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Question Number 80448 by mind is power last updated on 03/Feb/20

Hello All of You verry Nice Day, God bless You love peace and   happiness   Solve for (x,y)∈R^2     { ((x^2 +y^2 =2x+3y+1)),((x^4 +y^4 =4x^2 +9y^2 +12xy+2x^2 y^2 +18)) :}


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Feb/20

thank you sir! the same to you!


Commented by john santu last updated on 03/Feb/20

x^4 +y^4 =(x^2 +y^2 )^2 −2x^2 y^2   (2x+3y+1)^2 −2x^2 y^2 =4x^2 +9y^2 +12xy+2x^2 y^2 +18  4x^2 +9y^2 +1+2(6xy+2x+3y)−2x^2 y^2 =  4x^2 +9y^2 +12xy+2x^2 y^2 +18  1+4x+6y−2x^2 y^2 =2x^2 y^2 +18  4x^2 y^2 −4x−6y+17=0  4x^2 y^2 −2(2x+3y)+17=0  4x^2 y^2 −2(x^2 +y^2 −1)+17=0  2(x^2 +y^2 )−4x^2 y^2 −19=0  let x^2  = t , y^2 =p   2(t+p)−4tp−19=0  next...


Commented by jagoll last updated on 03/Feb/20

to be continue


Answered by MJS last updated on 03/Feb/20

let x=u−v∧y=u+v   { ((2u^2 +2v^2 =5u+v+1)),((2u^4 +12u^2 v^2 +2v^4 =2u^4 −4u^2 v^2 +2v^4 +25u^2 +10uv+v^2 +18)) :}   { ((2u^2 +2v^2 −5u−v−1=0)),((16u^2 v^2 −25u^2 −10uv−v^2 −18=0)) :}   { ((v^2 −(v/2)+((2u^2 −5u−1)/2)=0)),((v^2 −((10u)/(16u^2 −1))v−((25u^2 +18)/(16u^2 −1))=0)) :}  subtracting (1) − (2) and solving for v leads to  v=((32u^4 −80u^3 +32u^2 +5u+37)/(16u^2 −20u−1))  inserting in (1) or (2) leads to a polynome of  8^(th)  degree for u I can only solve approximately  ⇒  (all rounded to 6 significant digits)  x_1 =−.184612  y_1 =3.18722  x_2 =.323632  y_2 =3.44744  x_(3, 4) =−1.37362±.450762i  y_(3, 4) =.705266∓1.34628i  x_(5, 6) =.618559±1.80074  y_(5, 6) =−1.22229∓.252316i  x_(7, 8) =2.68555±.324293i  y_(7, 8) =.199692±.420370i  these solutions give the folliwing polynomes:  x^8 −4x^7 +2x^6 +6x^5 −16x^4 +15x^3 +((109)/2)x^2 −((17)/2)x−((53)/(16))=0  y^8 −6y^7 +7y^6 +9y^5 −((37)/2)y^4 +((45)/2)y^3 +((123)/4)y^2 −((51)/4)y+((137)/(16))=0


Commented by mind is power last updated on 04/Feb/20

thank You Sir nice Worck


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