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Question Number 80830 by jagoll last updated on 07/Feb/20

given A a square matrix non  singular A≠ I.  find A such that A^3  = I


Answered by ~blr237~ last updated on 07/Feb/20

M=diag(1,j,j^− )  with  j=[1,−((2π)/3)]  the problem will be a little difficult if we   want a matrix with reals factors   in this case : let f the linear application related to A  A^3 −I=0 ⇔ f^3 −id=(f−id)○(f^2 +f+id)=0^∼      then     Im(f^2 +f+id)⊆ker(f−id)    if we want a 2−square matrix , as A≠I we will have ker(f−id)={0}   cause if not  π(f)(x)=(x−1)(x−a) with a  another real (that can be equal to 1)  but as  π(f)(x) should divide (x^3 −1)  that show a is not real : absurd  So   Im(f^2 +f+id)={0} then  f^2 +f+id=0^∼    using  x^2 +x+1=(3/4)[(((2x+1)/(√3)))^2 +1]  we got (((2f+id)/(√3)))^2 +id=0^∼   ( now we just have to find 2−square matrix such as B^2 =−I )  and we already have  i≅anti diag(1,−1) and −i≅anti diag(−1,1)  so f can be  A=  { ((diag(((−1)/2),−(1/2)))),((anti diag(((√3)/2) ,−((√3)/2)))) :}   if we want A a 3−square matrix   ( so  degree(π(f))=3  and it divide x^3 −1   then  π(f)(x)=(x−1)(x^2 +x+1)   now  theorem of decomposition allow that  ker(f−id)⊕ker(f^2 +f+id)=E and the are each of them steady   let assumed that ker(f−id)=<u> and ker(f^2 +f+id)=<v,w>  B=(u,v,w) is a base of E   such as f(ker(f^2 +f+id))⊆ker(f^2 +f+id)  there exist (a,b,c,d)∈R_∗ ^4  such as  { ((f(v)=av+bw)),((f(w)=cv+dw)) :}  that show the matrix M of the restriction of f on ker(f^2 +f+id)  and we know that it  distinctive polynomial can be π′(f)(x)=x^2 −trMx+detM   secondly  the theorem of decomposition tell us that π′(f)=x^2 +x+1   so by unicity  trM=det=−1   then    { ((a+d=−1)),((ad−bc=−1)) :}  now just choose your value   we can take  a=d=−(1/2) , then bc=(5/4) , b=5 and c=(1/4)   finaly   in the base B you will got a matrix A such as  f(u)=u  ; f(v)=−(v/2)+5w ;f(w)=(v/4)−(w/2)


Commented by jagoll last updated on 07/Feb/20

thank you mister


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