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Question Number 78694 by TawaTawa last updated on 19/Jan/20

Solve the equation.       x^2  − (y − z)^2   =  10      ... (i)       y^2  − (z − x)^2   =  5      ... (ii)       z^2  − (x  − y)^2   =  2      ... (iii)


Commented by john santu last updated on 20/Jan/20

(i)+(ii)+(iii)  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 −{(x−y)^2 +(y−z)^2 +(z−x)^2 }=17  2xy+2xz+2yz−(x^2 +y^2 +z^2 )=17 (iv)  (∗) (x+y+z)^2 = x^2 +y^2 +z^2 +2xy+2xz+2yz  x^2 +y^2 +z^2 =(x+y+z)^2 −2xy−2xz−2yz  (iv)4xy+4xz+4yz−(x+y+z)^2 =17


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 20/Jan/20

     x^2  − (y − z)^2   =  10      ... (A)       y^2  − (z − x)^2   =  5      ... (B)       z^2  − (x  − y)^2   =  2      ... (C)  A/B:(((x−y+z)(x+y−z))/((y−z+x)(y+z−x)))=((10)/5)=2              x−y+z=2(y+z−x)              x−y+z=2y+2z−2x)                3x−3y−z=0........∗  A/C:(((x−y+z)(x+y−z))/((z−x+y)(z+x−y)))=((10)/2)=5               ((x+y−z)/(z−x+y))=5           x+y−z=5z−5x+5y           6x−4y−6z=0            3x−2y−3z=0.........∗∗  B/C:(((y−z+x)(y+z−x))/((z−x+y)(z+x−y)))=(5/2)                5(z+x−y)=2(y−z+x)                 3x−7y+3z=0......∗∗∗    ∗ , ∗∗ & ∗∗∗ are simultaneous linear equations  in 3 variables and can be solved   easily:             [((3x−3y−z=0)),((3x−2y−3z=0)),((3x−7y+3z=0)) ]


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir.


Answered by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

(i) (x+y−z)(x−y+z)=10  (ii) (y+z−x)(y−z+x)=5  (iii) (z+x−y)(z−x+y)=2  (i) = (ii)×(iii)  (x+y−z)(x−y+z)=(y+z−x)(y−z+x)(z+x−y)(z−x+y)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

(z+y−x)(z−x+y)=1  ⇒z+y−x=1⇒z+x−y=2⇒y−z+x=5


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

your approch is not “exact” mathematically,  i think.  what if the equations were e.g.:  (i) (x+y−z)(x−y+z)=7  (ii) (y+z−x)(y−z+x)=11  (iii) (z+x−y)(z−x+y)=2 ?  then you can not simply guess the values  for x+y−z etc. and reach the correct  solution by accident.


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

see the result of equation (i) = (ii)×(iii)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

from the result of that equation  , we get a value (z+y−x))(z−x+y)=1


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

that finally we get   −x+y+z=1 , x−y+z=2 , x+y−z=5


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

don′t play that guess sir. there  is process, which i shorten the  process


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

maybe i didn′t unterstand your method  correctly. i thought you just guess the  following values:  ⇒z+y−x=1⇒z+x−y=2⇒y−z+x=5 ?  or can you share how you get them?    besides, the original equations are 3  quadratical relations between x,y,z.  but you could reduce them to 3 linear   relations. how did you get this?    and can you find the solution using  your method if the equations are:  (i) (x+y−z)(x−y+z)=7  (ii) (y+z−x)(y−z+x)=11  (iii) (z+x−y)(z−x+y)=2    if there is an easier method, i want to  learn.


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

ha ha . don′t setence like that  sir. i am not a psychic who can  guess the answers


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

since you got the correct solution  much more directly and faster, i  was very interested and wanted to  learn how and sincerely asked you  for more details.  but if you don′t want to tell more about  your secret, i respect it sir. thank you!


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

look sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

thanks alot sir!


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

yes sir. i didn′t mean to not  want to explain it, but i think  that asking questions needs  a quick response so i cut some of   the solutions. thank you sir, for  this discussion. i like


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

thanks alot again! now i understand  your approach. i think it has worked  due to the fact that (i)=(ii)×(iii), i.e.  10=5×2. if we had other values, e.g.  (i)=7, (ii)=11, (iii)=2, we can′t get  the value of y+z−x directly.


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir


Commented by john santu last updated on 21/Jan/20

(i) = (7/2)×(iii)  (x+y−z)(x−y+z)=(7/2)(z+x−y)(z−x+y)  2(x+y−z)(x−y+z)=7(z+x−y)(z−x+y)  (x−y+z){2x+2y−2z−7z+7x−7y}=0  (x−y+z)(9x−5y−9z)=0  x−y+z=0 ∨9x−5y−9z=0  (ii)=((11)/2)×(iii)  (y+z−x)(y−z+x)=((11)/2)(z+x−y)(z−x+y)  2(y+z−x)(y−z+x)=11(z+x−y)(z−x+y)  (z+y−x){2x+2y−2z−11z−11x+11y}=0  (z+y−x)(−9x+13y−13z)=0  z+y−x=0 ∨ −9x+13y−13z=0


Commented by john santu last updated on 21/Jan/20

to Mr W.  i am interested in the questions   in you made and solve them   with the concept of MrJagoll.  i think the concept of Mr Jagoll  is not a mathematical concept  but a tactical thinking concept.  i appreciate Mr Jagoll, because  no one in the world can argue  10 = 5×2. i′m not on anyone′s  side, but i try to express my  thoughts that mathematics  must be able to make someone  creative in solving problems.  thanks you


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

yes sir! being creative is also that  what i appreciate and what i try to be.


Answered by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

we get x=(7/2) , y = 3 and z =(3/2)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

check   x^2 −(y−z)^2 = ((49)/4)−(3−(3/2))^2 =  ((49)/4)−((9/4))=10. satisfy the equation


Answered by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

(ii)+(iii):  y^2 +z^2 −z^2 +2xz−x^2 −x^2 +2yx−y^2 =7  2xz−2x^2 +2yx=7  ⇒y+z=(7/(2x))+x  (ii)−(iii):  y^2 −z^2 −z^2 +2xz−x^2 +x^2 −2yx+y^2 =3  2(y^2 −z^2 )−2x(y−z)=3  2(y−z)(y+z−x)=3  2(y−z)((7/(2x)))=3  ⇒y−z=((3x)/7)  put this into (i):  x^2 −(((3x)/7))^2 =10  ⇒x=±(√((10×7^2 )/(7^2 −3^2 )))=±(7/2)  y=(1/2)((7/(2x))+x+((3x)/7))  ⇒y=±(1/2)(((7×2)/(2×7))+(7/2)+((3×7)/(7×2)))=±3  z=(1/2)((7/(2x))+x−((3x)/7))  ⇒z=±(1/2)(((7×2)/(2×7))+(7/2)−((3×7)/(7×2)))=±(3/2)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

i only took 1 side of the solution. good  sir


Commented by jagoll last updated on 20/Jan/20

this settlement is good sir. i have  the view according to my  father′s military upbringing  in solving problems to be  fast and on target.


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

my solution is valid generally for any  values of the equations:  (i):       .....=a  (ii):       .....=b  (iii):       .....=c  ⇒x=±(√((a(b+c)^2 )/(4bc)))  ⇒y=(1/2)(((b+c)/(2x))+((2bx)/(b+c)))  ⇒z=(1/2)(((b+c)/(2x))+((2cx)/(b+c)))


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

Wow, God bless you sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/20

absolutely sir!


Answered by MJS last updated on 20/Jan/20

let x=u−v∧y=u+v  (1)  −(2u−z)(2v−z)=10  (2)  (2u−z)(2v+z)=5  (3)  −(2v+z)(2v−z)=2  (1)  v=((2uz−z^2 −10)/(2(2u−z)))  (2)  2(2uz−z^2 −5)=5 ⇒ u=((2z^2 +15)/(4z))  ⇒ v=−(z/6)  (3)  (8/9)z^2 =2 ⇒ z=±(3/2)  ⇒ u=±((13)/4)∧v=∓(1/4)  ⇒ x=±(7/2)∧y=±3


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir


Answered by last updated on 20/Jan/20

s=x+y+z  ⇒ { (((x+y−z)(x+z−y)=10)),(((y+z−x)(y+x−z)=5)),(((z+x−y)(z+y−x)=2)) :}  ⇒ { (((s−2z)(s−2y)=10)),(((s−2x)(s−2z)=5)),(((s−2y)(s−2x)=2)) :}  ⇒(s−2x)(s−2y)(s−2z)=±10  [(s−2x)(10)=±10⇒s−2x=±1  [(s−2y)(5)=±10⇒   s−2y=±2  [(s−2z)(2)=±10⇒    s−2z=±5  ⇒ { ((y+z−x=±1)),((x+z−y=±2)),((x+y−z=±5)) :}⇒x+y+z=s=±8  ⇒ { ((2x=s∓1=±8∓1=±7⇒x=±(7/2))),((2y=s∓2=±8∓2=±6⇒y=±3)),((2z=s∓5=±8∓5=±3⇒z=±(3/2))) :}


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 20/Jan/20

God bless you sir


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