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Question Number 79697 by ajfour last updated on 27/Jan/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 27/Jan/20

Find coordinates of A,B,C if  each coloured regions I→IV  have the same area.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 27/Jan/20

let  A(a,0) , B(b,b^2 ) , C(0,c)  eq. of AC is    y=−(c/a)x+c  intersection with parabola say  at P(h,h^2 ).    h^2 +((ch)/a)=c  h^2 +((ch)/a)−c=0  h=−(c/a)+(√((c^2 /a^2 )+c))  Area A_4 =(h^3 /3)+((h^2 (a−h))/2)     ....(i)  A_1 =(h/2)(h^2 +c)−(h^3 /3)            ....(ii)  A_1 +A_2 =(b/2)(c+b^2 )−(b^3 /3)    ....(iii)  A_3 +A_4 =(b^3 /3)+((b^2 (a−b))/2)      ....(iv)  _________________________  c=ab−((2b^2 )/3)  c=((ah)/2)−(h^2 /3)  c=(h^2 /(1−(h/a)))  c=((2ah^2 −ab^2 )/(b−2h))  ⇒   ((ah)/2)−(h^2 /3)=(h^2 /(1−(h/a)))  ⇒   (1−(h/a))((a/2)−(h/3))=h  (h^2 /(3a))−((11h)/6)+(a/2)=0  2h^2 −11ah+3a^2 =0  (h/a)=((11)/4)−((√(109))/4) = k  ⇒  h=ka  c=(h^2 /(1−(h/a))) = ((k^2 a^2 )/(1−k))  c=((2ah^2 −ab^2 )/(b−2h))  ⇒    ((k^2 a^2 )/(1−k))=((2k^2 a^3 −ab^2 )/(b−2ka))  ⇒  ((k^2 a)/(1−k))=((2k^2 a^2 −b^2 )/(b−2ka))  ((k^2 /(1−k)))((b/a)−2k)=2k^2 −((b/a))^2   ((b/a))^2 +((k^2 /(1−k)))(b/a)−((2k^2 )/(1−k))=0  ..(I)  c=ab−((2b^2 )/3)  ⇒   ((k^2 a^2 )/(1−k))=ab−((2b^2 )/3)  (k^2 /(1−k))=(b/a)−(2/3)((b/a))^2      ((b/a))^2 −(3/2)((b/a))+((3k^2 )/(2(1−k))) = 0                                                     .....(II)  ....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 27/Jan/20

I just have to check, seems  sure, that they′ll conflict..


Answered by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

A(a,0)  C(0,c)  B(b,b^2 )  intersection of AC with parabola at  P(h,h^2 )  let eqn. of AC be y=h^2 −m(x−h)  0=h^2 −m(a−h)  ⇒a=(h^2 /m)+h  c=h^2 −m(0−h)  ⇒c=h^2 +mh  A_(IV) =(h^3 /3)+((h^2 (a−h))/2)=(h^3 /3)+(h^4 /(2m))=h^3 ((1/3)+(h/(2m)))  A_I =((2h^3 )/3)+((h(c−h^2 ))/2)=((2h^3 )/3)+((mh^2 )/2)=h^2 (((2h)/3)+(m/2))  A_I =A_(IV)   h^3 ((1/3)+(h/(2m)))=h^2 (((2h)/3)+(m/2))    ⇒3m^2 +2hm−3h^2 =0   ...(i)  we get  ⇒m=((((√(10))−1)h)/3)=μh with μ=(((√(10))−1)/3)  A_(III+IV) =(b^3 /3)+((b^2 (a−b))/2)=(b^3 /3)+((b^2 ((h^2 /m)+h−b))/2)=((b^2 (h+m)h)/(2m))−(b^3 /6)  A_(I+II) =((2b^3 )/3)−((b(b^2 −c))/2)=((2b^3 )/3)−((b(b^2 −h^2 −mh))/2)    A_(I+II) =A_(III+IV)   ((2b^3 )/3)−((b(b^2 −h^2 −mh))/2)=((b^2 (h+m)h)/(2m))−(b^3 /6)  ⇒2mb^2 −3h(h+m)b+3hm(h+m)=0   ...(ii)  we get  ⇒b=((3h(h+m)+(√(3h(h+m)(3h^2 +3hm−8m^2 ))))/(4m))  ⇒(b/h)=((3(1+μ)+(√(3(1+μ)(3+3μ−8μ^2 ))))/(4μ))  ⇒(b/h)=1+((√(10))/2)≈2.581139    A_(III) =A_(IV)  ⇒ A_(III+IV) =2A_(IV)   ((b^2 (h+m)h)/(2m))−(b^3 /6)=2h^3 ((1/3)+(h/(2m)))  ⇒mb^3 −3h(h+m)b^2 +2h^3 (2m+3h)=0   ...(iii)  ⇒((b/h))^3 −3(1+(1/μ))((b/h))^2 +2(2+(3/μ))=0  ⇒((b/h))^3 −(4+(√(10)))((b/h))^2 +2(3+(√(10)))=0  we get  ⇒(b/h)= (3 solutions, too long to write)  ⇒(b/h)≈−1.213066, 1.471654, 6.903689    since the solution for b from (ii) is  in contradiction with solutions from  (iii), we must conclude that the  question has no solution, i.e. there  are no points A,B,C  which fulfill   A_I =A_(II) =A_(III) =A_(IV) .


Commented by john santu last updated on 27/Jan/20

AC : cx + ay = ac


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

for AC i use the equation in form of  y=h^2 −m(x−h).  it goes through point P(h,h^2 ) [the same  as D(d,d^2 ) in your workings] and has  the inclination −m.  such that A_I =A_(IV)  we have  m=((((√(10))−1)h)/3).


Commented by ajfour last updated on 28/Jan/20

unfortunately a no solution  question, thanks for  attempting sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

but it′s again a very challenging   question whose solution is not so  obvious at first glance. one can really  learn through such questions.  therefore thanks alot sir!


Commented by john santu last updated on 28/Jan/20

this case closed?


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

here more explanation why there is  no solution for this question.    for every point P(h,h^2 ) we can find  point A(a,0) and C(0,c) such that  A_I =A_(IV)  when  a=(1+(1/μ))h and c=(1+μ)h^2 .  with μ=(((√(10))−1)/3)=constant.    for every point P(h,h^2 ) we can find  one point B, say B_1 (b_1 ,b_1 ^2 ), such that  A_(II) =A_(III)  when  b_1 =2.581139h (exact value possible)    for every point P(h,h^2 ) we can find  two points B, say B_2 (b_2 ,b_2 ^2 ) and  B_3 (b_3 ,b_3 ^2 ), such that  A_(III) =A_(IV)   when  b_2 =1.471654h (exact value possible)  b_3 =6.903689h (exact value possible)    we see that we can not select the  point P, i.e. find a value for h such  that B_1  coincides with B_2  or B_3 ,  that means it′s impossible to get  A_I =A_(II) =A_(III) =A_(IV)  .


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Jan/20

to me the case is clear and closed.


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