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Question Number 69995 by last updated on 29/Sep/19

  1. { (((√(x^2 +y^2 ))+(√(x^2 −y^2 ))=a)),(((√(x+y))+(√(x−y))=b)) :}     [a,b∈R^+ ]       2. { (((√((√x)+y))+(√(x+(√y)))=a)),(((√((√x)−y))+(√(x−(√y)))=b)) :}        3. { ((x^2 +y^2 =(a−b)xy)),((x^3 +y^3 =ab(x−y))) :}      4. { ((x+y+z=a)),((x^2 +y^2 +z^2 =b)),((x^3 +y^3 +z^3 =abxyz)) :}     5. (√(x^2 +(√x)))+(√(x^2 −(√x)))=2        6. (√(x^2 +x+1))+(√(x^2 +x−1))+(√(x^2 −x−1))=1     7.  16^(sin^2 x) +16^(cos^2 x) =10      8.          2^(lnx) =x.ln(x+(√2))


Answered by mr W last updated on 29/Sep/19

Q7:  let t=16^(sin^2  x)   16^(cos^2  x) =16^(1−sin^2  x) =((16)/(16^(sin^2  x) ))=((16)/t)  t+((16)/t)=10  ⇒t^2 −10t+16=0  (t−2)(t−8)=0  ⇒t=2 or 8    16^(sin^2  x) =2  ⇒sin^2  x=((ln 2)/(ln 16))=(1/4)  ⇒sin x=±(1/2)  ⇒x=nπ±(π/6)  16^(sin^2  x) =8  ⇒sin^2  x=((ln 8)/(ln 16))=(3/4)  ⇒sin x=±((√3)/2)  ⇒x=nπ±(π/3)


Commented by last updated on 29/Sep/19

thanks in advance dear master.  #7 , is so easy for you.  please try anothers!  (ha ha excuse me)

thanksinadvancedearmaster.You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modepleasetryanothers!(hahaexcuseme)

Answered by mr W last updated on 29/Sep/19

Q5:  2x^2 +2(√(x^4 −x))=4  (√(x^4 −x))=2−x^2   x^4 −x=x^4 −4x^2 +4  4x^2 −x−4=0  ⇒x=((1+(√(65)))/8)


Answered by ajfour last updated on 29/Sep/19

(1)    { (((√(x^2 +y^2 ))+(√(x^2 −y^2 ))=a)),(((√(x+y))+(√(x−y))=b)) :}  let  y=tx , ∣x∣=r     (√(1+t^2 ))+(√(1−t^2 ))=(a/r)     (√(1+t))+(√(1−t))=(b/(√r))  (√(1+t^2 ))+(√(1−t^2 ))=((2a)/b^2 )(1+(√(1−t^2 )) )  let t^2 =cos 2θ  , ((2a)/b^2 )=μ   (√2)cos θ+(√2)sin θ=(((2a)/b^2 ))(1+(√2)sin θ)  cos θ+(1−μ)sin θ=(μ/(√2))  cos {φ−θ}=(μ/((√2)(√(1+(1−μ)^2 ))))    φ=tan^(−1) (1−μ) =tan^(−1) (1−((2a)/b^2 ))  t^2 =cos 2θ      θ = φ−cos^(−1) (μ/((√2)(√(1+(1−μ)^2 ))))    x=r = (a/((√(1+t^2 ))+(√(1−t^2 ))))    y=tx .


Commented by last updated on 30/Sep/19

thank you very much sir Ajfour.  you have creative mind,questions and  solutions.god bless you sir.


Answered by mr W last updated on 01/Oct/19

(3)  x+y=u  xy=v  (x+y)^2 −2xy=(a−b)xy  u^2 =(a−b+2)v  x^3 +y^3 =(x+y)[(x+y)^2 −3xy]=u(u^2 −3v)  x−y=(√((x+y)^2 −4xy))=(√(u^2 −4v))  u(u^2 −3v)=ab(√(u^2 −4v))  uv(a−b−1)=ab(√(u^2 −4v))  u^2 v^2 (a−b−1)^2 =a^2 b^2 (u^2 −4v)  (a−b+2)(a−b−1)^2 v^2 =a^2 b^2 (a−b−2)  ⇒v=((ab)/(a−b−1))(√((a−b−2)/(a−b+2)))=p say  ⇒u=±(√((ab(√((a−b+2)(a−b−2))))/(a−b−1)))=±q say  x^2 ±qx+p=0  x,y=(1/2)(±q±(√(q^2 −4p)))


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