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Question Number 77603 by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 08/Jan/20

∫((10x^2 −8x+1)/(x^4 −x^3 −x+1))dx


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 08/Jan/20

let I =∫ ((10x^2 −8x +1)/(x^4 −x^3 −x+1))dx⇒I=∫ F(x)dx we have x^4 −x^3 −x+1=  x^3 (x−1)−(x−1) =(x−1)(x^3 −1)=(x−1)^2 (x^2  +x+1) ⇒  F(x)=((10x^2 −8x+1)/((x−1)^2 (x^2  +x+1))) =(a/(x−1)) +(b/((x−1)^2 )) +((cx+d)/(x^2  +x+1))  b=(x−1)^2 F(x)∣_(x=1) =(3/3)=1  lim_(x→+∞) xF(x)=0 =a+c ⇒c=−a ⇒  F(x)=(a/(x−1))+(1/((x−1)^2 )) +((−ax+d)/(x^2  +x+1))  F(0)=1=−a +1 +d ⇒d=a ⇒F(x)=(a/(x−1))+(1/((x−1)^2 ))+((−ax+a)/(x^2  +x+1))  F(−1)=((19)/4) =−(a/2)+(1/4) +((2a)/1)  ⇒19=−2a+1+8a ⇒18=6a ⇒a=3  ⇒F(x)=(3/(x−1)) +(1/((x−1)^2 )) +((−3x+3)/(x^2  +x+1)) ⇒  I =3 ∫ (dx/(x−1)) +∫  (dx/((x−1)^2 ))−(3/2) ∫ ((2x−2)/(x^2  +x+1))dx  =3ln∣x−1∣−(1/(x−1))−(3/2) ∫ ((2x+1−3)/(x^2  +x+1))dx  =3ln∣x−1∣−(1/(x−1))−(3/2)ln(x^2  +x+1)+(9/2) ∫  (dx/(x^2  +x+1))  we have  ∫  (dx/(x^2  +x+1)) =∫  (dx/((x+(1/2))^2 +(3/4))) =_(x+(1/2)=((√3)/2)u) (4/3)  ∫  (1/(u^2  +1))×((√3)/2)du  =(2/(√3)) arctan(((2x+1)/(√3))) ⇒  I =3ln∣x−1∣−(1/(x−1)) +3(√3) arctan(((2x+1)/(√3))) +C .


Answered by Kunal12588 last updated on 08/Jan/20

x^4 −x^3 −x+1=x(x^3 −1)−(x^3 −1)  =(x−1)(x^3 −1)  =(x−1)^2 (x^2 +x+1)  ((10x^2 −8x+1)/((x−1)^2 (x^2 +x+1)))=(a/((x−1)))+(b/((x−1)^2 ))+((cx+d)/((x^2 +x+1)))  ⇒10x^2 −8x+1=a(x^4 −x^3 −x+1)+b(x^3 −1)                                            +(cx+d)(x−1)^3   10x^2 −8x+1= { ((ax^4 +(−a+b)x^3 −ax+(a−b))),((+(cx+d)(x^3 −3x^2 +3x−1))) :}  10x^2 −8x+1= { ((ax^4 +(−a+b)x^3 −ax+(a−b))),((+cx^4 +(−3c+d)x^3 +(3c−3d)x^2 )),((+(−c+3d)x−d)) :}  10x^2 −8x+1= { (((a+c)x^4 +(−a+b−3c+d)x^3 )),((+(3c−3d)x^2 +(−a−c+3d)x)),((+(a−b−d))) :}  1)  a+c=0   2)  −a+b−3c+d=0  3)  3c−3d=10  4)  −a−c+3d=−8  5) a−b−d=1  1⇒c=−a  ⇒ { ((b+d=−2a)),((−3a−3d=10⇒d=−((3a+10)/3))),((d=((−8)/3))) :}  ⇒ { ((b=−2a+(8/3))),((3a+10=8⇒a=6⇒c=−6)) :}  ⇒b=−12+(8/3)=((−36+8)/3)=((−28)/3)  ((10x^2 −8x+1)/((x−1)^2 (x^2 +x+1)))=(6/((x−1)))−((28)/(3(x−1)^2 ))−((18x+8)/(3(x^2 +x+1)))  ∫((10x^2 −8x+1)/(x^4 −x^3 −x+1))dx  =6∫(dx/(x−1))−((28)/3)∫(dx/((x−1)^2 ))−(1/3)∫((18x+9−1)/(x^2 +x+1))dx  =6log∣x−1∣+((28)/(3(x−1)))−(9/3)log∣x^2 +x+1∣+(1/3)∫(dx/((x+(1/2))^2 +(3/4)))  =6log∣x−1∣+((28)/(3(x−1)))−3log∣x^2 +x+1∣+(1/3)∫(dx/((x+(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  =6log∣x−1∣+((28)/(3(x−1)))−3log∣x^2 +x+1∣+(1/3)×(2/(√3)) tan^(−1) (((x+(1/2))/((√3)/2)))+C  =6log∣x−1∣+((28)/(3(x−1)))−3log∣x^2 +x+1∣+(2/(3(√3))) tan^(−1) (((2x+1)/(√3)))+C


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 08/Jan/20

next time try yourself first !


Commented by key of knowledge last updated on 08/Jan/20

log is not,ln is true  (∫(du/u)=lnx)


Commented by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 08/Jan/20

thank u sir


Commented by MJS last updated on 08/Jan/20

some write log for ln, and log_(10)   others write log for log_(10)  and ln  in case of integrals there had been no case  yet where log meant log_(10)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 08/Jan/20

by notation Log means ln and log means log_(10)  ...


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 09/Jan/20

yeah, there is much of confusion  but I am just following what I learned in  my school and NCERT  book.  log a →  log_e a  and for referring to log_(10) a  we write it like that log_(10) a.  nothing mentioned about ln.


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