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Question Number 74970 by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

x+y+z=1  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 =2  x^3 +y^3 +z^3 =3    find  x^4 +y^4 +z^4 =?  x^5 +y^5 +z^5 =?  x^6 +y^6 +z^6 =?  ......  x^n +y^n +z^n =?


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 05/Dec/19

Wow,  i will love to see the answer.


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

p_k =x^k +y^k +z^k   e_1 =x+y+z  e_2 =xy+yz+zx  e_3 =xyz  e_(i≥4) =0  e_1 =p_1 =1  2e_2 =e_1 p_1 −p_2 =1−2=−1 ⇒e_2 =−(1/2)  3e_3 =e_2 p_1 −e_1 p_2 +p_3 =−(1/2)−2+3=(1/2) ⇒e_3 =(1/6)  0=e_3 p_1 −e_2 p_2 +e_1 p_3 −p_4  ⇒p_4 =(1/6)+1+3=((25)/6)  0=−e_3 p_2 +e_2 p_3 −e_1 p_4 +p_5  ⇒p_5 =(2/6)+(3/2)+((25)/6)=6  0=e_3 p_3 −e_2 p_4 +e_1 p_5 −p_6  ⇒p_6 =(3/6)+((25)/(12))+6=((103)/(12))  0=−e_3 p_4 +e_2 p_5 −e_1 p_6 +p_7  ⇒p_7 =((25)/(36))+(6/2)+((103)/(12))=((221)/(18))  ......  p_n =p_(n−1) +(p_(n−2) /2)+(p_(n−3) /6)  ......  i.e.  x^4 +y^4 +z^4 =((25)/6)  x^5 +y^5 +z^5 =6  x^6 +y^6 +z^6 =((103)/(12))  x^7 +y^7 +z^7 =((221)/(18))  x^8 +y^8 +z^8 =((1265)/(72))  ......

Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 05/Dec/19

Wow,  i will study them.  God bless you sirs


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 05/Dec/19

The only thing i don′t understand is how to get  2e_2  ,  3e_3  ,   4e_4  ,   5e_5  ,     etc...  Please help


Commented by mind is power last updated on 05/Dec/19

for 3 variable  S_2 =xy+yz+zx  S_3 =xyz  S_4 =0  Why S_4 =0  P_4 =x^4 +y^4 +z^4 =x^4 +y^4 +z^4 +0^4   if we applie too (a,b,c,d)=(x,y,z,0)   samme definitiln  S_1 (a,b,c,d)=a+b+c+d=x+y+z+0  S_2 (a,b,c,d)=ab+ac+ad+bc+bd+cd  since d=0,a=x,b=y,c=z⇒  S_2 =xy+xz+zy  s_3 =xyz  s_4 =abcd=xyz.0=0


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 05/Dec/19

God bless you sir, i understand this  but i mean:  how to get  2e_2   =  e_1 p_1  − p_2   3e_3   =  e_2 p_1  − e_1 p_2  + p_3   4e_4   =  ....   etc ..


Commented by mind is power last updated on 05/Dec/19

(x+y+z)^2 =x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +2xy+2xz+2zy  ⇒p_1 ^2 =p_2 +2e_2 ⇒2e_2 =p_1 ^2 −p_2   (xy+xz+zx)(x+y+z)−(x+y+z)(x^2 +y^2 +z^2 )+x^3 +y^3 +z^3   =3xyz=3e_3   just devllope and simplifaction


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 05/Dec/19

I understand now. God bless you sir


Commented by mind is power last updated on 05/Dec/19

withe pleasur Sir


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 23/Jul/21

Great. I found it.


Answered by MJS last updated on 05/Dec/19

x=p−(√q)  y=p+(√q)  z=1−x−y=1−2p  (1)  true  (2)  6p^2 +2q−4p−1=0  (3)  −6p^3 +12p^2 +6pq−6p−2=0  (2)  q=−3p^2 +2p+(1/2)  (3)  −24p^3 +24p^2 −3p−2=0          p^3 −p^2 +(1/8)p=−(1/(12))    x^4 +y^4 +z^4 =−32(p^3 −p^2 +(1/8)p−(3/(64)))=((25)/6)  x^5 +y^5 +z^5 =−60(p^3 −p^2 +(1/8)p−(1/(60)))=6  but this method doesn′t work for n≥6


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

thanks alot sir!


Answered by mind is power last updated on 05/Dec/19

x+y+z=s_1          xy+yz+zx=s_2 ,  xyz=s_3   p_k =x^k +y^k +z^k   s_n =0,n≥4  2s_2 =s_1 p_1 −p_2 =1−2=−1⇒s_2 =−(1/2)  3s_3 =s_2 p_1 −s_1 p_1 +p_2 ⇒3s_3 =−(1/2)−1+2⇒s_3 =(1/6)  4s_4 =s_3 p_1 −s_2 p_2 +s_1 p_3 −p_4 =0  ⇒p_4 =(1/6)+1+3=((25)/6)  5s_5 =s_4 p_1 −s_3 p_2 +s_2 p_3 −s_1 p_4 +p_5 =0  ⇒p_5 =(2/6)+(3/2)+((25)/6)=6  6s_6 =s_3 p_3 −s_2 p_4 +s_1 p_5 −p_6 =0  p_6 =(3/6)+((25)/(12))+6=((103)/(12))  x+y+z=1,xy+xz+zy=−(1/2),  xyz=(1/6)  x,y,z root of  S^3 −s^2 −(s/2)−(1/6)=0  cardan ,s_1 ,s_2 ,s_3  roots  x^n +y^n +z^n =s_1 ^n +s_2 ^n +s_3 ^n


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Dec/19

thanks alot sir!


Commented by mind is power last updated on 05/Dec/19

y′re welcom


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 23/Jul/21



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