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Question Number 69741 by ajfour last updated on 27/Sep/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Sep/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Sep/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Sep/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 27/Sep/19

Shown graph is the general  biquadratic (please assume),  find eq. of the shown tangent  y=mx+c_0   and points A, B.  (in terms of a,b,c,d).      y=x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d


Answered by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/19

y=x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d  y′=4x^3 +3ax^2 +2bx+c  y′′=12x^2 +6ax+2b=2(6x^2 +3ax+b)  the condition is that the curve has two  inflection points, i.e. y′′=0 has two  roots.  Δ=(3a)^2 −4×6×b>0  ⇒b<((3a^2 )/8)    at point B(p,q):  q=p^4 +ap^3 +bp^2 +cp+d  m=4p^3 +3ap^2 +2bp+c    ...(i)  at point A(s,t):  t=s^4 +as^3 +bs^2 +cs+d  m=4s^3 +3as^2 +2bs+c   ...(ii)    (i)−(ii):  4(p^3 −s^3 )+3a(p^2 −s^2 )+2b(p−s)=0  4(p^2 +ps+s^2 )+3a(p+s)+2b=0  4s^2 +(3a+4p)s+(4p^2 +3ap+2b)=0  ⇒s=−((3a+4p+(√(9a^2 −32b−24p(2p+a))))/8)   ...(iii)    AB:  m=((q−t)/(p−s))=((p^4 −s^4 +a(p^3 −s^3 )+b(p^2 −s^2 )+c(p−s))/(p−s))  m=(p^2 +s^2 )(p+s)+a(p^2 +ps+s^2 )+b(p+s)+c     ...(iv)  (iv)−(i):  s^3 +(p+a)s^2 +(p^2 +ap+b)s−p(3p^2 +2ap+b)=0     ...(v)    ......  (3a^2 −8b)s+48p^3 +36ap^2 +(3a^2 +16b)p+2ab=0    ...(vi)    putting (iii) into (v) or (vi) we get an  equation for p, it can be solved  only approximately.  with p and s, then q and t, we get the  equation of AB:  y=((q−t)/(p−s))(x−s)+t


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 28/Sep/19

Thanks Sir, please view my   attempt..


Answered by ajfour last updated on 28/Sep/19

let eq. of AB be  y=mx+k  and x_A =p ,  x_B =q  ⇒ mx+k=x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d  x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +(c−m)x+d−k=0     2p+2q=−a     p^2 +q^2 +4pq=b     2pq(p+q)=−c+m     p^2 q^2 =d−k    ⇒   p+q=−(a/2)  ,  (p+q)^2 +2pq=b  ⇒   pq=(b/2)−(a^2 /8)  p, q = (a/4)±(√((a^2 /(16))−(b/2)+(a^2 /8)))  __________________________  p, q = ((a±(√(3a^2 −8b)))/4)  condition is    3a^2  > 8b  __________________________  m= 2pq(p+q)+c      = (b−(a^2 /4))(−(a/2))+c    m =(a^3 /8)−((ab)/2)+c    k= d−p^2 q^2       = d−((b/2)−(a^2 /8))^2   __________________________  hence eq. of double tangent is   y=((a^3 /8)−((ab)/2)+c)x+d−((b/2)−(a^2 /8))^2    __________________________.


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Sep/19

your solution is more than perfect sir!  wonderful!  i tried also this way at first, but i  was uncertain if it should be  x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +(c−m)x+d−k=(x−p)(x−q)(x^2 +sx^2 +t)  or  x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +(c−m)x+d−k=(x−p)^2 (x−q)^2  ?


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