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Question Number 70270 by Shamim last updated on 02/Oct/19

If log_x y = 6 & log_(14x) 8y = 3 then find the  value of x & y.

Iflogxy=6&log14x8y=3thenfindthe valueofx&y.

Answered by Rio Michael last updated on 02/Oct/19

log_x y = 6 ...........(1)  log_(14x) 8y = 3 ..........(2)  from eqn (1) , y = x^6 .......(3)   from eqn(2), 8y = (14x)^3                                 8y = 2744 x^3  .......(4)  substitute eqn(3) in eqn(4)  ⇒ 8x^6  = 2744 x^3     8x^3  = 2744  ⇒ x = 7  x = 7  ⇒ y = 7^(6 )   x = 7  and y = 7^6

logxy=6...........(1) log14x8y=3..........(2) fromeqn(1),y=x6.......(3) fromeqn(2),8y=(14x)3 8y=2744x3.......(4) substituteeqn(3)ineqn(4) 8x6=2744x3 8x3=2744 x=7 x=7y=76 x=7andy=76

Commented byShamim last updated on 03/Oct/19

Here, x is base of logaritham & y is a   normal number. bt you mean that y is a   power of x.

Here,xisbaseoflogaritham&yisa normalnumber.btyoumeanthatyisa powerofx.

Commented byShamim last updated on 03/Oct/19

hmm. tnks


Commented byRio Michael last updated on 03/Oct/19

your welcom sir


Commented byMJS last updated on 03/Oct/19

log_x  y =((log y)/(log x))=6  log_(14x)  8y =((log y +3log 2)/(log x +log 7 +log 2))=3    log y =6log x  log y =3(log x +log 7)    6log x =3(log x +log 7)  log x =log 7  x=7  log y =6log 7  y=7^6

logxy=logylogx=6 log14x8y=logy+3log2logx+log7+log2=3 logy=6logx logy=3(logx+log7) 6logx=3(logx+log7) logx=log7 x=7 logy=6log7 y=76

Commented byMJS last updated on 03/Oct/19

(1)  z=x^y  ⇔ y=log_x  z  (2)  log z =log x^y   log z =ylog x ⇒ y=((log z)/(log x))    ⇒ log_x  z =((log z)/(log x))

(1)z=xyy=logxz (2) logz=logxy logz=ylogxy=logzlogx logxz=logzlogx

Commented byShamim last updated on 03/Oct/19

tnks a lot.. bt one prblm


Commented byMJS last updated on 03/Oct/19

just change the names of the variables  z=log_x  y ⇔ x^z =y  log x^z  =log y ⇒ zlog x =log y ⇒ z=((log y)/(log x))    ⇒ log_x  y =((log y)/(log x))

justchangethenamesofthevariables z=logxyxz=y logxz=logyzlogx=logyz=logylogx logxy=logylogx

Commented byShamim last updated on 03/Oct/19

tnks a lot...


Commented byShamim last updated on 03/Oct/19

plz give me the law−−−    log_x y=((log y)/(log x)).... plz describe details.

plzgivemethelaw logxy=logylogx....plzdescribedetails.

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