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Question Number 81242 by panky0214 last updated on 10/Feb/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/20

i got maximum=((120)/(49))≈2.45


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/20

is the answer correct?


Commented by panky0214 last updated on 10/Feb/20

im sorry dont have the answer


Answered by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/20

we have ten men, their names are  cos x_k  (k=1,2,...,10), or M_k  for short.  each of them can carry a number from  −1 to +1.  the sum of these numbers is zero. if  n men carry positive numbers whose  sum is T, then the other 10−n men  carry negative numbers whose sum  is −T.  Σ_(k=1) ^n M_k =T  Σ_(k=n+1) ^(10) M_k =−T  now the numbers will be cubed. the  positive numbers remain positive  and the negative numbers remain  negative. the sum of all is S.  S=Σ_(k=1) ^(10) cos^3  x_k =S_P +S_N   S_P =Σ_(k=1) ^n cos^3  x_k =Σ_(k=1) ^n M_k ^3   S_N =Σ_(k=n+1) ^(10) cos^3  x_k =Σ_(k=n+1) ^(10) M_k ^3   such that S is maximum, S_P  should  be as great as possible and S_N  as small  as possible.  since Σ_(k=1) ^n M_k =T, the maximum of    Σ_(k=1) ^n M_k ^3  is when M_k  are equal and =(T/n).  S_(P,max) =n((T/n))^3   similarly  S_(N,min) =−(10−n)((T/(10−n)))^3   ⇒S_(max) =n((T/n))^3 −(10−n)((T/(10−n)))^3   let T=np with p≤1  ⇒S_(max) =n[1−(n^2 /((10−n)^2 ))]p^3   we see p=1 makes S_(max)  maximum.  ⇒S_(max) =n[1−(n^2 /((10−n)^2 ))]  n=3 makes S_(max)  maximum.  ⇒S_(max) =3[1−(3^2 /7^2 )]=((120)/(49))≈2.45  that means Σ_(k=1) ^(10) cos^3  x_k  reaches its  maximum ((120)/(49)) when three from cos x_k   take the value 1 for each and the other  seven take −(3/7) for each.


Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Feb/20

if we had 100 times cos x_k , then  ⇒S_(max) =n[1−(n^2 /((100−n)^2 ))] with n=33  ⇒S_(max) =33[1−((33^2 )/(67^2 ))]=((112200)/(4489))≈24.994


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