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Question Number 66694 by mathmax by abdo last updated on 18/Aug/19

let f(a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (dx/((x^4 +x^2  +a))) with a∈](1/4),+∞[  1) calculate f(a)  2)find also g(a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/((x^4  +x^2 +a)^2 ))  3) find the value of integrals  ∫_0 ^∞  (dx/((x^4  +x^2  +3))) and  ∫_0 ^∞     (dx/((x^4  +x^2  +1)^2 ))  4) developp f at integrserie.


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Aug/19

1) f(a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^4  +x^2  +a))  x^4  +x^2  +a =0 ⇒t^2  +t +a=0 (t=x^2 )  Δ=1−4a<0 ⇒Δ =(i(√(4a−1)))^2  ⇒t_1 =((−1+i(√(4a−1)))/2) and  t_2 =((−1−i(√(4a−1)))/2) ⇒t^2  +t+a =(t−t_1 )(t−t_2 )=(x^2 −t_1 )(x^2 −t_2 ) ⇒  f(a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/((x^2 −t_1 )(x^2 −t_2 ))) = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) {(1/(x^2 −t_1 ))−(1/(x^2 −t_2 ))}dx  =(1/(i(√(4a−1)))){ ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )) −∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 ^− ))}  =(1/(i(√(4a−1)))){2i Im( ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )))} =(2/(√(4a−1))) Im(∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )))  let calculate ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^2 −t_1 )) let w(z) =(1/(z^2 −t_1 ))   poles of w?  ∣t_1 ∣ =(1/2)(√(1+4a−1))=(√a) ⇒t_1 =(√a)e^(−iarctan((√(4a−1))))   ⇒(√t_1 )=^4 (√a)e^(−(i/2)arctan((√(4a−1))))  ⇒ w(z) =(1/((z−^4 (√a)e^(−(i/2)arctan((√(4a−1)))) )(z+^4 (√a)e^(−(i/2)arctan((√(4a−1)))) )))  residus theorem give   ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) w(z)dz =2iπ Res(w,−^4 (√a)e^(−(i/2)arctan((√(4a−1)))) )  =2iπ×(1/(−2(^4 (√a))e^(−(i/2)arctan((√(4a−1)))) )) =−((iπ)/((^4 (√a)))) e^((i/2)rctan((√(4a−1))))   =((−iπ)/((^4 (√a)))){ cos(((arctan((√(4a−1))))/2))+i sin(((arctan((√(4a−1)))/2))} ⇒  f(a) =(2/(√(4a−1)))(((−π)/((^4 (√a)))) cos(((arctan((√(4a−1))))/2)))  =((−2π)/((√(4a−1))(^4 (√a)))) cos(((arctan((√(4a−1))))/2))  cos^2 ((α/2)) =((1+cos(α))/2) ⇒cos((α/2))=+^− (√((1+cosα)/2))  here α=arctan(√(4a−1)) ⇒ cosα =(1/(√(1+((√(4a−1)))^2 ))) =(1/(2(√a))) ⇒  cos((α/2)) =+^− (√((1+(1/(2(√a))))/2))=+^− (√((1+2(√a))/(4(√a))))=+^− (1/2)(√((1+2(√a))/(√a)))  but f(a)>0 ⇒cos((α/2))=−(1/2)((√(1+2(√a)))/((^4 (√a)))) ⇒  f(a) =((−2π)/((√(4a−1))(^4 (√a))^2 ))×((−1)/2)(√(1+2(√a)))=((π(√(1+2(√a))))/((√a)(√(4a−1)))) ⇒  f(a) =(π/(√a))(√((1+2(√a))/(4a−1)))  with a>(1/4)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Aug/19

2)  we have f^′ (a) =−∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/((x^4  +x^2  +a)^2 )) =−g(a) ⇒  g(a)=−f^′ (a)     f(a) is known rest to calculate f^′ (a)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Aug/19

3) ∫_0 ^∞   (dx/(x^4  +x^2  +3)) =(1/2)∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  (dx/(x^4  +x^2  +3)) =(1/2)f(3)  =(π/(2(√3)))(√((1+2(√3))/(11)))


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