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Question Number 78931 by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

if x+(1/x)=a  find x^n +(1/x^n )=?


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 22/Jan/20

x+(1/x)=a ⇒x^2 +1=ax  ⇒x^2 −ax +1 =0  Δ=a^2 −4 ⇒x_1 =((a+(√(a^2 −4)))/2) and x_2 =((a−(√(a^2 −4)))/2)  case 1 x=x_1  ⇒x^n +(1/x^n ) =(((a+(√(a^2 −4)))/2))^n  +((2/(a+(√(a^2 −4)))))^n   =(1/2^n )(a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n  +2^n (((a−(√(a^2 −4)))/4))^n   =(1/2^n )(a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n  +(1/2^n )(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n   case 2  x =x_2    we get the same value due to x_2 =conj(x_1 )


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/20

thank you sir!  U_n =(1/2^n ){(a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n }  can the term (a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n   be simplified more?  if a∈Q, is slso U_n ∈Q?


Commented by mind is power last updated on 22/Jan/20

yeah a∈Q ,Un∈Q  because   U_(n+1) =aU_n −U_(n−1) ....  U_0 =2,U_1  =a∈Q By indiction  ∀n∈N  ,U_n ∈Q if a∈Z  U_n ∈Z also


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/20

thanks sir!  i think so too. that means in final  U_n =(1/2^n ){(a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n }  the term (√(a^2 −4)) should disappear.  how can the term (a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n   be simplified such that (√(a^2 −4)) disappears?


Commented by mind is power last updated on 22/Jan/20

yeah  (a−b)^n +(a+b)^n   =Σ_(k=0) ^n C_n ^k {a^(n−k) (−b)^k +a^(n−k) b^k }  =Σ_(k=0) ^(E(((n−1)/2))) C_n ^(2k+1) {−a^(n−(2k+1)) b^(2k+1) +a^(n−(2k+1)) b^(2k+1) }+Σ_(k=0) ^(E((n/2))) C_n ^(2k) {a^(n−2k) b^(2k) +a^(n−2k) b^(2k) }  =Σ_(k=0) ^(E((n/2))) 2C_n ^(2k) a^(n−2k) b^(2k)   (a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n ,b=(√(a^2 −4))  we Get  2Σ_(k=0) ^(E((n/2))) C_n ^(2k) a^(n−2k) ((√(a^2 −4)))^(2k)    ifa≥2  =2Σ_(k=0) ^(E((n/2))) C_n ^(2k) a^(n−2k) (a^2 −4)^k


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/20

if a^2 −4<0, i.e. −2<a<2:  a±(√(a^2 −4))=a±(√(4−a^2 ))i=2((a/2)±((√(4−a^2 ))/2)i)  =2[cos (±ϕ)+i sin (±ϕ)] with ϕ=cos^(−1) (a/2)  U_n =(1/2^n ){(a+(√(a^2 −4)))^n +(a−(√(a^2 −4)))^n }  =2 cos (nϕ)  =2 cos (n cos^(−1) (a/2))


Commented by mind is power last updated on 22/Jan/20

nice sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/20

i′m wondering that U_n is always <2 if  a<2 and cos (n cos^(−1) (a/2)) ∈ Q if a∈Q.


Answered by mind is power last updated on 21/Jan/20

let U_n =x^n +(1/x^n )  U_0 =2,U_1 =a  U_(n+1) =(x+(1/x))(x^n +(1/x^n ))−x^(n−1) +(1/x^(n−1) )  U_(n+1) =aU_n +U_(n−1)   ⇒U_(n+1) −aU_n −U_(n−1) =0  X^2 −aX−1=0  ⇒X_1 =((a−(√(a^2 +4)))/2),X_2 ^ =((a+(√(a^2 +4)))/2)  U_n =c(X_1 )^n +b(X_2 )^n   c+b=2  cX_1 +bX_2 =a  (a/2)(c+b)+((√(a^2 +4))/2)(b−c)=a  ⇒b=c  ⇒U_n =(((a−(√(a^2 +4)))/2))^n +(((a+(√(a^2 +4)))/2))^n


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Jan/20

thanks alot sir!  please check typos:  U_(n+1) =aU_n −U_(n−1)   ⇒U_n =(((a−(√(a^2 −4)))/2))^n +(((a+(√(a^2 −4)))/2))^n


Commented by mind is power last updated on 21/Jan/20

yeah Sorry Sir i mack this Typ of error


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