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Question Number 70423 by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

Within a hollow sphere, mass  M_0  , radius R, rests two smaller  spheres masses, M and m, radii  b, a , respectively. Find equilibrium  angles α, β.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

Let the normal reaction between  the two smaller spheres be F.  Rsin γ=(R−b)cos α−(R−a)cos β                                                       ....(i)  Rcos γ=(R−b)sin α+(R−a)sin β                                                       ....(ii)   From concurrency of forces   F = ((Mgsin α)/(cos (γ+α)))=((mgsin β)/(cos (β−γ)))  ⇒ M((1/(tan β))+ tan γ)           = m((1/(tan α))−tan γ)  ⇒  tan γ = ((mcot α−Mcot β)/(m+M))  ..(I)  Also from (i) & (ii)  tan γ = (((R−b)cos α−(R−a)cos β)/((R−b)sin α+(R−a)sin β))                                                ......(II)  let R−a=p , R−b=q , M=μm,        r=a+b      from cosine rule in △ACB     cos (α+β)=((p^2 +q^2 −r^2 )/(2pq)) = k   ..(1)  And from (I) & (II)  ((cot α−μcot β)/(1+μ))=((qcos α−pcos β)/(qsin α+psin β))  ⇒  (qsin α+psin β)(sin βcos α−μcos βsin α)     =(1+μ)(qcos α−pcos β)(sin αsin β)  ⇒   qsin αcos αsin β−μqsin^2 αcos β  +pcos αsin^2 β−μpsin αsin βcos β  =(1+μ)qsin αcos αsin β          −(1+μ)psin αsin βcos β  ⇒  μqsin αcos αsin β−psin αsin βcos β      =pcos αsin^2 β−μqsin^2 αcos β  ⇒    (μqsin α)sin (α+β)          =psin β sin (α+β)  ⇒  ((sin α)/(sin β)) = (p/(μq))    (has to be a short                                       way to this)  Now using (1)    cos α(√(1−sin^2 β))−sin αsin β =k  ⇒     cos α(√(1−((μ^2 q^2 )/p^2 )sin^2 α))                 −((μq)/p) sin^2 α = k    (1−sin^2 α)(1−((μ^2 q^2 )/p^2 )sin^2 α)            = (k+((μq)/p)sin^2 α)^2    lets call  sin α=x ,  ((μq)/p)=c  ⇒  1−(1+c^2 )x^2 =k^2 +2ckx^2   ⇒    x^2 =((1−k^2 )/((c^2 +2ck+1)))           y^2 = c^2 x^2  = ((c^2 (1−k^2 ))/((c^2 +2ck+1)))  __________________________  ⇒  𝛂=sin^(−1) (√((1−k^2 )/(c^2 +2ck+1)))        𝛃=sin^(−1) (√((c^2 (1−k^2 ))/(c^2 +2ck+1)))       c = ((M(R−b))/(m(R−a)))        k=(((R−a)^2 +(R−b)^2 −(a+b)^2 )/(2(R−a)(R−b)))      _________________________■  If  as an example     μ=8 , b=2a = (R/2)    (same densities)     c=((16)/3) , k=(((9/(16))+(4/(16))−(9/(16)))/((12)/(16)))= (1/3)    sin α=(√((1−(1/9))/(((256)/9)+2((1/3))(((16)/3))+1)))    α = sin^(−1) (((2(√2))/(√(297))))≈ 9.446°    β = sin^(−1) ((√((2048)/(2673)))) ≈ 61.082° .


Answered by mr W last updated on 04/Oct/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Oct/19

p=R−a  q=R−b  r=a+b  M=μm  cos θ=((q^2 +r^2 −p^2 )/(2qr))=((q^2 +(r^2 /((1+μ)^2 ))−h^2 )/(2q(r/(1+μ))))  ((q^2 +r^2 −p^2 )/(1+μ))=q^2 +(r^2 /((1+μ)^2 ))−h^2   ⇒h^2 =((μq^2 )/(1+μ))+(p^2 /(1+μ))−((μr^2 )/((1+μ)^2 ))  ⇒h^2 =(1/((1+μ)^2 ))[μ(1+μ)q^2 +(1+μ)p^2 −μr^2 ]  cos α=((q^2 +h^2 −(r^2 /((1+μ)^2 )))/(2qh))  =(((1+2μ)q^2 +p^2 −r^2 )/(2q(√(μ(1+μ)q^2 +(1+μ)p^2 −μr^2 ))))  ⇒α=cos^(−1) (((1+2μ)q^2 +p^2 −r^2 )/(2q(√(μ(1+μ)q^2 +(1+μ)p^2 −μr^2 ))))  cos β=((p^2 +h^2 −((μ^2 r^2 )/((1+μ)^2 )))/(2ph))  =((μq^2 +(2+μ)p^2 −μr^2 )/(2p(√(μ(1+μ)q^2 +(1+μ)p^2 −μr^2 ))))  ⇒β=cos^(−1) ((μq^2 +(2+μ)p^2 −μr^2 )/(2p(√(μ(1+μ)q^2 +(1+μ)p^2 −μr^2 ))))    example:  μ=8, a=(R/4), b=(R/2)  p=R−a=((3R)/4), q=R−b=((2R)/4), r=((3R)/4)  cos α=((17)/(3(√(33)))) ⇒sin α=((2(√2))/(3(√(33)))) ⇒9.446°  cos β=((25)/(9(√(33)))) ⇒sin β=((32(√2))/(9(√(33)))) ⇒61.083°


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

sir please consider the example  if have chosen and bring out   values for α, β .


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Oct/19

the results are the same sir.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/19

Great, i had done blunders,  edited, corrected. Your solution  is shorter. Thank you Sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Oct/19

i treated the two balls as a single   object whose center of mass must  be vertically beneath the center of  hollow sphere when in equilibrium.


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