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Question Number 78829 by jagoll last updated on 21/Jan/20

given f(x)=f(x+4) ∀x∈R  and ∫_5 ^7 f(x)dx=p . what is   ∫_2 ^(10) f(x)dx?


Commented by jagoll last updated on 21/Jan/20

i′m solve by mr W   ∫_5 ^7 f(x)dx= ∫_5 ^7 f(x−3)d(x−3) =  ∫_2 ^4 f(x)dx=p  now ∫_2 ^(10) f(x)dx=∫_2 ^4 f(x)dx+∫_4 ^6 f(x)dx+∫_6 ^8 f(x)dx  +∫_8 ^(10) f(x)dx= 4p


Commented by jagoll last updated on 21/Jan/20

mr W  my answer correct?


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

the basic is:  for a periodic function f(x) with  period T, i.e. f(x)=f(x+T), the  integral over a length of T is always  the same, indepedently from the  start point of the integral.  see diagram.  e.g. if the period is 4, i.e. f(x)=f(x+4),  we have  ∫_1 ^5 f(x)dx=∫_3 ^7 f(x)dx=∫_a ^(a+4) f(x)=∫_0 ^4 f(x)dx  we have also  ∫_1 ^(13) f(x)dx=∫_3 ^(15) f(x)dx=∫_a ^(a+12) f(x)=3∫_0 ^4 f(x)dx  etc.  keep in mind: we should alway take  one or more “whole” periods!   e.g. ∫_1 ^4 f(x)dx≠∫_3 ^6 f(x)dx


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

therefore your answer is not correct.  and for a function with period 4, if  only ∫_5 ^7 f(x)dx is given, it′s not possible  to find out ∫_2 ^(10) f(x)dx.


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

∫_5 ^7 f(x)dx= ∫_5 ^7 f(x−4)d(x−4)dx =∫_1 ^3 f(x)dx=p  ∫_5 ^7 f(x)dx≠ ∫_5 ^7 f(x−3)d(x−3)dx ≠∫_2 ^4 f(x)dx    ∫_2 ^(10) f(x)dx=2 ∫_1 ^5 f(x)dx=2(∫_1 ^3 f(x)dx+∫_3 ^5 f(x)dx)  =2(p+∫_3 ^5 f(x)dx)  =2(p+???)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 21/Jan/20

oo i understand sir. because f(x) is periodic  function with periode 4 , so f(x±4) = f(x)  thanks you sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

that′s right!


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