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Question Number 77570 by TawaTawa last updated on 08/Jan/20

∫_( 0) ^( 1)   log(((1 + x +  x^2  + x^3  + x^4 )/(√(1 + (1/x) + (1/x^2 ) + (1/x^3 ) + (1/x^4 ))))) dx


Answered by MJS last updated on 08/Jan/20

=∫_0 ^1 ln (x^2 (√(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1))) dx=  =2∫_0 ^1 ln x dx+(1/2)∫_0 ^1 ln (x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1) dx         2∫_0 ^1 ln x dx=2[x(ln x −1)]_0 ^1 =            [lim_(x→0)  x(ln x −1) =0]       =−2         (1/2)∫_0 ^1 ln (x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1) dx=            [α_j =e^(i((2πj)/5)) ; j=1, 2, 3, 4]       =(1/2)∫_0 ^1 ln (Π_(j=1) ^4 (x−α_j )) dx=       =(1/2)Σ_(j=1) ^4 (∫_0 ^1 ln (x−α_j ) dx)=       =(1/2)[Σ_(j=1) ^4 ((x−α_j )ln (x−α_j ))−2x]_0 ^1 =...       ...=((√5)/4)ln ((1+(√5))/2) +(5/8)ln 5 +((√(25+10(√5)))/(20))π−2    ⇒  answer is ((√5)/4)ln ((1+(√5))/2) +(5/8)ln 5 +((√(25+10(√5)))/(20))π−4


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 08/Jan/20

God bless you sir.


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 12/Jan/20

Please sir. How did you get:    e^(i((2πj)/5) ) ;       j  =  1, 2, 3, 4


Commented by MJS last updated on 12/Jan/20

(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1)(x−1)=x^5 −1  ⇒ the roots are the 5^(th)  roots of unity  =e^(i((2πj)/5))  with j=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 but j=0 ⇔ x−1=0


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