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Question Number 79015 by ajfour last updated on 22/Jan/20

Rigorously over one month′s  time, I developed a formula for  general cubic.  x^3 +ax^2 +bx+c=0  let  x=((pt+q)/(t+1))  pq=m, p+q=s  ________________________  m^2 {(a^2 +b)^2 −6a(ab−c)}  +m{2(b^2 +ac)(a^2 +b)−              3(ab−c)(ab+3c)}     +(b^2 +ac)^2 −6bc(ab−c)=0  ________________________  s=−(2/3){((m(a^2 +b)+b^2 +ac)/(ab−c))}    +{(8/(27))[((m(a^2 +b)+b^2 +ac)/(ab−c))]^3      −8[((m^3 +bm^2 +acm+c^2 )/(ab−c))]}^(1/3)   p,q = (s/2)±(√((s^2 /4)−m))  t=−(((3pq^2 +2apq+ap^2 +2bp+bq+3c))/((p^3 +ap^2 +bp+c)))  x=((pt+q)/(t+1)) .  (Please help checking..)  (edited a digit 1 in place of 4)


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/20

great sir! you did it!  just one question before further  studying:  we get generally two values for m and  s, for each pair of m and s we get  a pair of p and q and one value of t,  and finally a root x. totally we get  two roots. but generally we have three  roots. what did i understand wrongly?


Commented by MJS last updated on 22/Jan/20

doesn′t work for  x^3 +3x^2 −13x−15=0  with x_1 =−5, x_2 =−1, x_3 =3  your method gives depending on the choice  of p and q [t is not symmetric in p, q; so we  have to decide p=(s/2)+... or p=(s/2)−...]  x≈.172±.763 or x≈−1.43±2.53  btw. in this case m∉R


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Jan/20

its not at all good! but just now  i had been modifying the  Cardano formula, first let me  confirm and i shall post then..


Commented by TawaTawa last updated on 23/Jan/20

Weldone sir


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