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Question Number 74280 by ~blr237~ last updated on 21/Nov/19

Let  consider α : I→R^2   a parametric curve defined as  ∀ t∈I   α(t)=(((t^2 −1)/(t^3 −1)) ,((2t)/(t^3 −1)))   Prove that for a,b,c∈I       α(a),α(b),α(c) are on the same lign iff  abc=a+b+c+1


Commented by MJS last updated on 21/Nov/19

test  a=3  b=5  ⇒ c=(9/(14))  α(3)= (((4/(13))),((3/(13))) )  α(5)= (((6/(31))),((5/(62))) )  α((9/(14)))= ((((322)/(403))),((−((3528)/(2015)))) )  line through the 1^(st)  and 2^(nd)   y=((121)/(92))x−(4/(23))  the 3^(rd)  is not on this line  ⇒ wrong


Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 21/Nov/19

please sir i correctly copied the exercise.What on that test prove that the queztion iz wrong


Commented by MJS last updated on 21/Nov/19

if there′s at least one counter example the  question is wrong


Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 21/Nov/19

thanks you sir , i have seen the problem


Commented by MJS last updated on 21/Nov/19

whenever an example like this one looks  complicated to transform, I make a few  tests to ensure it′s worth the effort


Answered by mind is power last updated on 21/Nov/19

false this is abc=1−a−b−c


Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 21/Nov/19

Okay sir  have you proved it?


Answered by mind is power last updated on 21/Nov/19

let α(a)=(((a^2 −1)/(a^3 −1)),((2a)/(a^3 −1))),α(b)=(((b^2 −1)/(b^3 −1)),((2b)/(b^3 −1))),α(c)=(((c^2 −1)/(c^3 −1)),((2c)/(c^3 −1)))  α(a),α(b),α(c) in same lign  ⇔  ((((2a)/(a^3 −1))−((2b)/(b^3 −1)))/(((a^2 −1)/(a^3 −1))−((b^2 −1)/(b^3 −1))))=((((2a)/(a^3 −1))−((2c)/(c^3 −1)))/(((a^2 −1)/(a^3 −1))−((2c)/(c^2 −1))))  ⇔((2a(b^3 −1)−2b(a^3 −1))/((b^3 −1)(a^2 −1)−(a^3 −1)(b^2 −1)))=((2a(c^2 −1)−2c(a^2 −1))/((c^3 −1)(a^2 −1)−(c^2 −1)(a^3 −1)))..H  we will worck withe one expression the other one is just  (a,b)→(a,c)  2a(b^3 −1)−2b(a^3 −1)=(b−a)(2ab(b+a)+2)  (b^3 −1)(a^2 −1)−(a^3 −1)(b^2 −1)=(a−1)(b−1){(a+1)(b^2 +b+1)−(b+1)(a^2 +a+1)}  =(a−1)(b−1){ab^2 −ba^2 +b^2 −a^2 }=(a−1)(b−1)(b−a){ab+b+a}  H  ⇔((ab(b+a)+1)/((a−1)(b−1)(ab+a+b)))=((ac(c+a)+1)/((a−1)(c−1)(ac+a+c)))  ⇔((ab(b+a)+1)/((b−1)(ab+a+b)))=((ac(c+a)+1)/((c−1)(ac+a+c)))  (b−1)(ab+a+b)=ab^2 +b^2 −a−b  ⇔(ab(a+b)+1)(ac^2 +c^2 −c−a)=(ca(c+a)+1)(ab^2 +b^2 −a−b)  {a^2 b+ab^2 +1}(ac^2 +c^2 −c−a)  =a^3 bc^2 +a^2 bc^2 −a^2 bc−a^3 b+a^2 b^2 c^2 +ac^2 b^2 −acb^2 −a^2 b^2 +ac^2 +c^2 −c−a  (c^2 a+ca^2 +1)(ab^2 +b^2 −a−b)=a^2 b^2 c^2 +c^2 ab^2 −c^2 a^2 −bac^2 +ca^3 b^2 +ca^2 b^2   −ca^3 −cba^2 +ab^2 +b^2 −a−b  (ab(a+b)+1)(ac^2 +c^2 −c−a)−(ca(c+a)+1)(ab^2 +b^2 −a−b)=0  ⇔  a^3 bc(c−b) +a^3 (c−b)+acb(c−b)+a^2 bc(c−b)+a^2 (c^2 −b^2 )+a(c^2 −b^2 )+c^2 −b^2 −(c−b)}=0  ⇔(c−b){a^3 bc+a^3 +acb+a^2 (c+b)+a^2 bc(c−b)+a(c+b)+c+b−1}=0  ⇔a^3 bc+a^3 +acb+a^2 bc+a^2 c+a^2 b+ac+ab+c+b−1=0  ⇔a^3 −1+abc(a^2 +a+1)+c(a^2 +a+1)+b(a^2 +a+1)=0  a^3 −1=(a−1)(a^2 +a+1)  ⇒(a^2 +a+1)(a−1+abc+c+b)=0  ∀a∈R  a^2 +a+1>0  ⇒a−1+abc+b+c=0  ⇔abc=1−a−b−c


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