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Question Number 74329 by Learner-123 last updated on 22/Nov/19

Solve :  ax+by=r  bx−ay=s

$${Solve}\:: \\ $$$${ax}+{by}={r} \\ $$$${bx}−{ay}={s} \\ $$

Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 22/Nov/19

any short method when a,b,r,s are   very large quantity ?

$${any}\:{short}\:{method}\:{when}\:{a},{b},{r},{s}\:{are}\: \\ $$$${very}\:{large}\:{quantity}\:? \\ $$

Answered by ajfour last updated on 22/Nov/19

x=( determinant ((r,b),(s,(−a)))_ / determinant ((a,b),(b,(−a)))^ )  ,   y=( determinant ((a,r),(b,s))_ / determinant ((a,b),(b,(−a)))^ )  .

$${x}=\frac{\begin{vmatrix}{{r}}&{{b}}\\{{s}}&{−{a}}\end{vmatrix}_{} }{\begin{vmatrix}{{a}}&{{b}}\\{{b}}&{−{a}}\end{vmatrix}^{} }\:\:,\:\:\:{y}=\frac{\begin{vmatrix}{{a}}&{{r}}\\{{b}}&{{s}}\end{vmatrix}_{} }{\begin{vmatrix}{{a}}&{{b}}\\{{b}}&{−{a}}\end{vmatrix}^{} }\:\:. \\ $$

Commented by Learner-123 last updated on 24/Nov/19

thanks sir.

$${thanks}\:{sir}. \\ $$

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