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Question Number 74266 by last updated on 22/Nov/19

please kindly help me with the solutions to these question?very urgent please (1) if dy=x^3 dx. find the equation of y in terms of x   if the curve passes through (1,1)  2) Given that the volume v(t) of cell at a time t changes according to  ((dV(t))/dt)= sin t, with v(t)=4. find v(t)  3) Given (dP/dt) + 3P = 0. determine P (t)   if p(0)= 4  4) Radium decomposes at a rate proportion to the amount   present. if the half−life of the radium is  1000 years. what is the percentage lost in 100 years?  5) Calculate the pressure of a gas after phase  transition at 171°K from 101.3kPa  pressure at 472°K taking R = 0.1886kJ\kgK and L = 35.73kg


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