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Question Number 77565 by TawaTawa last updated on 07/Jan/20

Commented by MJS last updated on 07/Jan/20

I don′t think that A^B  for matrices A, B is  defined. I only know A^n  with n∈N; A^(−n)  is  only possible if the inverse matrix A^(−1)  exists  and is then defined as (A^(−1) )^n . A^(p/q)  is only  possible if A can be diagonalized and the  elements of the diagonal all are ≥0. we find  the diagonal matrix if a matrix T exists with  A=T×D×T^(−1)  in this case A^n =T×D^n ×T^(−1)   and in some cases A^(p/q) =T×D^(p/q) ×T^(−1)


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 07/Jan/20

God bless you sir. I  appreciate


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 08/Jan/20

Sir what if the power is a determinant.


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 08/Jan/20

   [((7             − 3)),((10           −4)) ]^ determinant (((0         1)),((3       −2)))


Commented by MJS last updated on 08/Jan/20

det determinant ((0,1),(3,(−2)))=−3   [(7,(−3)),((10),(−4)) ]^(−1) = [((−2),(3/2)),((−5),(7/2)) ]   [((−2),(3/2)),((−5),(7/2)) ]^3 = [((−17/4),(21/8)),((−35/4),(43/8)) ]


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 08/Jan/20

God bless you sir


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