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Question Number 66684 by Tinkutara@ last updated on 18/Aug/19

Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Aug/19

this is old...  you always say in words what you read and  write down in numbers  1  one “1” = 1 1  two “1s” = 2 1  one “2” and one “1” = 1 2 1 1  and so on  1 1 1 2 2 1  3 1 2 2 1 1  1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1  1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1  ...  you never get a “4”  you can proof if a given “number” is correct  or which had been the “input number” by  going back  uneven numbers digits can be input numbers  only, i.e.  a_n =13213 = one “3” and two “1s” and 3???    a_n =132131 is not correct, it must be 1351  a_n =1351  a_(n−1) =311111 but this isn′t correct too, it    must be 51 ⇒ neithef 132131 nor 1351 are  correct    a_n =231231  a_(n−1) =332111 is not correct...    but of course we can start with anything  1               2                      3                        x∉{1, 2, 3}  11            12                    13                      1x  21            1112               1113                  111x  1211        3112               3113                  311x  111221  132112           132113             13211x  312211  1113122112  1113122113   111312211x  ...    4321  14131211  11141113111221  31143113312211  132114132123112221  1113122114111312111213213211  ...  it has been explored by Goedel...


Commented by Tinkutara@ last updated on 18/Aug/19

Wonderful!  old is gold :)


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