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Question Number 72316 by mr W last updated on 27/Oct/19

To whom it may concern!  To solve some of your questions, I   spent a lot of my time and gave much  effort to prepare some diagrams. I  did′t keep any backup for my answers  and especially for the diagrams in my  own device, because I thought they   were saved in the forum. Since you,  I don′t understand why, have deleted  these answered questions, I also lose  my answers and my diagrams forever.    You don′t need to say a “thank you” for  the help I give you, but you should be  at least polite and respect me and my  work.    As far as I think you are such a person,  regardless how you change your ID,  I won′t answer any of your questions  even when I know the answer.    NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO  DELETE MY ANSWERS. THEY  ARE GIVEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF  THE FORUM, NOT FOR YOU  PERSONALLY!


Commented by oyemi kemewari last updated on 27/Oct/19

sorry sir and sir take note of them and don't answer them

Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 27/Oct/19

Some people are too wicked,  Sorry sir.   I always appreciate your work sir. God bless you sir


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 27/Oct/19

Thank You for concern. We will update backend so that such deletes will be rejected by backend, this change will be made within this week.

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Oct/19

that′s a good news sir! thanks very much!


Commented by $@ty@m123 last updated on 27/Oct/19

Suggestion to Mr. Tinkutara,   in addition to what you have planned .....  If possiible, develop a system  such that (i) once a post is liked by someone,  it cannot be deleted by anyone.  (ii) a post can be deleted only if  it is flagged as inappropriate  by someone.


Commented by mind is power last updated on 27/Oct/19

no respect all its sad ! me too many times they deleat post just after  answering !


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