞)  (U_n /(n!)) =a+2 −2e

letVn=Unn!Vn+1Vn=Un+1(n+1)!Unn!=(n+1)Un2(n+1)!Unn! =Unn!2(n+1)!Unn!=2(n+1)! k=0n1(Vk+1Vk)=2k=0n11(k+1)! V1V0+V2V1+....+VnVn1=2k=1n1k! Vn=V02k=1n1k!=a2k=1n1k!wehaveUn=n!Vn Un=n!(a2k=1n1k!) remarkweseethatlimn+Unn!=a+22e

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