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Question Number 73428 by Learner-123 last updated on 12/Nov/19

Evaluate :  1) ∫_(−2) ^( 2) ∫_(−(√(4−x^2 ))) ^( (√(4−x^2 )))  (3−x)dydx .  (after changing the integral to polar form).    2) ∫_0 ^4 ∫_0 ^(4−x) ∫_0 ^( 4−(y^2 /4))  dzdydx .


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 12/Nov/19

1) I =∫_(−2) ^2 (∫_(−(√(4−x^2 ))) ^(√(4−x^2 )) dy)(3−x)dx =∫_(−2) ^2 2(√(4−x^2 ))(3−x)dx  =2 ∫_(−2) ^2 (3−x)(√(4−x^2 )) dx  =_(x=2sinθ)    2 ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2) (3−2sinθ)2cosθ (2cosθ)dθ  =8 ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2)  (3−2sinθ) cos^2 θ dθ =24 ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2) cos^2 θ dθ −16 ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2)  sinθ cos^2 θ dθ  we have ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2)  sinθ cos^2 θ dθ =[−(1/3)cos^3 θ]_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2) =0  ∫_(−(π/2)) ^(π/2)  cos^2 θ dθ =2 ∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((1+cos(2θ))/2)dθ =(π/2) +∫_0 ^(π/2) cos(2θ)dθ  =(π/2) +[(1/2)sin(2θ)]_0 ^(π/2)  =(π/2) +0 =(π/2) ⇒I =24×(π/2) ⇒I=12π


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 12/Nov/19

thnks sir.


Answered by Henri Boucatchou last updated on 12/Nov/19

1)  I =∫_(−2) ^( 2) 2(3−x)(√(4−x^2 )) dx     x=2cosθ,  −1≤cosθ≤1,  dx=−2sinθdθ     I = 4∫_(−π) ^( 0) (3−2cosθ)∣sinθ∣(−2sinθ)dθ         =8[∫_(−π) ^( 0) (3−2cosθ)sin^2 θdθ]         =8[3∫_(−π) ^( 0) sin^2 θdθ − 2∫_(−π) ^( 0) cosθsin^2 θdθ]         =8[(3/2)∫_(−π) ^( 0) (1−cos2θ)dθ − 2.0]         =8.(3/2)[θ−(1/2)sin2θ]_(−π) ^0           = 12π  −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−     ∫_0 ^( 4) ∫_0 ^( 4−x) ∫_0 ^( 4−y^2 /4) dzdydx=    ∫_0 ^( 4) ∫_0 ^( 4−x) (4−(y^2 /4))dydx =    ∫_0 ^( 4) [4y−(y^3 /(12))]_0 ^(4−x) dx =    ∫_0 ^( 4) (4(4−x)−(1/(12))(4−x)^3 )dx =    4(x−(1/2)x^2 )+(1/(12.4))(4−x)^4 ]_0 ^4  =    4(4−(1/2)4^2 )−(1/(12)) =     −16−(1/(12)) =    −((193)/(12))      PLEASE  CHECK  IF  THERE′S  NO  ERROR


Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 12/Nov/19

ma′am, there is slight mistake in 4th last  line.


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