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Question Number 75770 by Ajao yinka last updated on 16/Dec/19

Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 17/Dec/19

A=∫_0 ^∞ (dx/(e^x (√(sinh2x)))) =(√2)∫_0 ^∞ ((e^(−x) dx)/(√(e^(2x) −e^(−2x) )))   =(√2) ∫_0 ^∞ ((e^(−2x) dx)/(√(1−(e^(−2x) )^2 ))) = ((−1)/(√2)) [ arsin(e^(−2x) )]_0 ^∞   =(π/(2(√2)))


Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 17/Dec/19

let consider for b≠0 and a≠−1 ,f(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞ (x^a /(b+x))dx  f(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞  ((b^a ((x/b))^a )/(1+((x/b))))d((x/b))=b^a ∫_0 ^∞ (t^a /(1+t))dt  using the Mellin function ∫_0 ^∞  (t^a /(1+t))dt=(π/(sin(π(a+1))))   so  f(a,b)=((πb^a )/(sin(π(a+1))))  Now study  (∂f/∂a)(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞  ((x^a lnx)/(b+x))dx  (∂^n f/(∂b^(n−1) ∂a))(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞ (−1)^n (n−1) ((x^a lnx)/((b+x)^n ))dx  So ∫_0 ^∞ ((lnx)/((1+x)^n ))dx=(((−1)^n )/(n−1)) (∂^n f/(∂b^(n−1) ∂a))(0,1)  ∫_0 ^∞ (((1−3x))/((1+x)^5 ))(logx)^2 dx=∫_0 ^∞ [(4/((1+x)^5 ))(logx)^2 −(3/((1+x)^4 ))(logx)^2 ]dx      = −(∂^6 f/(∂b^4 ∂a^2 ))(0,1)−(∂^5 f/(∂b^3 ∂a^2 ))(0,1)


Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 17/Dec/19

let consider for b≠0 and a≠−1 ,f(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞ (x^a /(b+x))dx  f(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞  ((b^a ((x/b))^a )/(1+((x/b))))d((x/b))=b^a ∫_0 ^∞ (t^a /(1+t))dt  using the Mellin function ∫_0 ^∞  (t^a /(1+t))dt=(π/(sin(π(a+1))))   so  f(a,b)=((πb^a )/(sin(π(a+1))))  Now study  (∂f/∂a)(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞  ((x^a lnx)/(b+x))dx  (∂^n f/(∂b^(n−1) ∂a))(a,b)=∫_0 ^∞ (−1)^n (n−1) ((x^a lnx)/((b+x)^n ))dx  So ∫_0 ^∞ ((lnx)/((1+x)^n ))dx=(((−1)^n )/(n−1)) (∂^n f/(∂b^(n−1) ∂a))(0,1)  ∫_0 ^∞ (((1−3x))/((1+x)^5 ))(logx)^2 dx=∫_0 ^∞ [(4/((1+x)^5 ))(logx)^2 −(3/((1+x)^4 ))(logx)^2 ]dx      = −(∂^6 f/(∂b^4 ∂a^2 ))(0,1)−(∂^5 f/(∂b^3 ∂a^2 ))(0,1)


Commented by Ajao yinka last updated on 17/Dec/19


Commented by Ajao yinka last updated on 17/Dec/19

So what's final answer?

Commented by ~blr237~ last updated on 17/Dec/19

you find out the exprezsion of  that derivate(it will be easy to start  derivation on b)  after you just replace (a,b) by (0,1)


Answered by ~blr237~ last updated on 17/Dec/19

B=∫_((−π)/4) ^(π/4) log(sinx+cosx)dx  observe that sinx+cosx=(√2) cos(x−(π/4))  B=∫_(−(π/2)) ^0 log((√2) cosu)du   with  u=x−(π/4)   B=−(π/4)log2 +∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(cosu)du  secondly observe that   B=∫_(−(π/4)) ^(π/4) log(cost−sint)dt    with  t=−x  so 2B=∫_((−π)/4) ^(π/4) [log(cosx+sinx)+log(cosx−sinx)]dx     =∫ _((−π)/4)^(π/4)  log(cos2x)dx  =2∫_0 ^(π/4) log(cos2x)dx  =∫_0 ^(π/2) log(cosu)du   with  u=2x  Finally  we have    B=−(π/4)log2 +2B   so  B=(π/4)log2


Commented by Ajao yinka last updated on 17/Dec/19


Answered by mind is power last updated on 17/Dec/19

∫_((−π)/4) ^(π/4) log(sin(x)+cos(x))dx  =∫_(−(π/4)) ^(π/4) log((√2)sin(x+(π/4)))dx  =∫_0 ^(π/2) log((√2)sin(u))du  =(π/2)log((√2))+∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))du  ∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))du=∫_0 ^(π/2) log(cos(u))du  ∫_0 ^π log(sin(u))=2∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))  ∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(2u))du=(1/2)∫_0 ^π log(sin(u))du=∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))  =(π/2)log(2)+2∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))du=∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))du  ⇒∫_0 ^(π/2) log(sin(u))du=−(π/2)log(2)  ⇒∫_(−(π/4)) ^(+(π/4)) log(sin(u)+cos(u))du=(π/2)log((√2))−(π/2)log(2)  (π/2)log((1/(√2)))


Answered by mind is power last updated on 17/Dec/19

∫_0 ^(+∞) ((log(x))/((1+x)^n ))  n≥2  if n =1 ,0diverge   x=(1/y)⇒  =∫_0 ^(+∞) −((log(y))/((1+y)^n )).y^(n−2) dy  if n=2 ⇒∫_0 ^(+∞) ((log(y))/((1+y)^2 ))dy=0  n≥3,    by part U_n =∫_0 ^(+∞) ((log(x))/((1+x)^n ))dx  ((log(x))/((1+x)^n ))=[((xlog(x)−x)/((1+x)^n ))]+n∫((xlog(x)−x)/((1+x)^(n+1) ))dx  =n∫_0 ^(+∞) (((x+1)log(x)−log(x))/((1+x)^(n+1) ))dx−n∫_0 ^(+∞) {(1/((1+x)^n ))−(1/((1+x)^(n+1) ))}dx  ==n∫_0 ^(+∞) ((log(x))/((1+x)^n ))−n∫_0 ^(+∞) ((log(x))/((1+x)^(n+1) ))dx−n[−(1/(n−1)).(1/((1+x)^(n−1) ))+(1/n).(1/((1+x)^n ))]_0 ^(+∞)   ⇒U_n =nU_n −nU_(n+1) −n{−(1/(n−1))+(1/n)}  ⇒(1−n)U_n =−nU_(n+1) +(1/((n−1)))  ⇔U_(n+1) =((n−1)/n)U_n +(1/(n(n−1)))  U_2 =0


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