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Question Number 73619 by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19

Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

what′s your idea, Sir L. Messi?


Commented by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19

crying for help


Commented by malwaan last updated on 14/Nov/19

Do you want to solve it for x ?


Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

square it, transform it so that the remaining  root stands alone then square it again and  finally try to solve the polynome  post your steps and we′ll check them and  help if it′s hard to solve  if you cannot do any step at all, better start  with some easier material


Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

Sir Malwaan please let him do some steps  first


Commented by malwaan last updated on 14/Nov/19



Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 14/Nov/19

Why will you delete solutions after great people helped you.  You don′t need the solution.  You will say crying for help but  you did not pity people that sacrifies their time to help you.  Go and change and stop feeling too big.  Appreciate people  that help you and don′t delete their solutions again.    Now do your question by yourself and delete it.


Commented by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19



Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

have you tried it yet? you should at least be  able to square and transform it!


Commented by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19

No need to talk too much


Commented by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19

is it useless in writing?


Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

who do you think you are?


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 14/Nov/19

It is useless in writing because you will still delete the solution. You are  a wicked soul.  Why will you delete people′s solution  everytime.


Commented by L.Messi last updated on 14/Nov/19

my no delete


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 14/Nov/19

We have updated server code to disallow delete of question which have been answered or commented. unanswered question be deleted. to delete a question with answers/comments pleas flag the post and we will delete it.

Commented by MJS last updated on 14/Nov/19

that′s good news!


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