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Question Number 81165 by abdomathmax last updated on 09/Feb/20

let f(x)=(1/(x^2 −2(cosθ)x +1))  1) calculate f^((n)) (x)  2) find ∫_0 ^∞  f(x)dx  3) find ∫_0 ^∞  f^((n)) (x)dx


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Feb/20

1)let solve x^2 −2cosθ)x +1=0 →Δ^′ =cos^2 x−1=−sin^2 x ⇒  x_1 =cosθ +isinθ  =e^(iθ)  and x_2 =cosθ−isinθ =e^(−iθ)   f(x)=(1/((x−e^(iθ) )(x−e^(−iθ) ))) =(1/(2isinθ))((1/(x−e^(iθ) ))−(1/(x−e^(−iθ) )))  (if θ ≠kπ)  ⇒f^((n)) (x)=(1/(2isinθ)){  (((−1)^n n!)/((x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) ))−(((−1)^n n!)/((x−e^(−iθ) )^(n+1) ))}  =(((−1)^n n!)/(2isinθ)){(((x−e^(−iθ) )^(n+1) −(x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) )/((x^2 −2cosθ +1)^(n+1) ))}  =(((−1)^(n+1) n!)/(2isinθ)){((2iIm((x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) ))/((x^2 −2cosθ +1)^(n+1) ))} ⇒  f^((n)) (x)=(((−1)^(n+1) n! ×Im((x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) ))/(sinθ(x^2 −2cosθ +1)^(n+1) ))


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Feb/20

2) if θ=kπ ⇒f(x)=(1/((x+^− 1)^2 )) ⇒∫ f(x)dx=−(1/(x+^− 1)) +c  if θ≠kπ ⇒∫_0 ^∞   f(x)dx =∫_0 ^∞   (dx/(x^2 −2cosθ x +cos^2 θ +sin^2 θ))


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Feb/20

∫_0 ^∞ f(x)dx=∫_0 ^∞   (dx/((x−cosθ)^2  +sin^2 θ))  =_(x−cosθ =∣sinθ∣u)     ∫_(−((cosθ)/(∣sinθ∣))) ^(+∞)   (1/(sin^2 θ(1+u^2 )))∣sinθ∣ du  =(1/(∣sinθ∣)) [arctanu]_(−((cosθ)/(∣sinθ∣))) ^(+∞)  =(1/(∣sinθ∣)){(π/2) +arctan(((cosθ)/(∣sinθ∣)))} ⇒  if sinθ>0 ⇒∫_0 ^∞ f(x)dx=(1/(sinθ)){(π/2) +arctan((1/(tanθ)))}  =(1/(sinθ)){π−θ}  if sinθ<0 ⇒∫_0 ^∞ f(xdx=−(1/(sinθ)){(π/2)−arctan((1/(tanθ)))}  =−(1/(sinθ)){(π/2)−(−(π/2) −θ)} =−(1/(sinθ)){π +θ}


Answered by mind is power last updated on 09/Feb/20

x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1=(x−e^(iθ) )(x−e^(−iθ) )  f(x)=(1/(2isin(θ))).(1/(x−e^(iθ) ))−(1/(2isin(θ))).(1/(x−e^(−iθ) ))  f(x)=2Re((1/(2i.sin(θ)(x−e^(iθ) ))))  g(x)=(1/(x−e^(iθ) )).(1/(2isin(θ)))  f^n =2Re(g^n (x))  g^n (x)=(((−1)^n n!.)/((x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) )).(1/(2isin(θ)))  f(x)=2Re((((−1)^n n!)/((x−e^(iθ) )^(n+1) )).(1/(2isin(θ))))  =(−1)^n n! Re{(((x−e^(−iθ) )^(n+1) )/((x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1)^(n+1) )).(1/(2isin(θ)))}  x−e^(−iθ)   =x−cos(θ)+isin(θ)  =(√(x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1)).(((x−cos(θ))/(√(x^2 −2xcos(θ)+1)))+((isin(θ))/(√(x^2 −2xcos(θ)+1))))    =(√(x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1)).e^(i(kπ+arctan(((sin(θ))/(x−cos(θ)))))) ,k∈{−1,0,1}  =(−1)^n n!((sin((n+1){kπ+arctan(((sin(θ))/(x−sin(θ))))}))/((x^2 −2xcos(θ)+1)^((n+1)/2) sin(θ)))  may bee error of calculus  2)(x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1)=(x−cos(θ))^2 +sin^2 (θ)  =sin^2 (θ)(((x/(sin(θ)))−cot(θ))^2 +1)  ∫(dx/((x^2 −2cos(θ)x+1)))=∫(dx/(sin^2 (θ)(((x/(sin(θ)))−cot(θ))^2 +1)))  ∀θ∈]0,2π[ ∣sin(θ)≠0  if sin(θ)=0⇒cos(θ)∈{−1,1}  since f(−x)=x^2 −2xcos(θ)+1⇒cos(θ)=1 is ennough  to find f(x),  ⇒f(x)=(1/((x−1)^2 )) not integrable over IR_+   ⇒θ≠0  θ=π⇒f(x)=(1/((x+1)^2 ))  ⇒∫_0 ^(+∞) (dx/((1+x)^2 ))=1  ∀θ∈[0,2π[−{0,π}  f(x)=(1/(sin^2 (θ){((x/(sin(θ)))−cot(θ))^2 +1}))  ∫_0 ^(+∞) f(x)dx=(1/(sin(θ)))[arctan((x/(sin(θ)))−cot(θ))]_0 ^(+∞)   if θ∈]0,π[  f(x)=(1/(sin(θ))){(π/2)+arctan(cot(θ))}  =(1/(sin(θ))){π−θ}  if θ∈]π,2π[  f(x)=(1/(sin(θ))){−(π/2)+arctan(cot(θ))}  =(1/(sin(θ))){−(π/2)+arctan(cot(π+(θ−π))}  =(1/(sin(θ))){−(π/2)+arctan(cot(θ−π))}=(1/(sin(θ))){−(π/2)+arctan(tan(((3π)/2)−θ))  =(1/(sin(θ))){−(π/2)+((3π)/2)−θ}=(1/(sin(θ)))(π−θ)  ⇒∫_0 ^(+∞) f(x)dx=((π−θ)/(sin(θ))),θ∈[0,2π]−{0,π}  θ=π⇒f(x)=1  we can see that  lim_(x→π) ((π−θ)/(sin(θ)))=−(1/(cos(π)))=1     3 ∀n≥2 =lim_(x→∞) f^(n−1) (x)−f^(n−1) (0)


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Feb/20

thank you sir.


Commented by mind is power last updated on 10/Feb/20

withe pleasur sir


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