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Question Number 70720 by oyemi kemewari last updated on 07/Oct/19

y′′+((y′)/x)+((4y)/x^2 )=1+x^2


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 07/Oct/19

Thank you!


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 07/Oct/19

Could you please use small size fonts?


Commented by oyemi kemewari last updated on 07/Oct/19

ok sir

Commented by mind is power last updated on 07/Oct/19

i have not find it in one  try   the idea comes from (d/dx)(y(ln(x))=((y′(ln(x)))/x)...


Answered by mind is power last updated on 07/Oct/19

⇔x^2 y′′+xy′+4y=x^2 (1+x^2 )   ∀x∈R^∗ ...E  let t=ln(x), y(x)=g(t)  ,x=e^t   (dy/dx)=(dy/dt).(dt/dx)=g′(t).((dx/dt))^(−1) =e^(−t) g′(t)  (d^2 y/dx^2 )=(d/dx)((dy/dx))=(dt/dx).(d/dt)(e^(−t) g′(t))=((dx/dt))^(−1) .(−e^(−t) g′(t)+e^(−t) g′′(t))  =e^(−t) .(−e^(−t) g′(t)+e^(−t) g′′(t))=−e^(−2t) g′(t)+e^(−2t) g′′(t)  E⇔e^(2t) (−e^(−2t) g′(t)+e^(−2t) g′′(t))+e^t (e^(−t) g′(t))+4g(t)=e^(2t) (1+e^(2t) )  ⇔−g′(t)+g′′(t)+g′(t)+4g(t)=e^(2t) +e^(4t)   ⇒g′′(t)+4g(t)=e^(2t) +e^(4t)   easy too solve from hear  Homogenious EQ  g′′+4g=0⇔g(t)=acos(2t)+bsin(2t),a,b∈R  particular solution   let g_0 =ae^(2t) +ce^(4t)   ⇒4ae^(2t) +16ce^(4t) +4ae^(2t) +4ce^(4t) =e^(2t) +e^(4t)   ⇒a=(1/8),c=(1/(20))  g(t)=acos(2t)+bsin(2t)+(e^(2t) /8)+(e^(4t) /(20))  y(x)=g(t)=g(ln(x))  Y(x)=acos(2ln(x))+bsin(2ln(x))+(e^(2ln(x)) /8)+(e^(4ln(x)) /(20))  Y(x)=acos(2ln(x))+bsin(2ln(x))+(x^2 /8)+(x^4 /(20))


Commented by oyemi kemewari last updated on 07/Oct/19

thank you sir

Commented by mind is power last updated on 07/Oct/19

y′re Welcom


Answered by Joel122 last updated on 08/Oct/19

y′′ + ((1/x))y′ + ((4/x^2 ))y = 1 + x^2   x^2 y′′ + xy′ + 4y = x^2  + x^4         ... (i)    • Homogeneous solution  x^2 y′′ + xy′ + 4y = 0  →  Euler−Cauchy eq.  Let y(x) = x^m  be the solution. Then,  x^m [(m^2  − m) + m + 4] = 0  ⇒ m^2  + 4 = 0 ⇒ m_1  = 2i, m_2  = −2i  ⇒ y_h (x) = C_1 x^(2i)  + C_2 x^(−2i)  = α cos (ln x^2 ) + β sin (ln x^2 )     • Particular solution  Using method of undetermined parameter, we have  y_p (x) = Ax^4  + Bx^3  + Cx^2  + Dx + E  y_p ^′ (x) = 4Ax^3  + 3Bx^2  + 2Cx + D  y_p ^(′′) (x) = 12Ax^2  + 6Bx + 2C  Plugging these equations to (i)  x^2 [12Ax^2  + 6Bx + 2C] + x[4Ax^3  + 3Bx^2  + 2Cx + D]                + 4[Ax^4  + Bx^3  + Cx^2  + Dx + E] = x^2  + x^4   ⇒ 20Ax^4  + 13Bx^3  + 8Cx^2  + 5Dx + 4E = x^4  + x^2   By comparing the coefficients, we have  A = (1/(20)), B = 0, C = (1/8), D = 0, E = 0  ⇒ y_p (x) = (x^4 /(20)) + (x^2 /8)    ∴ y(x) = y_h (x) + y_p (x)


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